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Easter 5

April 28, 2024 Lectionary Texts Acts 8. 26-40 — Phillip baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch Psalm 22. 25-31 — Praise… “The poor shall eat and be satisfied. … Dominion belongs to the Lord.” 1 John 4. 7-21 — God is love. … There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear… We love… Continue reading Easter 5

Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2024 Lectionary Texts Joel 2.1-2, 12-17. — Sound the alarm: the day of the Lord is coming. “Return to me.” Rend your heart, not your clothes. Return to God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing. Psalm 51 — Have mercy on me.… Continue reading Ash Wednesday

Palm – Passion Sunday: A Brief Prayer Service

Download this service here. GREETINGPastor: God be with you.All: And also with you.Hosanna. Beloved, Save us!Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Holy One.Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven.SONG GOSPEL — Mark 11.1-11 PRAYERBeloved, that we may praise Christ in all we do,grant us mindfulness, O God.That Jesus… Continue reading Palm – Passion Sunday: A Brief Prayer Service

Easter 3

April 14, 2024 Lectionary Texts Acts 3. 12-19— Peter has healed a crippled beggar, and explains the miracle: the power of Jesus, who was crucified and raised, has healed him. Psalm 4 — “God, hear me,” … When you are disturbed do not sin. I lie down and sleep in peace. 1 John 3. 1-3… Continue reading Easter 3

Easter 4

April 21, 2024 Lectionary Texts Acts 4. 5-12 — Peter is arrested by religious authorities after having healed a man; he attributes the miracle to the power of the resurrected Christ.Psalm 23 — Green pastures, gloomy valleys, and hospitality. 1 John 3. 14-24 — We know we are risen because we love. Love not in… Continue reading Easter 4

Easter 6

May 5, 2024 Lectionary Texts Acts 10.44-48 — Cornelius and his household receive the Holy Spirit and are baptized. Psalm 98 — God has done a great thing. Make a joyful noise! Let all Creation praise God. 1 John 5. 1-6 — Love, that is born of God, conquers the world. John 15.9-17 — “This… Continue reading Easter 6

Ascension Sunday / Easter 7

May 12, 2024 Lectionary Texts Ascension Day[Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter, is May 9.It may be observed on Sunday the 12th.Make sure you use at least one of the ascension stories on Sunday!] Luke 24.44-53 — Luke’s shorter ascension story. Ephesians 1. 15-23 — For wisdom, “that the eyes of your heart be enlightened.”… Continue reading Ascension Sunday / Easter 7

Holy Week Music

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip of original songs, on the Music page) Se all songs with tags for “Cross,” but especially these: General Behold the Lamb of God (Original song) Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.Come, let us follow, come let us followthe… Continue reading Holy Week Music

Good Friday

March 29, 2024 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 52.13-53.12. “He was despised…he has borne our infirmities…he poured himself out to death.” Psalm 22. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Hebrews 10.16-25. “I will put my: law in their hearts and remember their sins no more” Enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus… Provoke… Continue reading Good Friday

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