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Lent 5

March 25, 2023 Lectionary Texts Ezekiel 37.1-14. The prophet is sent in a vision to a valley of dry bones, symbolic of his people who are lifeless and despairing in exile. God tells him to speak hope to the bones, and then to speak hope to the wind (breath) that will give the bones life.… Continue reading Lent 5

Lent 4

March 19, 2023 Lectionary Texts 1 Samuel 16.1-13. God sends the prophet Samuel to anoint David as the next king of Israel. Psalm 23 celebrates God’s gentle hospitality, guiding us through deadly places. (Here are nine paraphrases of Psalm 23.) Ephesians 5.8-14. In Christ we are light, and we are to live as children of… Continue reading Lent 4

Lent 3

March 12, 2023 Lectionary Texts Exodus 17. 1-7. The Israelites are traveling through the desert after their escape from Egypt. They have no water, but by God’s command Moses strikes a solid rock, and out flows water. Psalm 95. Though the psalm ends on a sour note, it celebrates God’s life-giving grace, and refers to… Continue reading Lent 3

Lent 2

March 5, 2023 Lectionary Texts Genesis 12.1-4. God calls Abram, at the ripe old age of 75, to leave his relatives and his homeland and journey toward a new land and a new life, in which, he is told, “you will be a blessing.” Psalm 121 may have been sung by people, like Abram, on… Continue reading Lent 2

Lent 1

February 26, 2023 Lectionary Texts Genesis 2. 15-17, 3.1-7. Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil—not the tree of life. Psalm 32. When we hide our sin it eats away at us; but when we confess it, God forgives us. Romans 5. 12-19. Paul says that death… Continue reading Lent 1

Ash Wednesday

February 22, 2023 Lectionary Texts In Joel 2.1-2, 12-17 the prophet alerts us to the coming judgment of God—which will not be easy. We are called to fast and pray, and return to God. We plead for God to save us. But we don’t despair: God will give us what we need to worship and… Continue reading Ash Wednesday

Baptism – an overview

Click here to download this in a .doc format. Baptism is a sacrament, a ritual in which God is present with us in the elements of our everyday life. Baptism is not something that we do, but something that we receive. It is a symbol of God’s Covenant with us, God’s relationship of steadfast love… Continue reading Baptism – an overview

Pray for the bad guys

           Bless those who curse you,           pray for those who abuse you.                           —Luke 6.28 The more monstrous a person’s evil,the more evil their monsters,and the more unable they are to overcome them.They need you.They need you to stand beside them and prayas they can’t, pray for their redemption.If you want peace in the world,if you want justice for… Continue reading Pray for the bad guys


           All scripture is inspired by God           and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction,           and for training in righteousness,           so that everyone who belongs to God           may be proficient, equipped for every good work.                           —2 Timothy 3.16-17 This does not say all scripture is infallible,or dictated by God.It says those who wrote did so breathing the Holy Spirit.They may… Continue reading Inspired


           One of them, when he saw that he was healed,           turned back, praising God with a loud voice.                           —Luke 17.15 Thank you, God, for all the ways I have been healed.For health in my flesh, the miraculous way          my body knows how to heal itself.For your healing of my self-esteem,          the gift to see myself whole, as you see… Continue reading Healing

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