Prayer of peace

God, when I close my eyes to this world
         may your presence nudge me awake.
When I am weary and ready to quit,
         your passion for this world energize me.
When I am hopeless, your gaze raise me up.
         When I am afraid, your love enfold me.
When I am angry and want to blame,
         your kindness sweep me off my feet.
When I am bitter and ready to fight,
         your forgiveness quiet me.
When I find myself in a land of sorrow,
         your presence accompany me.
When I am broken and I despair,
         your delight make me whole.
God of grace, as you send me into this world
         may your hope live in me, your love, your joy.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 22, 2019

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