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Bad Scene

In Mark 6 the author tells us Jesus sends out his disciples to preach and heal— but suddenly in the middle of the story, as Mark likes to do, he stops and tells another story, about Herod killing John the Baptist: a sordid tale of power, seduction, intrigue, depravity, violence—the works. Then the disciples come… Continue reading Bad Scene

Surely not I

         Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me,          one who is eating with me.”         They began to be distressed          and to say to him one after another,          “Surely, not I?”                            —Mark 11.18-19 Who crucified Jesus?Surely not I. No one did.No one, no disciple,no priest, no bystander,no Pilate, no soldier,no Jew, no one.Who… Continue reading Surely not I


  Jesus said to them, “Follow me              and I will make you fish for people.”             And immediately they left their nets and followed him.                              —Mark 1.17-18 God, can I hear the call?Do I listen? Raise my head from my consuming tasksto listen for another voice?Do I recognize your voice when I hear it?… Continue reading Follow

New day

         Jesus said to them, “Follow me            and I will make you fish for people.”            And immediately they left their nets            and followed him.                                    —Mark 1.17-18 A people as one rise from fear and griefand choose hope and justice.People do rise. People get up from familiar netsand follow a leader into… Continue reading New day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Disrupt

They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying, “Peace, peace,” when there is no peace. —Jeremiah 6.14 Martin reminds us in an unjust systemcalling for “peace” and “unity” simply protects the system,justifies the injustice,keeps the slaves enslaved.Injustice will not let go till it is pushed;the righteous choose to not go along with evil,but… Continue reading Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Disrupt

Rejoice always

           Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,              give thanks in all circumstances.                                     —1 Thessalonians 5.16-18 Seriously? Even with all the crud in the world?Yes. In the rock-paper-scissors of lifejoy cuts sorrow, crushes despair and swallows crud.Grieve first… and joy comes with the morning. These are hard days. But joy is bigger than these days.Joy is… Continue reading Rejoice always

Categorized as Reflections

Speak tenderly

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem… —Isaiah 40.1 My child,comfort my people. Even as you cry for justice,let it lead to a peaceable life for all.Even as you resist evil,speak tenderly. Be a voice of comfort, not blame,a voice of hope, not doom.Tell my people—show them:I will be with… Continue reading Speak tenderly

Categorized as Reflections

Giving thanks

A Thanksgiving prayer for those of us who live in places that were colonized and taken from native people. Where I live they are the Wabenaki. Who are they where you live? Use their name. O Creator, we give thanks for this land and its fruits,for the abundant gift of this earth.We give thanks for… Continue reading Giving thanks

Categorized as Reflections

Choose this (Election) day

Choose this day whom you will serve… but as for me and my household, we will serve the Holy One. —Joshua 34.15 Choose, this day. As for me, I will follow the Beloved. I will spurn violence and all claim to dominion. I will stand for justice: that all may be included in the blessings… Continue reading Choose this (Election) day

A psalm of courage

With tears we cry to the Beloved,        for our hearts are heavy in the night.Dread blankets us as the darkness;        but the voice of the Beloved is close. “The people will pass through a narrow place,        and fear will seize many like a trap;they will turn to violence and shame;        they will… Continue reading A psalm of courage

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