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Advent 1

December 3, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 64. 1-9 —“Oh, that you would tear open the heavens and come down!” God will reshape us, as a potter reworks the clay. Psalm 80 — “Give ear, O shepherd of Israel!” We are a vine out of Egypt that has gone to ruin. Restore us. 1 Corinthians 1.3-9… Continue reading Advent 1

Advent 2

December 10, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 40. 1-11. Comfort, comfort my people. Prepare a way in the wilderness for God’s people to come home. God is coming with power to save and lovingly shepherd the people. Psalm 85. Thanks for God’s grace and forgiveness, and a plea for God’s continued grace. “Steadfast love and faithfulness… Continue reading Advent 2

Advent 3

December 17, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 61.1-11. The Spirit has anointed me to do God’s justice: to care for the poor and powerless and set people free. God says “I love justice.” God will cause righteousness to spring up like growing shoots.Psalm 126 Thanks for recovery from disappointment. “May those who sow in tears reap… Continue reading Advent 3

Baptism of Jesus

January 7, 2024 Lectionary Texts Genesis 1.1-5 God’s Spirit broods over the waters of Creation and God brings forth light. Psalm 29 God’s voice thunders over the waters of Creation, the voice that creates everything, changes everything, and evokes praise from everything. Acts 19. 1-7 Paul in Ephesus. John’s baptism, a ritual of repentance, is… Continue reading Baptism of Jesus


           By a perversion of justice he was taken away.                           —Isaiah 53.8 God did not send Jesus to die.But I confess that in a musty place in my heartthe lie that Jesus was meant to die suits me fine.Oh, I abhor the theology: God does not need more gore.But in my heart I confessI’m comfortable with others… Continue reading Confession

Praying with Psalm 23

 [Download this document, with visual reflections, here.]                     Not want           The Lord is my shepherd;          I shall not want.                    —Psalm 23.1 Lead me, shepherd,through the cluttered junkyard of my desires,through the noisy bazaar of all the stuff I think I need,to the quiet meadow of your love,where I have everything I need. Breath prayer:                              Enough … at peace.                               Green… Continue reading Praying with Psalm 23

Be the Living Word

Original lyrics set to the tune of HOLY MANNA.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
As you go to serve Creation bear the Word of God with you,
Word that brings forth light now dwelling in your heart and shining through.
Do not merely say the words: become the Word. Embody grace.
Be the living Word and give the love of God a human face.
To the poor in spirit go, and give them bread for which they long.
Nourish them for love and justice. Feed their souls and make them strong.
Be the hearty bread that’s taken, blest and broken day by day.
Be the bread of love made real, bread that Jesus gives away.
Do not try to serve with only your own passion to impart.
Let the love of God flow through you from the Source, from Heaven’s Heart.
Pass along God’s deep forgiveness, flowing freely from the Lord.
Be the wine of God’s great feast, the wine so generously poured.
By the Spirit living in you, be the hope you hope to preach;
be the peace you long to witness; be the truth you want to teach.
Let your living be the Word that words alone cannot convey.
Be the Word of love embodied; be the flesh of Christ today.

The woman’s testimony

           Many Samaritans from that city believed in him           because of the woman’s testimony.                           —John 3.39 On International Women’s DayI give thanks for all those women, God,who have borne witness to your grace,like the Samaritan woman—the first Christian evangelist!—women who have been slighted, ignored,silenced, disappeared, ghosted, betrayed,yet who have borne witness.Priests and healers, prophets and leaders,they have embodied… Continue reading The woman’s testimony

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