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Blue Christmas

For some, Christmas is a mixed blessing, evoking grief over the death of loved ones, or other sorrows. A Blue Christmas service is a serve of hope and healing that is more quiet and reflective than exuberant. It may speak not only to those who bear personal sorrows but also those who lament injustice and… Continue reading Blue Christmas

Isaiah 61

Original lyrics—Isaiah 61.1-4— set to the tune of O Little Town of Bethlehem.
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The Spirit of our loving God is strong in us and sure,
sent in God’s grace to be God’s face with good news for the poor,
to heal the brokenhearted, and set the captives free,
and to proclaim in God’s own name their deep new liberty.
We shall provide for those who mourn and broken lives repair,
for God demands that in our hands God’s justice we shall bear.
As earth brings forth new green things, our God will cause to rise
the righteousness that all shall bless, the dawn that greets our eyes.

Comfort, Comfort

Original song. An Advent song based on Isaiah 40.1-11. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Comfort, comfort my people,
speak tenderly to my beloved:
from your imprisonment, from your despair
you shall be released.
       Prepare the way in the wilderness.
        Prepare the way.
        Prepare the way in the wilderness.
        prepare the way.
Build up, build up a new way,
the rough and the crooked make even.
Build up a way where God’s justice may come.
Open up a way.
       Prepare the way in the wilderness….
Cry, cry out the mystery,
for we are like flowers and grasses,
growing then fading when winter winds blow.
But God’s love endures.
       Prepare the way in the wilderness….
Raise up, raise up your voices,
rejoice for your savior is coming.
God like a shepherd will gather us in,
guide us on in love.
        Prepare the way in the wilderness….


A king has been crowned,someone elevated to a positionpurely because of his birth. And yet— so are you.Not by virtue of any skill or power,nor seizing any throne,but simply by your birth alone, you are God’s royalty,honored and adored.You have been chosen by God to bear justice in this world,to guard the Realm and defend… Continue reading Coronation

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

January 21, 2024 Lectionary Texts Jonah 3. 1-5, 10. God sends Jonah to speak to the city of Nineveh (which he has tried to avoid). Surprisingly, he does—and, even more unexpected, they listen to his message and repent! Psalm 62. 5-12. For God alone my soul waits in silence… Trust in God … power belongs… Continue reading 3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Transfiguration Sunday

February 11, 2024 Lectionary Texts 2 Kings 2. 1-12. Elijah is taken up into heaven as Elisha witnesses. Psalm 50.1-6. God shines forth out of Zion and all Creation reflects God’s glory. God alone is our judge. 2 Corinthians 4. 3-6. The gospel is “veiled” to some, but it shines. God, who said, “Let light… Continue reading Transfiguration Sunday

What if God is joy?

What if God is joy?What if the Father is bliss and the Son is gratitudeand the Holy Spirit is gleeful wonder?What if creating is God’s play,and the big bang was an outburst of happinessand the galaxies are spun from pure delight?What if gravity, that holds the universe together,is simply the pleasure of harmony,and every created… Continue reading What if God is joy?

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