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Psalm of perseverance

God of love, Creator of heaven and earth,         of all that is and is yet to be,your power shines in each person on earth,         each is an image of your love. You who breathe in us with love,         whose strength is mercy and grace,give us courage to be steadfast in love,         and resolve to stand for justice.You do not… Continue reading Psalm of perseverance

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Psalm of the accused

O Love, you are the breath within my breath,         the urge that beats my heart.You hold me in the inner folds of your delight;         my name is the prayer upon your lips.I praise you, who praise me, too;         I sing your grace, your absolute love. Though others speak of me with hearts of war         and see in me their… Continue reading Psalm of the accused

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Prayer for an argument

         If I have not love         I am nothing.                  —1 Corinthians 13.2 God of love, may we approach one another with the intent to love, first and last,and submit all our intentions to love. May our intent be to heal, not to win,to bless, not to curse, to join, not to divide.Help us do your will, not ours.… Continue reading Prayer for an argument

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I shall not want

God, so often I ask for your gifts—for patience or compassion or wisdom.I ask for your forgiveness and healing,for your grace in my struggles,and your presence in my work.I ask for your justice to conquer the world,to heal us of our evil and oppression.These things I desire, by your Spirit in me. But now I… Continue reading I shall not want

A prayer for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

         The Spirit of God is upon me,         because God has anointed me                   to bring good news to the poor.          God has sent me to proclaim release to the captives          and recovery of sight to the blind,          to let the oppressed go free,          to proclaim the year of God’s favor.                  —Luke 4.18-19 Fill me, Spirit.Fill me with the… Continue reading A prayer for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The silenced

Attend to those who are silenced,seen and not heard, told “Don’t cry,”threatened into muteness.Listen to the pain we can’s standthe story we don’t want to hear,the truth we avoid. We who hold the microphonewill do well to be quietand hear the voice of the silenced,and give the oppressed an audience. Justice cries out;righteousness listens,and hears… Continue reading The silenced

The eleventh day of Christmas

         The Word became flesh and lived among us.                  —John 1.14 On the eleventh day of ChristmasI feel the stretch. Presents unwrapped, put away,family gone, New Year’s past, resolutions already broken…and here we are, still counting days.That one bright night, angels and candles and all,was not a singular event, but a lasting truth.God, you are not just… Continue reading The eleventh day of Christmas

The ax at the root

         Bear fruits worthy of repentance.          … Even now the ax is lying at the root of the trees;          every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit          is cut down and thrown into the fire.”                         —Luke 3.8, 9 How can this be Christmas, the ax at the root?Where are the lovely things,the sheep and stars… Continue reading The ax at the root

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What God has begun

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.          The angel Gabriel was sent         to a young woman…                  —Luke 1.26         I am confident of this,          that the one who began a good work among you          will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.                         —Philippians 1.6 You don’t know itbut you have that glowof a young womanwho is… Continue reading What God has begun

Righteous branch

         I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David,         who shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.                        —Jeremiah 33.15 God,I know we are destroying your planet,brutalizing children at the border,while the Emperor spews hatred and fear.I don’t need to know the future,nor even that you know the future,don’t need to be able to imagine… Continue reading Righteous branch

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