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Washed In Your Waters

Original lyrics set to the tune of Morning Has Broken.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Washed in your waters, baptized with Jesus,
your sons and daughters, risen anew,
each day we live, God, we drink your blessings.
Our lives we give, then, gladly to you.
Not our deserving, but your indwelling
blessing us, serving, will be our guide.
Source of our living, Word of your Presence,
Spirit of giving, stay by our side.
Filled with your Spirit, one in your Body,
Christ, we inherit mercy and light.
Guide and defend us, and daily send us
into the world to share your delight.
Spirit who frees us, give us your courage,
to walk with Jesus all of our days,
blessing and healing, justice revealing,
till all the world sings in thanks and praise.

Give Us Eyes

Original lyrics set to the tune of EBENEEZER (Once To Every Man and Nation).
(Alternate tunes: “Ode to Joy,” or “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.”) Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Give us eyes, O God of justice, to see clearly as you see:
not to turn away but bravely face oppression’s misery.
Steel our hearts to see injustice, and to feel our siblings’ pain.
Give us sorrow; give us rage; but let our anger be humane.
Give us eyes, O God of mercy, to see evil as you see:
holding victim and oppressor in its jaws, and neither free.
God, refine our wrath and grief with yours ‘till only love remains.
Give us loving rage and courage to step up and break the chains.
Give us eyes, O God of wholeness, to see all the love you sow,
and by grace to set it free: in every person let it flow.
Let our wrath be flames of love and not the burn of power denied,
till we gently, firmly, mightily pry the gates of justice wide.

Christ We Are Baptized

Original lyrics set to the tune of Morning Has Broken.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Christ we are baptized into your dying,
all of our life poured out into yours;
and we are baptized into your rising,
life given to us from your deep stores.
Christ we are baptized into your Body:
we are all one community here.
This is your presence, this is your rising:
loving anew in your people dear.
Christ we are baptized into your service:
gentle and healing in all the strife,
vessels of grace, who bear your redemption,
bright with the light of eternal life.
Christ we are baptized your New Creation,
all of the world made new by your grace:
dawn of your Realm of mercy and justice,
Christ shining, risen, granting us peace.

Transfiguration Sunday

February 19, 2023 Lectionary Texts Exodus 24.12-18. Moses goes up on the mountain and encounters God, who shines with light. Psalm 99 praises God and God’s glory, in language reminiscent of Moses’ experience on the mountain. 2 Peter 1.16-21 refers to God’s blessing of Christ on the mountain. “Pay attention to the prophetic message like… Continue reading Transfiguration Sunday

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

January 22, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 9.1-4 celebrates the light of God’s liberating grace, which overwhelms the darkness of war, injustice and oppression. Psalm 27 says, If God is my light, then I have nothing to fear. I seek to live close to God (“in the house of the Lord”), to pay attention to God’s… Continue reading 3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Christ, Begotten of the Love of God

Original lyrics set to the tune of Of the Father’s Love Begotten.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Christ, begotten of the love of God, here before the world’s first day,
Christ the Alpha and Omega, Christ the source, the end, the way,
Christ, the promised One, still coming: come, O Light, and show the way,
evermore and evermore.
Christ, we waken to your coming at an unexpected hour,
bringing love and justice with you, with divine grace and power
May our waiting be our praising; in our hope may courage flower,
evermore and evermore.
Christ, we bring our gifts to honor you, and we come on bended knee,
offering our hearts and living, that to you the glory be.
May your light adorn and guide us, now and in eternity,
evermore and evermore.
Christ, your glory fills the universe, blessing us with joyful mirth;
and your grace renews our spirits, granting us a second birth.
Come, O Christ, and rule among us, bringing peace to all the earth,
evermore and evermore. Amen.

Come, O Jesus, Come!

Original song. A dialogue between soloist and congregation. To be used throughout Advent, one verse per week. Verse lyrics reflect weekly readings from Advent, year A in the Revised Common Lectionary. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Rise, O people, awake!
The light of Christ is dawning!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Come, O Jesus, come!
Dawn on us from above. Raise us up in your love.
Awaken our hope with the day, and lead us in your way.
Come, O Jesus, come! Come, O Jesus, come!
Verses (soloist/Choir)
Week 1: Salvation is near, the day is at hand. Rise and put off the night.
Walk in the light of our God with hope. Awake, and greet the light!
Week 2: The day will soon come of justice and peace; the wolf and the lamb will share.
Repent and prepare the way in love. A child will lead us there!
Week 3: God is coming to all the world! Strengthen the weak! Rejoice!
The desert itself will blossom with joy. Lift up your heart and voice!
Week 4: Blessed are they who humbly trust your promise that they have heard.
Shine on us! May we live in peace, according to your Word.

Come, Holy Dawn

Original song. A dialogue between soloist (or ensemble) and congregation. To be used throughout Advent, one verse per week. Verses reflect weekly Advent readings in Year A of the Common Lectionary. Includes optional flute part. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description.)
Congregation: Refrain
Come, morning star, light our way in our darkest night.
Come, light of God, grant us peace, gently shining bright.
Come, holy dawn, sun of love, fill us with your light.
Week 1. Waken now, my people! Morning soon will rise.
Hope is rising warmly. Open up your eyes. (Refrain)
Week 2. Change your hearts, my people! Trust, repent and pray.
With the Spirit’s fire bear fruit: prepare the way. (Refrain)
Week 3. Patience now, my people! God’s promises are sure.
Justice quells the mighty, empowering the poor. (Refrain)
Week 4. Courage, now, my people! Rise up and have no fear.
Dare to love with joy for God With Us is here. (Refrain)

No score

What if we are playing with Godand there is no score,no winning or losing,only playing with God?Oh, the play is serious:justice and healing and the mending of the world.But what if God doesn’t want us to perform well,but only to play?What if it’s not about being good enoughbut being with God?Forget the score and play.… Continue reading No score

Advent 1-November 27, 2022

Lectionary Texts In Isaiah 2.1-5, in a time of violence and despair, the prophet envisions a radical transformation of the nation and the world into a community of peace, and invites us to walk in God’s light. Psalm 122 imagines people streaming to Jerusalem. To pray for the peace of Jerusalem—holy city of three major… Continue reading Advent 1-November 27, 2022

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