Out of the boat

           “Boss, if it is you,
           command me to come to you on the water.”

                           —Matthew 14.28

You know you’re following the real Jesus,
not something made up,
if he calls you so strongly
that it’s actually you who’s doing the calling,
calling you out of where you are,
out of what’s familiar,
out of your safe place,
out of your religion.
All the way out,
with no wooden doctrine to steady you,
no religious flotation device.
No safety from ambiguity or mystery or doubt,
no protection from the impossible,
no certainty, just trust.
Just Jesus.
Just love that’s steady, untroubled,
even amid thrashing nightmares.
So you go.

Once you’ve been there
the boat is never the same.
Nor are you.

Passing by lepers,
you hear the voice again.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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