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Ephesians – a Paraphrase

Download this here.                    Chapter 1 1.1-2From Paul, sent by Jesus Christ, according to God’s pleasure;to the saints in Ephesus, who are faithful to Jesus:grace to you and peace, from God our Life-Giverand from the Beloved, Jesus Christ. 1.3-7God is a blessing!God birthed real love among us in Christ, the Beloved,and gave us every spiritual blessing,… Continue reading Ephesians – a Paraphrase

Creation- Centered Resources

Call to Worship 1.Leader: Eternal God, whose breath is the universe, whose Word is the world—All: amazed, we praise you.Creating God, who with delight and play, with wisdom and beautyfashions every creature—in love, we thank you.Loving God, you weave us into the great web of life,which is our shared home, our common body, our one… Continue reading Creation- Centered Resources

OT 24 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost

September 17, 2023 Lectionary Texts Exodus 14.19-31— Israel crosses the Red Sea and escapes from Egypt. Exodus 15.1b-11, 20-21— On the far shore, Moses and the prophet Miriam lead the people in singing: “Sing to the Holy One, for God has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider God has thrown into the sea.” Romans 14.1-12— Don’t… Continue reading OT 24 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost

OT 25 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost

September 24, 2023 Lectionary Texts Exodus 16.2-15 — God provides manna for Israel in the wilderness. Psalm 105. 1-6, 37-45 — Thank God for God’s abundant providence, especially in the miracles in the desert.     or—Psalm 78 — A long recitation of the wilderness wanderings, the people’s unfaithfulness, but God’s faithful care. See below for an excerpted… Continue reading OT 25 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost

World Communion Sunday

October 1, 2023 Lectionary Texts Exodus 17.1-7— The Israelites wandering in the desert complain, this time about having no water. God tells Moses to strike a rock with his staff, and out streams water. Psalm 78— celebrates this event and recalls God’s care for the people. Philippians 2.1-13— An ancient hymn about Christ’s humility. Christ… Continue reading World Communion Sunday

OT 30 – 22nd Sunday After Pentecost

October 29, 2023 Lectionary Texts Deuteronomy 34.1-12 — Moses dies on Mount Nebo seeing but never entering the promised land. Psalm 90 —  “You have been our dwelling place.” God is eternal; we are ephemeral. 1 Thessalonians 2.1-8 — Paul defends his ministry Matthew 22.34-46 — The Great Commandment. Preaching Thoughts Deuteronomy       Moses is a model of someone used… Continue reading OT 30 – 22nd Sunday After Pentecost

All Saints Day

November 1 or 5, 2023 Lectionary Texts Revelation 7.9-17— People from every nation and culture praise God., thankful for God’s presence, healing and providence. Psalm 34 — “God has delivered me from all my fears.” God provides for all God’s beloved people. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” 1 John 3.1-3— “See… Continue reading All Saints Day

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