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OT 31 – 23rd Sunday After Pentecost

November 5, 2023 Lectionary Texts Joshua 3.7-17 — The Israelites cross the Jordan river into the promised land. Psalm 107 — God cares for the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, and for all the poor and hungry. 1 Thessalonians 2.9-13 — Paul defends his ministry, and commends the people for receiving his teaching. Matthew 23. 1-12 —… Continue reading OT 31 – 23rd Sunday After Pentecost

Reign of Christ Sunday

November 26, 2023 Lectionary Texts Ezekiel 34.11-24 — God will shepherd us, rescue the lost, and save them from the fat, oppressive sheep. Psalm 100 — We are God’s people, and the sheep of God’s pasture. Ephesians 1.15-23 — “May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened” that you may know the greatness of God’s… Continue reading Reign of Christ Sunday

Stewardship Resources

Preaching Thoughts Why do we give to the church? Here are some thoughts.      —Giving is commanded.      — Giving is a spiritual discipline: we are trying to become more Christlike, which includes becoming more generous. Giving—especially disciplined, regular, committed giving—is like exercising our generosity muscles.      —It’s not our money. It’s God’s, and we ought to spend it as God… Continue reading Stewardship Resources

The Church’s One Foundation

Original lyrics set to the tune of The Church’s One Foundation (AURELIA).
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ alone,
the rock of our salvation, our only cornerstone.
By grace we are created, by Spirit given birth,
in loving bonds related, Christ’s Body here on earth.
Called forth from every nation, of every tribe and race,
we all are one creation, one vessel of God’s grace.
Though some are treated poorly, those silenced and oppressed,
we all are chosen surely, and all are surely blessed.
Christ, give to us your daring inclusion of us all,
embodying your sharing with those beyond our walls,
to boldly act for justice for all, not just for some,
that by your Holy Spirit we truly may be One.


May 28, 2023 Lectionary Texts Acts 2.1-21. — The disciples experience the Spirit so powerfully that Luke describes them as if they were on fire. They go into the streets of Jerusalem and begin talking about God’s love to people from all over the known world, each in those people’s native languages. Peter explains the… Continue reading Pentecost

Trinity Sunday

June 4, 2023 Lectionary Texts Genesis 1.1-2.4. God as Creator, and as Spirit: in the beginning God’s Spirit brooded over the waters…. Psalm 8. We marvel that although God is creator and ruler of all the universe, God cares for us. 2 Corinthians 13.11-13. Before the advent of the idea of the Trinity, Paul concludes… Continue reading Trinity Sunday

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