If you are the King

           “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!”
                           —Luke 23.37

Christians like to talk of being saved,
but destroy the meaning
when they talk about “getting saved,”
like it’s something you can do.
Listen. If you’re drowning, saving yourself isn’t getting saved;
it’s just swimming.
The definition of being saved is being rescued
by someone when you yourself couldn’t do it.
We are all saved, even Jesus:
given life we can’t create, given grace we can’t control,
given love that can’t be earned, forgiveness that is not deserved.
Even giving your life to Jesus doesn’t get you saved.
God saves you. Even when you can’t swim to Jesus.
God rescues us from our separation from God
by being one with us even when we separate ourselves.
God rescues us from our selfishness
by giving us the love we didn’t have.
God makes of our lives what we can’t on our own.
We are all saved. Rescued. Salvaged.

Jesus does not ask us to be saved.
Only to trust God and love our neighbors.
Not because we can get saved, but because we are saved.

The One who shows me that miracle
is indeed the one who rules my heart.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

An honorable taunt

           “He saved others; let him save himself!”
                           —Luke 23.35

They meant it as a taunt,
but it is the emblem of love:
that one cares for others more than oneself.

It is Christ’s refutation of selfishness,
of violence, of capitalism,
of systems of privilege and exclusion.

Pray that the world may ridicule you
because you are
so loving.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

Only love

           The people stood by, watching;
           but the leaders scoffed at him, saying,
           “He saved others; let him save himself
           if he is the Messiah of God, God’s chosen one!”
           The soldiers also mocked him,
           coming up and offering him sour wine,
           and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!”
                           —Luke 23.35-37

No matter how imperious we are
in our judgments, how absolute in our violence,
we are wrong.
No matter how it is scorned,
love reigns supreme.
Despite how it is desecrated,
holiness endures.
Though it is maligned and violated,
the mercy of God prevails.
No matter how we object,
grace is the foundation of the world.
Regardless of how cruelly you are treated,
you, Beloved, are still the chief of our hearts.

We are still eating of the tree,
still convinced we know good and evil,
though we do not.

The cross and the empty grave
are when God calls bullshit
on all our judgments and violence.

No matter what we insist,
or how strongly,
only love is right.
Only love reigns supreme.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

For those who sacrificed

For those who have given of themselves
I give thanks, and pray that I too may be so giving.
For those who have risked I give thanks,
and pray that I too may be so courageous.
For those who have sacrificed I give thanks,
and pray that I to may live not for myself
but for others, not just for my own,
my family, my kind, my country—
but for all others, in gratitude for all—
strangers, all—who have given so much for me;
because we are all woven in one web of care,
one body, one life.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

My power

           The Holy One is my strength and my might;
           God has become my salvation. 

                           —Ps. 118.14

I have no power.
I can’t change the world,
         even my little part of it.
I have no power.

But God does.
Love is the electricity;
        I am the wire.
Touch the world
         and the electricity flows.
Touch the world where it hurts
         and healing can happen.
Touch the dark places
         and light emerges.

But I have no power.
I am only the wire.
God is the power. 

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Categorized as Reflections

The name you bear

           You will be hated by all because of my name.
           But not a hair of your head will perish. 
           By your endurance you will gain your souls

                           —Luke 21.17-19

Though the land go dry or the oceans rise
           you are in the arms of the Beloved. 
Though times my seethe and the air swirl with shouting
           you are being held.  
Though people around you may be angry or in a panic
           the One who holds you is at peace.
Though people speak ill of you
           the name you bear is mercy.
Though the streets may flow with hate
           your heart is suffused with love.
Though people hurl fear at you
           your soul will not be harmed.
Though you be threatened 
           you will not perish.
Nothing can prevent
           your courageous love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Today I choose

Today I bear witness to grace.
Today I practice kindness.
Today I choose love over fear.
Today I am not afraid to be generous.
Today I belong to the whole world,
       not merely a portion of it.
No matter what others around me choose,
       today I choose to live in peace.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Opportunity to testify

           “As for these things that you see,
           the days will come
           when not one stone will be left upon another;
           all will be thrown down.”
                           —Luke 21.6

On the eve of a precipitous election
I hear these words with renewed attention.
The destruction of the temple. A changed world.
A dangerous world. The loss of what we count on.
“Wars and insurrections…nation against nation..
arrest and persecution…” “This,” Jesus says,
“will give you an opportunity to testify.”
When things get dark and dangerous
we shine with light. We speak the truth.
We embody resurrection. We bear witness.
Not just with slogans, but with our lives.
Lives lived in subversive love,
with traitorous gentleness and radical courage
in countercultural forgiveness and illegal mercy.
The Empires of this world will always oppose
the Empire of God. Always. But our true belonging,
is in that Realm of Love; and it is eternal.
In the spirit of the Crucified and Risen One,
who is with us always,
we will persist.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Pray for the bad guys

           Bless those who curse you,
           pray for those who abuse you.

                           —Luke 6.28

The more monstrous a person’s evil,
the more evil their monsters,
and the more unable they are to overcome them.
They need you.
They need you to stand beside them and pray
as they can’t, pray for their redemption.
If you want peace in the world,
if you want justice for all the oppressed,
for the abused and enslaved and trafficked,
then you want most of all
the redemption of all wrongdoers.
God’s great justice is not revenge.
That’s too cheap, too human, too small.
No, God’s justice is actual harmony
and fullness of life for everybody.
Not payback, that endless loop,
but transformation (which is harder).
Pray for the bad guys,
even the tyrants and torturers, that with love
God will wrench them out of their hell
and deliver us all.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light www.unfoldinglight.net

Perfect your love

           Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
           bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
           Love your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return.
           Your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High;
           for God is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
           Be merciful, just as your Mother-Father is merciful.

                           —Luke 6. 27-28, 35-36

Cleanse us, O God,
of our errant thoughts (our vain projections)
that your love is in payment of deserving,
that your payback is anything but love.
Holy One, you who love your enemies fully,
deliver us from our fears
that you love only as humans do:
sometimes and incompletely,
diluted with glory and being right.
O God, you who are kind to the wicked,
forgive us for our lack of faith
in your perfect, absolute, unconditional love.
God, you who love and love only,
you who are love and love only,
help us to love,
to love without teaching lessons or getting even,
to love without getting it right and to love anyway.
Purge us of our choosy love.
May your love be in us, not our love, but yours.
Merciful One, perfect your love in us.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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