
Wise one,
        you who have come far,

attend to that yearning within you
        that is given, as if from above.

Do not cease following that star,
        whose light you have seen at his rising.

It will shine in all darkness,
        and no darkness will overcome it.

Let no other glitter distract you,
        no tiresome journey dissuade you.

Fearful powers will try
        to make use of your pilgrimage.

Do not cooperate.
        Follow love alone.

In that light
        you will find the child, always.

You will kneel in unfamiliar places,
        you will uncover gifts.

And you will continue to journey, to search,
        to look with love-lit vision.

Under that star
        there will always be home,

always another road,
        and you will never travel alone.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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