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God Has A Dream

Original song. Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.
God has a dream for us,
that Jesus is revealing,
a world of love, made whole, set free,
a world of justice and healing.
Dream, Jesus dream in us.
May we dream like you.
Dream, Jesus, dream in us.
May your dream come true.
Dream, Jesus in us, we pray,
and may our dreaming be waking.
May your dream be our guide, our way,
to join in the world you are making.
Dream, Jesus dream in us.
May we dream like you.
Dream, Jesus, dream in us.
May your dream come true.

The arc bends

           “The arc of the moral universe is long,           but it bends toward justice.”                         —Martin Luther King, Jr. We aren’t discouraged by how long it is.We only do our part. The trick is to keep our eyes on the arc,not the rest. Our hope is not confidence in our strength,nor wishing for good outcomes, but trusting in… Continue reading The arc bends

Thinking about Martin

He would have been 95 on Monday.He would have stirred us more, pressed us more.And we still would have resisted.Or he might have been killed another day.Still, we have to decide. Maybe he nudged us these last 56 yearsno less than when he was alive,because love and justice don’t die,the dream doesn’t disappear,the march doesn’t… Continue reading Thinking about Martin

Kneel and allow

         Magi came asking,         “Where is the child who has been born king?”         When King Herod heard this, he was frightened.                                          —from Matthew 2.1-3 As he should be.Jesus is a threat to any regime.His empire is grace; his rule is justice; his power is love.It unseats tyrants. But before he changes the world he changes us.We become his subjects,forsaking… Continue reading Kneel and allow

Tear open the heavens

           O that you would tear open the heavens           and come down!                         —Isaiah 64.1 But that’s not the way it works, is it?You come slowly, quietly, infinitesimally. Under the huge minor chords of our pleadingyou are a single note, changing everything.Beneath the dissonances of our longing,the passing tones and conflicting linesof our anxieties, your presence is the… Continue reading Tear open the heavens

Oil in your lamp

           When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them;           but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.                         —Matthew 25.3-4 You who wait for the Bridegroom of Peace,who wait for the Feast of Justicelate into the night,bring extra oil for your lamps.The wait will be long.Don’t be tempted by the promise of… Continue reading Oil in your lamp

Help Me Be Gentle

Original lyrics set to the tune of Be Thou My Vision.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Help me be gentle, and help me be true.
Pure Lamb of God, help me be more like you,
living by prayer, meeting evil with good,
letting you lead me to live as I should.
Help me be peaceful and fill me with love,
meeting with courage what I’m fearful of,
face with a calm heart all anger and fear,
and like you, Love, hold my enemies dear.
Help me be healing and set people free.
Help me to love them as you have loved me,
tenderly bless them, as your human hands,
bringing your justice and peace to all lands.

Bread of Life

A communion song: original lyrics set to the tune of HOLY MANNA.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Christ, you are the Bread of Life, who gives us strength and nourishes.
Here we feast on love and beauty, here your people flourishes.
In our sharing you are present, in our feast you enter in,
we become your Body, risen: we your servants, we your friends.
As you bless the bread and break it, as you give it out to share,
we are broken, blessed, and given, sharing blessing everywhere.
May we be the yeast of justice; may we be the grain of love;
that your children all be fed, that grace and mercy all may have.

No why

The great blue heron,beloved in our neighborhood,symbol of all that is elegant and divine,mysterious in migration, and in movementcontemplative, patient and wise,stands regally by the pondwith a frog caught by one leg.It will not go well for the frog.Beauty has its price. Why ask,why this frog and not another?(This one, loved of every slimy spotand… Continue reading No why

Categorized as Reflections

Easter 2

April 7, 2024 Lectionary Texts Acts 4. 32-35— The disciples held possessions in common… There was not a needy person among them. Psalm 133— How good it is when we live in unity!1 John 1.1 – 2.2— We have seen eternal life in Jesus. … We are sinful, but forgiven…. Jesus is the atoning sacrifice… Continue reading Easter 2

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