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         “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother,          wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself,          cannot be my disciple.”                           —Luke 14.26 It’s probably not your mother and father. It’s probably someone else, or maybe everybody, in front of whom you don’t want to look stupid.  You don’t have to… Continue reading Cost

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         Some of our ancestors suffered mocking and flogging,          and even chains and imprisonment….         Yet all these, heroes of the faith, did not receive what was promised….         Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,          …let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,         …looking to Jesus, who endured such hostility against… Continue reading Perseverance

Plumb line

See, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel…                  —Amos 7.8      A plumb line held straightby the gravity of love,without curve or spin of human twist,plumb line of blessingunbowed by curse,unbent by fear or greed,plumb line seeking, unerring, the center,all creatures’ belovedness and belonging,the wellbeing of all Creation. Measure your acts,… Continue reading Plumb line

God and country

You who despair that Nation has outlawed God,has consumed Justice and spit out the bones,take heart. Love is eternal, and outlives Empire.Spirit lives among the Little Onesand power waits there, breathing.If you become one of them(surrendering much) you will know that power. The Emperor struts and slays and displaysbecause he is desperate to believe his… Continue reading God and country

Deepen my yearning

                           I Recently some stuff of ours got destroyed.I’m discovering the innards of grief.. We were planning on giving the stuff away,so it’s not the stuff I mourn, though it was valuable.It’s what I’m discovering I need to let go of.Attachment to what could have been— let it go.Blame of those who destroyed it— let it… Continue reading Deepen my yearning

Small stones

There are times, beholding the wounds of the world,we feel inadequate. We haven’t dome enough.Yes, there are those who give their blood on the ramparts,who are tireless in their work for justice and healing.It is only together that we are they.Remember you are not asked to save the world,or even a single creature.You are asked… Continue reading Small stones

The path of faith

         This is how they will know you are my disciples,         if you love each other.                  — John 13.35 The path of faith is not just to believe in Godbut to live as if you do:to love the loveless; to pour yourself out as light;to forgive fearlessly; to listen deeply;to be humble, knowing you are held in the… Continue reading The path of faith


I will wave palm branches today.Yes, I know they will be burned tomorrow;I know my praise will turn to betrayal.My hope will vanish into terror. I know my passion for justice will be swallowedby my lust for safety.I know. But I dare to trust my fickleness will be redeemed,and is already.I dare to believe now… Continue reading Hosanna

I have seen the risen church

          While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed,           and his clothes became dazzling white.          Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him.          They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure,           which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.                             —Luke 9.29-31 Jesus has just told his disciples the powerful will kill… Continue reading I have seen the risen church

Categorized as Reflections

A lament for your house

O God, you built your house with skilled hands.         You fashioned it with strong beams,a roof and a bed and a table for all,         and a name at every place at the table. But now your enemies have taken your dwelling;         they have seized it for themselves.They have walled off its rooms,         and have thrown out your children,they have… Continue reading A lament for your house

Categorized as Reflections
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