They make it look easy

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

Olympic athletes do impossible things with mind-boggling grace. One of the American gymnasts said to another before her routine, “Do normal.” What for most of us is unimaginably exceptional is for them just normal. Olympic athletes win medals without even doing their personal best; they look relaxed setting world records; they look smooth even on sticks instead of feet…. We hear it a lot: they make it look easy. Except for the weightlifters. They do not make it look easy.

Of course none of it is easy. They train; they discipline themselves; they decide that the pain is worth the gain. As they improve they’re awkward and incapable and they fail a lot. We just don’t see that part. We see the finished performance, not the effort it takes to get there.

We all make things look easy that are not easy for everybody: speaking in public, or being self-confident, being happy, believing in God, trusting others, walking into a church. Sometimes it’s even basic skills like walking, saying a sentence, following a conversation, not being afraid of everybody, not being violent. Some people make surviving abuse or enduring poverty or experiencing hate or discrimination look easy. But it’s not always easy. We notice the performance but we don’t always see the practice, the pain, the sacrifices, the effort, the failures, the doubts, the difficulty.

Be gentle with everyone you meet. You have no idea what struggles they endure to do what may seem easy. You have no clue what discipline, what pain they may have to accept to survive, to appear “normal.”

You can’t know everyone’s struggle, but you can honor it. You can’t see everyone’s pain but you can be gentle. You can think highly of everyone even if they’ve learned to make how they live look easy. You can be forgiving; you can be encouraging and not judging; you can give people room to fail and improve; you can free people from your own expectations and projections. You can be so loving, in fact, that though it’s apparently hard for others for you it’s just normal. It won’t be easy, but with discipline you can do it. Be so loving that you make it look easy.

Deep Blessings,

Pastor Steve


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
There’s life on Mars! Well, not exactly. On Monday NASA just successfully landed another rover on Mars. Its name is Curiosity. It worked through a grueling, complicated landing procedure worthy of the most insane Olympic gymnast, and it’s already begun poking around. There isn’t exactly life on Mars, but there is curiosity, and that’s definitely the stuff of life.

Curiosity is not only the heart of science; it’s also the heart of spirituality: to deepen and expand our awareness, to see the world and ourselves clearly and to say Yes to what is. We are curious about God, to know God more deeply; we are curious about the world, how it is and how we belong in it; we are curious about ourselves and how we work and who we are and what God creates us to be.

If we are truly curious we are open to whatever we may find. We work continually to identify and overcome our political, religious, psychological and emotional prejudices in order to see more clearly. We accept that we will have to change our assumptions and beliefs. We look at God, and don’t turn away just because it’s too mysterious to comprehend. Sometimes we come to see God in a new way. We look at our sin and don’t turn off the lights when we see stuff we’re ashamed of. We look at the world, and don’t back away from the beauty or the evil or the suffering or the wonder. We explore our human life together, and we don’t close our eyes to reality. We are curious about each moment, curious to see what is, not just what we expect or want.

For those who live in fear, “belief” can mean defiantly clinging to a cherished notion regardless of the evidence. But my belief is that God is in everything, and that everything is evidence of grace. I seek to be open to what is—whatever I find— trusting that God is creating a wonderful world, trusting that God will be there and that truth will be full of grace. I seek to live in the full depth of curiosity, which is unceasing wonder and love.

Meanwhile, there is life on Mars—a little of my life, a bit of our human character. Go, Curiosity!
Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Prayer on August 6

         August 6, 1945: the bombing of Hiroshima

God of Mercy, forgive us.
For our willingness for others to suffer for our sake,
for our abuse of power,
for our denial of our own capacity for evil,
forgive us.

Lord, have mercy.

For all those whom we have hurt, willingly or unknowingly,
for all those who suffer because of us,
for those whom we have treated as enemies,
we pray for your healing.

Christ, have mercy.

For humility, self-awareness and gratitude,
for wisdom, courage and compassion,
and that we may be people of mercy and justice,
we open our hearts.

Lord, have mercy.

For the sake of the mending of the world,
that we may love lour enemies
and do good to those whom we judge,
and that we may become your gentle, strong people,
we pray in the power of your Spirit.

Grant us your peace.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

A Psalm prayer after Ps. 51

O Beloved, have mercy on me.

Do away with the person I play.
Gently strip me of the lies I wear;
wash off all the makeup.

Heal me of my fear.
Restore me to my truest self,
the one you love.

Re-create me from the inside out.
Make me the flesh of your presence.

When I open my mouth
only your praise will sing out.

Your desire is not for my piety
but for me, for my heart
broken open for you.

O Beloved, have mercy on me.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Bread of life

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Why nibble on the Bread of Life
when you can chow down?

Why only smell it, faintly,
when you can feast upon it,
every moment, every breath?

The Baker of the Universe
has made for you a special batch
of your favorite—
and it’s him!

All of his teaching, his healing, his love;
his passionate arms around you;
his insistent draw into the deep,
to the other side, into this crazy
trust and delight and brokenheartedness,
his terrifying stagger toward the cross,
his complete collapse into resurrection—
this is no time for moderation,
for politely picking at the crust.
Take the whole thing. Both hands.

Here, eat it slowly.
Close your eyes.
Let it fill you.

What use are right beliefs
about bread?
This is the work of God,
that you savor the Bread
God has given you.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

“You are that man”

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Once upon a time Nathan told king David about a rich man who robbed his poor neighbor. David was appropriately outraged. Then Nathan said, “You are that man.” Had David been King Henry VIII he would have beheaded Nathan. But David was willing to listen, partly because he respected Nathan, and partly because he knew that Nathan was right: he had raped and murdered. He was guilty. At least he was sane enough to hear it.

When we are angry at the sin we see in others it is often because we are projecting our discomfort about our own sin. We judge most harshly in others what we ourselves are guilty and afraid of.

Pray for the gift of wisdom and self-awareness. Pray for the grace to listen fearlessly to criticism. Pray for the patience to learn the truth about yourself so that you may grow. Pray for God’s love to uphold you when you feel the horror of realizing that “you are than man.”

Pray for blessing for the Nathans who are willing to tell you when you’re out of bounds. Be grateful for them, for they are your best friend, just like a teacher who knows a student can do better.

Pray for the gift of humility, to examine yourself before you criticize others, to remember that no matter what injustice you speak out against, “you are that man:” you are no better than they.

Pray for the gift of courage, for the guts to be truthful, to confront injustice openly, to be honest with others about what you see and not to pretend in order to gain favor, protect yourself, or make people like you. Pray for the maturity to be free of the need for others to like you.

“You are that man.” You are David. You are also Nathan. Pray for the gift of desire for truth in the inner being, for the willingness to be transformed, and so to transform the world.
Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Night run

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.


The sun blows out her candle,
I run into evening’s shroud and on,

the moon’s gentle hand on my shoulder,
her odd footprints beneath the black trees,
I run up the long, vague robe,
unfolding, blue-grey before me,
through curtains of crickets,
through the evening’s folded hands,
shadows draped over shadows,
light is only faint yellow song
in windows across fields,
in the night air everything is hidden,
rushing past me unseen,
I can only believe,
all I know is the whisper at my face,
the little stars gathered around me
as everything else goes by,
the mysterious pumping and whirling within,
the clockwork of footfalls beneath me,
the Companion breathing and breathing,
the soft darkness,
no thought of the end, or elsewhere,
I can’t see, I can’t tell,
but I know the road is passing,
I know the moon remains,
I know the darkness will not lose me,
I know I am running into its deep thickness,
into its invisible embrace,
only and always
into You.



Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve



Copyright © Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light





Gold Medal

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
These days Olympic athletes are vying for gold medals, which only the very best will get. Although I’m not really into sports, I love watching people do things—almost anything—really, really well. Doing something excellently gives a dimension of beauty to it that makes it a joy to behold.

Sometimes new Olympic events are added, but some things you can never turn into a competition. It’s too bad there aren’t more gold medals anyway, some way of saying, “That was splendid!”  I know a woman who was abused as a child—terribly—but she turned out OK. It took a lot of therapy, bad turns, good friends and self-discipline, but here she is with no bitterness, fear or self-loathing, and a lot of tenderness and wisdom. She ought to get a gold medal.

A friend of mine is exceedingly good at paying attention, listening with a deep, compassionate heart. There’s no medal for that. A kid in my church asks the best questions in the world. She should at least be in the running for a bronze. Someone can stop in perfect wonder at the shape and glory of a cloud. Another is always honestly encouraging. I know someone who can cry at the drop of a hat. There’s an old guy I know who’s almost always grumpy and cynical, but he’s 94 and he keeps going. Give the guy a medal. A newborn baby just lies there. Eats a little, poops and sleeps. Doesn’t even smile yet. And you can see the gold medal shining in her parent’s eyes.

Ephesians 4 says to “live a life worthy of your calling.” It says God gives each of us different gifts for building up the Body of Christ. We all contribute something to the community. You life’s work is to find out what your calling is, what your own gifts are. There are an infinite number of “Olympic events.”

And there are an infinite number of gold medals. “Each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Christ’s gift is infinite. God’s grace is a gold medal for everyone, not for an outstanding accomplishment, not for being better than others, but just for being ourselves.

Discover what is is to be yourself, to live out the gifts God gives you. There’s no competition; nobody in the world can do it like you. Nobody. There won’t be a medal you can hang in your trophy case. But it will be beautiful, and a joy to behold. And whatever it is to be you, just to be you, know that it gives God that great smile of the coach whose favorite athlete has just won the gold.
Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Ephesians 3.16-19

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

                  Ephesians 3.16-19

I live in this vision for you:
that the Glorious One, with all her riches,

will make her vast strength
the fiber of your soul;

that the Beloved will live
in the heart within your heart;

that you let God’s Spirit be yours,
God’s faithfulness blossoming in you;

that you will be grounded in love,
your roots growing deep and strong in love.

My hope for you is that you may glimpse
the universe-wide love of Christ for you,

and that this wonder fills you so fully
that you are bigger than the world with God.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks,
he distributed them to those who were seated;
so also the fish, as much as they wanted.

          —John 6.11

Maybe he had some stashed,
maybe people had it all along
and they just needed to share,
maybe they were all satisfied with a crumb,
maybe it meant his body, his presence,
maybe there is always more bread hidden in bread
and it only needs to be opened,
maybe he made bread just like that,
sourdough and everything.
Which it was doesn’t matter.
The sun rose this morning
with more light than you know what to do with.
More beautiful green living things reach out to you
than you’ll ever have time to consider.
More birds sing to you than you’ll ever listen to.
Immeasurable grace is poured out upon you,
splashing, most of it rivering down your legs
and into the floorboards.
More of what you need to carry on
is secreted into your heart than you believe.
There is hope enough folded into this world.
Of forgiveness and tender delight
you are given more
than you can ever use or comprehend.
Of the darkest mystery,
dense with love like the billioning stars,
you are given so much more,
even in your bleakest droughts,
your dustiest griefs and desolations,
than you can know.
And of you yourself,
given with confidence
to this effulgent universe,
there is so much more than you can see,
so much more.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Copyright © Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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