Word made flesh

           And the Word became flesh
           and lived among us.

                         —John 1.14

The mystery of the Incarnation
is not merely a baby born once upon a time,
but that it is the nature of God’s Word
to become real in our world.

The Word isn’t a thing,
hanging by itself out in space,
but a Word to us, with us,
a conversation, a presence,
living with us, in the flesh.

All flesh is God’s Word made flesh.
We love all people because they are all
bits of God.
We have hope in hard times
because everything has God in it.

The Word isn’t an idea you can understand.
It’s a presence you can trust.

Like shepherds stumbling to the manger
we are always coming to meet God,
always standing before the holy,
always silenced in the presence
of the love that encompasses us,
that holds us in real arms of flesh
that are the whole world.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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