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A prayer for the days to come

Eternal God,         give us wisdom         to see the big picture. Creating God,         give us imagination         to live differently. Patient God,         give us perseverance         for the long haul. Suffering God,         give us courage          to work for justice. Gentle God,          give us humility and trust         to practice non-violence. Hopeful God,         give us confidence         in the power of love. Crucified God,         give us faith to reach out          to you… Continue reading A prayer for the days to come

Fruit of gratitude

Begin with gratitude         for all you have received,         that you see and that you do not see. Let your gratitude grow into trust         that you are included in a great wonder;         and entrust yourself to the grace you are given. Let your trust blossom into compassion         for all those who are also part of this oneness         who have been excluded, used… Continue reading Fruit of gratitude

Words of light

         Let no evil talk come out of your mouths,         but only what is useful for building up,         as there is need,         so that your words may give grace to those who hear.                         —Ephesians 4.29 God, you know what a temptation it isto whine and complain. To criticize and judge.Free me for something better. Even in the shadow of… Continue reading Words of light

Anger, your friend

         Be angry but do not sin;         do not let the sun go down on your anger,         and do not make room for the devil.                        —Ephesians 4.26-27 Anger is not a sin. It’s a feeling.It’s not your enemy. It’s also not righteousness.Anger, may arise in the face of injustice, or happenstance,or almost nothing at all.But it is not… Continue reading Anger, your friend

Sheep and goats

The Beloved will sit on the throne and they will gather on the right and on the left. And the Beloved will say to those on the right, “Enter into my joy, for I came to you and you received me; I appeared before you and you noticed me; I worked my miracles and you… Continue reading Sheep and goats

A national prayer

God of all Nations, we pray for our nation,for the gifts of gratitude and humility,for the courage to be gentle,the greatness to be generous,the character to be decent to all people.Make of us by your grace a nation of kindness.Grant us the divine giftsof hospitality, compassion and mercy.We pray for the transformation of our leaders,the… Continue reading A national prayer


         “Thus it is written,         that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day,         and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed         in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.         You are witnesses of these things.               —Luke 24.46-48 What do you talk about when you come back,bodily risen but still… Continue reading Witnesses

Brother Martin

         Tomorrow, April 4, is the 50th anniversary         of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We lift our song of praise and victoryfor beloved brother Martin.He bore God’s yoke,God’s passion to set us free.With the courage of the prophets he namedthe evils of our racism, materialism and war.He stood fast against our hate and… Continue reading Brother Martin

King Day prayer

God of Martin and Rosa,of Fannie Lou and Harriet,Malcom, Mohandas and Cesar,God of Tenzin, Desmond and Malala:I do not ask to see the road ahead.I do not ask for power or brilliance.Give me passion.Give me gratitude for my companionsand love for my siblings in this world.Open my heart to my oneness with all people,that I… Continue reading King Day prayer

To Hear, to speak

Samuel heard the callto speak the Word for God.He head to learn to listen,and learned that to hearis to speak. And he spoke. Dr. Martin heard the calland spoke the Word. Don’t listen for Godif you’re not ready to speak,to speak for truth and justice,for love and mercy.With God, to hear is to speak. This… Continue reading To Hear, to speak

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