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God, We Are Waiting

Original song. Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use.

Advent dialogue between soloist and congregation. Two verses per week, following lectionary for year A. Includes a Kyrie and Eucharistic Prayer responses. (Audio sample in the Product Description below.)

God, we are waiting, watching and hoping.
Come to us and save us and bring us peace.

1. In the face of fear and the world’s distress
look for signs that God is here to bless.
Let your heart not be weighed down with fear:
your redemption’s drawing near.

2. God will cause a righteous branch to grow,
flourishing with love and justice.
Help us walk the path of righteousness, and love;
lead us in the way of hope.

Drawn by Your Light

Original lyrics set to the tune of Away in a Manger.

Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.

In darkness we gather, God, drawn by your light,
your glorious presence that blesses the night,
the light and the deep peace that Jesus imparts,
the Spirit’s bright radiance that burns in our hearts.

The light of Creation that made the first dawn,
the pillar of fire that led Israel on,
the star that led magi to where Jesus was
now draws us to worship with alleluias.

Your light shines so even the darkness is blessed
this night as we wait for the coming of Christ.
God, shine your light warmly in us by your grace,
that we may bear healing and justice and peace.

O Sovereign Love

Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.

Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Tune: Amazing Grace

Beloved, you who guard and guide and give for every need,
reign in my heart, O Sovereign Christ; direct each thought and deed.

O Sovereign Love, my root, my sun, my purpose and my peace,
I spurn the world’s vain, anxious rule, and trust your Law of Grace.

The Empire of your justice, God, with mercy’s clear command
shall be my home; my loyalty is to no lesser land.

In humble and obedient thanks I pledge my life to you,
to join your work of justice, God, to make the world anew.

Reign in my heart, O Christ, my Rule. In faith I am compelled
to serve you, who by love alone have conquered all the world.

O Jesus, Wounded Sovereign

Original lyrics to a familiar tune.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.

Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Tune: O Sacred Head Now Wounded

Dear Jesus, you who suffer and walk among the poor
whose hearts and lives are broken, whose faith is still unsure:
despised, accused and battered, you do not say a word.
So powerless, yet loving!— you are my Sovereign Lord.
You bear no arms but loving, no threats nor flags unfurled.
You wear no kingly robes, but the sorrows of the world.
Yet your forgiveness conquers each worldly rule and reign,
and rises, whole, undaunted, from evil, death and pain.
While emperors abuse you, and people shrug or stare,
and dark injustice troubles the ones for whom you care,
your mighty grace arises, and hidden from our sight,
enfolds all living beings in your triumphant light.
O Jesus, wounded Sovereign, I pray, give me the nerve
without this world’s armor to love and bless and serve.
My master and companion, rule all eternity
with grace and deep compassion, and, Lord, begin with me.

Christ, Ruler of All Things

Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.

Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Tune: ST. ELIZABETH (Fairest Lord Jesus)


Christ, Ruler of all things, what is seen and unseen,
your love reigns; your grace is sure.
Beneath our fear and strife, death fails to conquer life:
your tender mercy still endures.

Christ, Ruler of our hearts, come and reign within us.
Make us comrades, siblings, friends.
Your love be our life, our only power,
that gives us life that never ends.

Christ, Ruler of the earth, bring your gentle justice:
your Realm come, your will be done.
Heal all oppression; fill us with mercy,
as faithful as the rising sun.

Christ, Ruler of all things, of what is and is to come,
Risen One, our song we raise.
Rule in our living; guide us with tender love.
Your grace in us will be your praise.

God of all Gentleness

Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.

Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Tune: Be Thou My Vision

God of all gentleness, God of pure love,
you do not watch us from heights far above,
you are no tyrant, but patient and mild,
present with grace in the poor, in the child.

God of all mercy, may we be the ones
bearing your love to your daughters and sons,
not out of pity but humbly, with grace,
for in the poor we see your human face.

God of all justice, give us hearts to care,
hope to free prisoners of fear and despair,
courage to challenge the ways that oppress,
deep love to reach out to heal and to bless.

God of compassion, your Spirit now pour
into us all, for it’s we who are poor,
hungry for justice, for healing and grace,
and for full life for the whole human race.


         “If any want to become my followers,         let them deny themselves         and take up their cross and follow me.”                   —Mark 8.35 The cross is not jewelry, not a badge nor a shield.It’s a risk, a vulnerability.Its not an annoyance.It’s the willingness to suffer for the sake of love.The cross is planted in the great, deep wound of… Continue reading Cross

Categorized as Reflections

Worship Resources

You have my permission to use the resources here, as well as any of my daily reflections, for worship as the Spirit leads you, with proper citation. Like God’s grace, it’s all free—though of course I gratefully accept donations. You have my permission to edit for length, but please don’t change the words without asking… Continue reading Worship Resources


Unfolding Light is a daily reflection rooted in a contemplative, Creation-centered spirituality, often inspired by my daily walk in the woods. In poems, parables, psalms, thoughts and the odd weather report I hope to invite readers into a spirit of presence, compassion, justice and delight. Though these writings are rooted in the Christian story you’ll… Continue reading About

First rest

Notice the events in Mark 6:Jesus sends the disciples out and they preach and heal.They return to a maelstrom of busyness: no time even to eat.Jesus says “Come away and rest.”But a crowd follows them.So Jesus teaches the crowd. Has he just contradicted his own invitation to rest?No: he’s rested.While the disciples were out there… Continue reading First rest

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