Independence Day

Let’s make today true Independence Day,
not merely to congratulate ourselves,
but to practice independence,
to set ourselves free
from cultural, political and religious expectations,
and instead be true to ourselves,
and radically free with God.

Let’s make it Inter-Independence Day;
for none of us is a separate planet;
we are all woven together, races and creeds,
nations and continents and colors and flavors,
in one living community.

Let’s make it not just our own Independence Day,
for the freedom we cherish is still sought by many.
Let’s repent of the ways we ourselves oppress others 
and comply with systems that oppress.

Let’s make it Anti-Domination Day
for those who have less liberty:
for only by offering freedom to others
are we truly free. 

Let’s make it Responsibility Day;
for liberty isn’t guarded by soldiers:
it’s exercised by taking part,
and, by our actions, making this
a nation of liberty and justice for all. 

Steve Garnaas-Holmes 
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


             He could do no deed of power there….
             And he was amazed at their unbelief. 
                            —Mark 6.5-6

Sometimes you mess up. Sure.
But sometimes when you fail
the failure is not yours.
Not everyone is ready to receive what you offer.
Let it go.

We’re called to be in conversation
with a hurting world;
sometimes the hurt
impedes the conversation. 

You are a vessel for grace;
sometimes even mercy
can be hard medicine to swallow.
Forgive them for it.

For those who need mercy: mercy.
For those who refuse mercy: mercy.
For you who can’t convey mercy: mercy. 

Steve Garnaas-Holmes 
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Authority over demons

             He called the twelve
             and began to send them out two by two,
             and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.
                            —Mark 6.7

Beware the temptation to imagine
we must be given magical powers of exorcism.
We are given love.

The demons that plague this world
are not fantastical creatures with shadowy malice and twisted powers.
An “unclean spirit” is simply the fear of being unacceptable:
fear of powerlessness, fear of being oneself,
fear of not being enough, of not belonging, not deserving God.
These are the demons, and nothing more ominous or frightening,
that haunt even the greatest tyrant.

The love we are given
is stronger than all demons, though often slower to work.
Love overcomes fear and loneliness,
exorcises the anxiety of not belonging,
sets people free from torment,
free to join the giving-and-receiving of life.
It’s a slow, gentle medicine. But powerful.

We are given patience in the face of challenge,
courage in the face of injustice,
gentleness in the face of violence.
Authority over unclean spirits

Go out into this hurting world, and know
you are given a power greater than the demons of pain and fear.
Go with gentle courage. Go with love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


In the green light of the trees’ stained glass windows
the ferns open the pages of their psalmody.
Patches of sun dance around on the ground.
The breeze talks to itself, ambling through the woods.
On the pond dragonflies move around, organizing things.
It’s a perfect summer day.

Tomorrow it will rain.
Soon enough the ferns will brown.
The time will come when the leaves go into the ground.
The time will come when I go into the ground.
But today is warm and calm. I am here.

In the evening I go out again.
In the clearing fireflies appear and disappear,
not in constant neon glare,
but little



Weather Report

as the high pressure front
of this day
occludes the future
and evaporates the past,
precipitating into moments.
Showers of Presence,
beginning early morning
and continuing throughout the day.
50% chance of wonder.
Your call.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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