How miracles happen

           Taking the five loaves and the two fish,
           he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves,
           and gave them to the disciples,
           and the disciples gave them to the crowds.

                           —Matthew 14.19

You will not have enough.
It will be taken from you.
It will be blessed by hands not your own.
It will be broken.
It will be given away.

And you, you will not be enough.
You will be taken.
You will be blessed by hands not your own.
You will be broken.
You will be given.

This is how miracles happen.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Easter 2

April 7, 2024

Lectionary Texts

Acts 4. 32-35— The disciples held possessions in common… There was not a needy person among them.

Psalm 133— How good it is when we live in unity!

1 John 1.1 – 2.2
— We have seen eternal life in Jesus. … We are sinful, but forgiven…. Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for the whole world.

John 20.19-31— Jesus appears to the disciples, breathes on them, sends them.. Thomas questions, then experiences Jesus in the flesh.

Preaching Thoughts

       Resurrection isn’t just a thing we believe; it’s a way of living. Raised from our self-centered lives, we are part of the Body of Christ. We belong to each other. We don’t need to defend and provide for ourselves alone; our lives are in community. Self-giving will not deplete us. All of our needs will be met.

1 John
      Watch out for the old substitutionary way of thinking about an “atoning sacrifice.” Jesus’s sacrifice, his profound self-giving, is simply his love, not playing a part in a divinely concocted transaction. He isn’t “offered up” as a sacrifice; he offers himself. He’s not sacrificed to God; he sacrifices himself to our sin, evil and violence. And his self-giving love is “atoning” not because it “pays for” our sin, but because it makes us “at one” with God.” Jesus inhabits our sin and pain and alienation and right there extends God’s love to us. Nothing, not our sin or our death or our loneliness or our disbelief in God, not even our worst evil, can separate us from God’s love. Jesus’ self-giving love brings us back into harmony with God.

The Gospel reading comprises two scenes. The first is John’s Pentecost. Jesus breathes the Spirit on his followers. This is what Jesus has returned for: not to prove anything, not to exalt in his victory over death, but to breathe his living spirit into the disciples. Now they are his risen body.
       Thomas (the “Twin”) says he won’t believe unless he touches the wounds. Maybe that’s doubt. But maybe he’s saying, on behalf of all of us, that resurrection isn’t something you just think is true because someone said so; you believe it because you’ve experienced it. We don’t want to hear beliefs about resurrection; we want to see evidence of resurrection. When he does see Jesus, what convinces him is not the wounds (John doesn’t say he touches them) but simply the overwhelming (and I assume loving) presence of Jesus. Thomas represents all those to whom we want to proclaim resurrection. Words alone won’t suffice.
        We love happy endings. But Thomas is holding resurrection to a higher standard: resurrection is not just bouncing back; it’s radical transformation from something that is truly dead—you can see the wounds—to something that is truly alive. Thomas wants to see and touch the wounds. He wants to know not just that Jesus is OK after all, but that the one who is alive and whole is indeed the one who suffered and died. That the one who stands before him with forgiveness is the very one he denied and abandoned. (Remember when Jesus set out to Lazarus’ tomb, despite a contract out on him, and Thomas said “Let us go die with him.” But Thomas didn’t die with him. He ran away.) Now, in the wounds, and the Living One who bears them, he needs to see his own sin forgiven. As do we. Thomas is our twin.

Call to Worship

Leader: Christ is risen!
All: Christ is risen indeed!
The Crucified One has been raised from the dead.
The victim of our cruelty and injustice has been given eternal life.
Life has conquered death! Justice has triumphed over oppression!
Forgiveness has wiped away sin! Love has overcome evil!
Alleluia! We thank you, God,with hearts, like graves, newly opened.
Alleluia! We worship you, God, with lives made new. Alleluia!

Leader: God of love and miracle, you have raised Christ from the dead!
All: We thank you. We praise you. We worship you.
And yet we long to see Christ in the flesh
We long to touch his wounded, healing hands.
We wait for you.
We reach for you.

And yet even in our not seeing, not knowing, you are here.
We thank you. We praise you. We worship you.

Leader: God, Life-Giver, we praise you.
All: You who set us free, we thank you!
Risen One, we greet you.
Beloved, we open our arms to you.
Breath of life, you fill us, and we sing your praise.
Alleluia! Holy Spirit, live in us, and make us your Body. Alleluia!

Leader: Creator God, we praise you!
All: Risen Christ, we greet you!
We have seen your love among us.
We have touched your grace.
You are alive among us!
We open our hearts to your risen presence.
Alleluia! Come, Holy Spirit, and transform us by your grace. Alleluia!

Leader: Christ is risen!
All: Christ is risen indeed.
Alleluia! We are baptized into Christ’s death,
so that as Christ was raised by your glory,
we too may walk in newness of life.
Alleluia! Raise us up, O God,
from cynicism to trust, from fear to love,
from death to life.
Raise us up, O risen Christ! Alleluia!

Collect / Prayer of the Day

God of love, we come to you thankful for the miracle of Christ’s resurrection, and yet confessing our doubt and self-protection, and the harm that we do in our fear. Heal the wounds of our fear, set us free from the armor of our fear, and redeem us from the habits of fear. Speak your Word to us. We reach out for your hand. Come to us, in the risen Christ. We are open. Amen.

God of Resurrection, receive our past, gather it into your grace, and usher us into your new future. We who seek Jesus wait with eager hope. We search with earnest hearts. We reach out with trembling hands. May Christ come to us, that we may see anew, and live in faith. Amen.

Gracious God, Thomas wanted to see and touch the risen Christ. We too want to see you and hear you, and feel your presence. By your grace you are present here, speaking to us, reaching out to us and in us. Help us to listen for your voice and to open our hearts to your real presence as we read your scriptures, proclaim your Word and share in your feast. Amen.
God of life, in the beginning you breathed your breath into the dust of the earth and it became a living human. Breathe your life-giving breathe into us once again, that we may become new beings in you. Fill us with your Spirit, and send us into the world to love, in the name of Christ, whose rising is the dawn of our new life. Amen.

Listening Prayer

(suitable as a Collect, preparation for hearing scriptures, or invitation to prayer)

Risen Christ,
I cannot always feel you,
I don’t always see you before me,
but I don’t seek feelings.
I seek you.
And you come through the locked door of my heart
and are present with me,
my Chief, and my God.

Risen Christ,
come breathe your spirit into us,
breathe into us new life,
fill us with your love,
resurrect us in your Spirit.

Prayer of Confession

Pastor: Loving God, we profess resurrection and yet we have lived as if it is not true. We have not trusted you completely, received life from you fully, or given of ourselves freely. We have not loved as you have asked us to.
God, have mercy.
Forgive our sin. Reach out and touch the wounds of our hearts, and heal them.
God, have mercy.

From the grave of our sin, raise us up to new life. Restore our faith, renew our love, and grant us once again your deepest joy.
God of all mercy, by the mystery of your grace,
raise us up to new life with the Risen Christ.

Eucharistic Prayer

[After the introduction, the body of the prayer may be read responsively with the presiding leader(s) and congregation, or by the leader(s) alone.]

God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good and beautiful to give God our praise.

We delight to praise and thank you, God, and we share this meal in celebration.
For you create us in love and make Covenant to be our God.
You expose the crucifying nails we hold and hammers we wield,
and you judge the forces of oppression.
In love you overcome the power of evil,
and set us free, oppressor and oppressed alike.
In Christ you receive our evil and transform it by your grace;
you raise Christ from the dead, and you raise us with Christ, to new lives.
So we come to this feast, singing your praise with all Creation.

            [Sanctus, spoken or sung:]
        Holy, holy, holy One, God of power and might,
        heaven and earth are full of your glory.
        Hosanna in the highest.
        Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
        Hosanna in the highest.
               [or alternate version]

Blessed are all who come in the power of your love,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ.
He taught and healed with love; he gathered the broken and the outcast.
He faced our violence with non-violence and our betrayal with forgiveness.
He bore the marks of our cruelty, and died at the hands of our injustice;
but you raised him from the dead. Your love in him prevailed over sin and death.

[The Blessing and Covenant…]

Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”
As often as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection until he comes again.
Remembering these, your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,
we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving
as a living and holy sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

             [Memorial Acclamation, spoken or sung:]
        Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
        Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restores our life.
        Christ will come again in glory.
             [or alternative]

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Spirit on us, that we may be for the world the Body of Christ.
Breathe your Spirit into us, and send us in your love.
By your grace may we bear the marks of humble obedience,
suffer for the sake of love and justice,
and trust your power to raise us up in victory over all evil.
We pray in the name of the Crucified and Risen One,
Christ our victim, Christ our Savior, Christ our head.

     [Spoken or sung]

* The Blessing and Covenant
[I usually don’t print the words. I want people to be looking at the bread, not their bulletins.]

On the night in which he gave himself for us
Jesus took bread, blessed it,. broke it, and gave it to his disciples,saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup,
blessed it with thanks and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink of this, all of you. This is my blood,
poured out for you and for many, in a new Covenant,
which is the forgiveness of sin.”
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.

Prayer of Dedication / Sending / after Communion

[Adapt as needed.]
Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.). We have seen with our eyes and known in our hearts, we have tasted with our tongues and known in our sols your risen presence—in this meal, in our sharing, in one another. Breathe your Spirit into us and send us now in your grace, so that through our love others may hear and see and feel your love, alive in this world. Amen.

Suggested Songs

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip, on the Music page)

Easter Eucharistic Responses Nine sets of Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation and Amen set to familiar hymn tunes appropriate for the Easter season.

See Easter Communion Songs, nine songs of invitation and preparation for communion set to familiar hymn tunes.
We Have Hungered (Tune: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,
HOLY MANNA or Joyful, Joyful )
We have hungered, we have longed to reach and touch you in the flesh.
Now you show yourself in glory, risen and made new and fresh.
Though we turn away, you hold us. We who once were dead now live.
Blest, received, adored, forgiven, now in gratitude we give.

God, we bring our gifts, rejoicing in your love, your love so great!
For you call us to your table, all as one, to celebrate.
Here we see and touch and taste you in the wine and in the bread:
in the loving, in the sharing you are risen from the dead.

Offering Songs,
Brief songs for dedication of offering or communion gifts,
set to familiar hymn tunes.
(Tune: The River Is Wide / Gift of Love)

O risen Christ, O Living One,
we greet you fresh in morning sun.
And as you rise you hold us, too,
that we may be raised up with you.

Christ, as you bear our lives into
this day of God, created new,
we give them back for you to take
and use with love, for blessing’s sake.

Christ Is now Living       (Tune: Morning Has Broken)

Christ is now living, who was once buried,
lovingly giving life to us all.
Deep in the grave he bore all our sorrow;
risen to save, he utters his call.

Christ has arisen! My heart is singing:
God, you have given life that is new,
endlessly giving, blossoming deeply.
So I am giving my heart to you.

Siblings of Jesus, let us go on now,
one with each other in this new light,
serving and loving; so by our giving
others may meet Christ in their own sight.

Let me Feel Your Wounds     (Original song)

Risen Christ, let me feel your wounds
in the heart of the one whom I have crucified.
May I feel your forgiving and begin brand new living.
May I know your rising there.

Risen Christ, let me feel your wounds
in the hands of the lonely and despairing ones.
May I love with your caring. May I hope with your daring.
May I know your rising there.

Risen Christ, let me feel your wounds
in the feet of the poor and homeless wandering.
May I weep with their weeping. May I give without keeping.
May I know your rising there.

Risen Christ, let me feel your wounds
in the marks of our violence upon the world.
May I bless and heal. May your peace be my seal.
May I know your rising there.

New Breath (Tune: Morning Has Broken)

Christ, we are baptized into your dying,
and like the sunrise, we are made new,
given new breath, to live every moment,
for out of death comes new life in you

Great Holy Spirit, breathe in us daily,
set free from fear that once bound us in,
free now to love our neighbors with courage,
rising above our death and our sin..

Blessed and forgiven and resurrected,
set free for living by grace alone,
may we live lives of gentle compassion,
with the same light that in Jesus shone.

Risen (A communion song) (Tune: Fairest Lord Jesus)
[This song may be found in Table Songs,
a collection of communion songs to familiar tunes.]

Blessed Lord Jesus, you laid down your life for us.
Risen from death, now you bid us dine.
Grateful, we bring our gifts, as we receive from you
your love poured out in bread and wine.

Risen Lord Jesus, make your presence known to us;
come in flesh we can see and feel.
In bread and wine and prayer, in those with whom we share,
be present in this holy meal.

Now as we share this meal give to us your Spirit.
Make us your Body, your living Word.
In our forgiveness, in lives that heal and bless
may this world know our risen Lord.

Risen Bread (Tune: Be Thou My Vision)

You laid your life down like sowing a seed;
once dead and buried, from death you are freed,
rising like wheat in the warmth of the sun!
Christ you are risen! New life has begun!

Christ, you are risen, but not far above:
you live among us in each act of love,
in every deed of compassion you rise,
living in flesh we can see with our eyes.

Christ, we are blest as we gather to dine,
strengthened for love by the bread and the wine.
This is your Body, now entering ours,
strong with your loving, miraculous powers.

Gathered like wheat from the fields in the sun,
once we were scattered but raised we are one.
We are the body of your love and grace,
your blest community, your real human face.

Jesus, you feed us, then bid us to leave,
sharing with others the love we receive.
We are your Body, sent by your command,
making love real as the bread in our hands.

Third verse may be omitted if there is no communion.
         Final verse may be included with previous verses

                  or as a blessing at the end of the service.

Easter 5

April 28, 2024

Lectionary Texts

Acts 8. 26-40 — Phillip baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch

Psalm 22. 25-31 — Praise… “The poor shall eat and be satisfied. … Dominion belongs to the Lord.”

1 John 4. 7-21 — God is love. … There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear… We love because God first loved us.

John 15. 1-11
“I am the vine; you are the branches.”

Preaching Thoughts

   Here we have a perfect example of the Body of Christ’s inclusivity: the Spirit leads Phillip to reach out to a foreign, non-gender conforming person of color. Work with that.

       This is the other half of “My God my God, why have you forsaken me?” It’s the trust that God actually hasn’t forsaken me. I just felt like it. As with all of the laments (but one), the cry of despair works into a cry of hope, thanksgiving and praise.

1 John
Again, the gospel in a nugget. We love because God first loved us.
       I take John’s theology literally: God is love, and love is God. As the ancient saying goes, “Ubi caritas et amor, ibi Deus est:” wherever there is love and compassion, there is God. God is not just some loving guy up in heaven; God is love itself, the love that begets the world and saturates the world, and begets us, and holds us and lives in us. Whenever we love, that is God being God.
      “God sent God’s Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.” Be careful with this. Maybe John really means God intends for Jesus to be slaughtered like a lamb to make up for our sins. I choose to see it differently: love motivates Jesus to sacrifice his own life, so we might experience deep trust in God. God is not someone who orders Jesus around, but love propels him into action. What atones for our sins is not that Jesus pays in punishment for them, but that his self-giving outweighs our alienation from God and allows us to be at one with God. Jesus occupies the place of condemnation, and suffers our worst evil, and God still loves him, and still loves and forgives us. Experiencing this love (in Jesus’ sacrifice), we can let go of the fear that makes us distrust God (our sin), and we can trust God (be “at-oned”).

Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” He also says “I am in God, and you are in me, and I am in you” (Jn. 14.20) Paul says “We are members of the Body of Christ.” John says “God lives in us.” I think we are all one Being. Righteousness is participating. Sin is thinking (and acting as if) we’re separate. We are not separate from Christ, but a part of Christ, and part of one another. Everybody is part of everybody. And by God’s love living in us we bear the fruit of that love in our own lives. We falter in our trust that we’re part of Christ, part of the embodiment of God’s love. That’s our sin. God’s response is purely to give us more love, to bring us back into harmony with God. The life of faith is one of continual mindfulness of coming back into harmony with the love that is at the heart of our being, and bearing the fruit of that love in our lives.
       “God removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit God prunes to make it bear more fruit.” We prefer to hear about God tending us, feeding us, being gentle with us. It’s a little harder to realize God also prunes us. Whatever is not fruitful is removed for the health of what is fruitful. In a dying vine even the smallest tender shoot is the deepest hope of the vinegrower. Even if most of a tree is dead, it is pruned to save what is living, what is kind and hopeful and giving. If we are willing, God lovingly removes what is unkind, unloving, selfish and fearful in us. It’s not an easy little snip-snip. We have to willingly let go, over and over. But God works in us to prune what is not loving for the health of what is loving. The vinedresser tends each branch within you, the part in each of us that is unloving, ungiving, whatever is attached to what is dead. The death of what is unkind in us is the pruning by which the resurrection of love may come forth, small and green.

Call to Worship

Leader: Living God, Root of Life, we grow and blossom from your heart.
All: You are the river; we are your flowing.
Loving Christ, Flowering of Love, we give thanks for the beauty of your grace.
You are the vine; we are your branches.
Holy Spirit, Fire of God, your love burns in us, and shines into the world.
We are your candle; you are the flame.
We belong to you; we worship you; we serve you. Alleluia!

Leader: Christ, you are the vine and we are your branches.
All: Our life flows from you, and we give you thanks.
You are the vine and we are your branches.
Your love flows through us, and we praise you.
You are the vine and we are your branches.
We are one in you, and as one we worship you. Alleluia!

Leader: Creator God, Tree of Life, Root of Love, we live in you.
All: We grow from you; we are rooted in you; we live within you.
Christ, our Vine, your life flows in us, your strength upholds us.
Our blossoming is your praise; our beauty is your glory.
Holy Spirit, love of God unfolding within us, you give us life.
Your presence swells our hearts, and your grace ripens within us.
Alleluia! Living Vine, fill us with your grace,
that we may bear fruit in your name, to your delight,
for the blessing of all the world. Alleluia!

Leader: Creator God, we praise you!
All: Risen Christ, we greet you!
Tree of Life, we belong to you; we are part of you.
Vine of Love, we need you. You nourish us.
May we be deeply rooted in you,
your spirit flowing through us.
Abide in us, that we may bear the fruit of your love.
May your perfect love cast out our fear.
By your grace prune what is not loving in us.

Come, holy vinedresser, and renew your life in us.
Come, Holy Spirit, and transform us by your grace. Alleluia!

5. [From 1 John 4.7-13]
Leader: Beloved, what love the father has given us, that we should be called children of God.
All: God, we thank you.
God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent the Beloved into the world so that we might live through Christ
Christ, we greet you.
By this we know that we abide in God and God in us because God has given us of God’s spirit.
Holy Spirit, we are alive by your power.
We worship by your grace.

Collect / Prayer of the Day

Christ, you are the living vine. May your presence give us life, your Word give us wisdom, and your grace flow through us that we may bear fruit in the Spirit of your love. Amen.

God of love, we give thanks for our unity in you. In one Spirit, by your one grace, we worship, we pray, and we listen for your Word. Make us one in your love, one in Christ, and one in service to the world, through your one Spirit. Amen.

God of love,
may the flower of your delight
and the fruit of your compassion
grow in us as we hear your Word.

Loving God, you are the vine and we are your branches. Our life flows from you. Our very being is yours. By your Spirit in us, we root ourselves deeply in your presence, and receive your Word. Bless us that your grace may flow through us, that we may bear the fruits of your Spirit. We pray in the name of Christ, in the Presence of Christ, as the Body of Christ. Amen.

Faithful God, you bring us forth into life and nourish us like a mother. You give us the gift of Jesus, who tends us like a gentle shepherd. You fill us with your Spirit, so that we live in you and love with your love. We thank you for your grace, and pray that in hearing your Word we may be drawn more deeply from death into life eternal. We pray in the name of Christ, who is with us now. Amen.

God of Truth, you are the vine and we are your branches. Root us in your Word, so that our life flows from you. Prune the branches in us that do not bear fruit, and nourish the fruit we bear, so that we may be faithful to your love. May your love flow through us, so that we may bear the fruits of your grace, in the name of Christ. Amen.

O God, you are the vine and we are your branches. Our life springs from you. Our souls are rooted in you; our bodies rise from your heart. Your Spirit flows through us, and our lives are part of you. As our lives fill with your love and our spirits swell with your blessing, we bear fruit. We blossom with joy, and bear the fruit of love in your world. We celebrate, O God, and we open our hearts that by your grace we may receive and give your love more freely. Amen.

Listening Prayer

(suitable as a Collect, preparation for hearing scriptures, or invitation to prayer)

Loving One
you are the vine;
we your branches.
Your Spirit flows through us,
your Word lives in us.
We open the veins of our souls
that your grace may flow freely.
May your grace bear fruit in us.

Prayer of Confession

The grace of God be with you.
And also with you.
Trusting in God’s tender mercy, let us confess our sin to God with one another.
God of life, you are the vine, and we are your branches.
But we confess that we have tried to live separate from you.
We have not rooted ourselves in you, or opened ourselves
to your life and your spirit and your power flowing through us,
your love and your beauty blossoming in us.
Our lives become dry and fruitless.
God of life, we desire to be rooted in you, joined to you, part of you.
Return us; forgive us, fill us again with your life,
Silent prayer… The word of grace

More Prayers

Christ, living vine,
    be my life.
Let my life flow from you,
     from your heart to mine.
My soul is rooted in you;
     my very being is your being.
I am rooted in your love;
     your love alone gives me life.
Let my love be your love,
     flowing through me.
Let my life be the fruit of your presence,
     my thoughts the vessels of your grace,
     my deeds the movements of your spirit.
Let me receive the life that is rooted
     with all others in you.
Prune all of me that does not bear your fruit;
     though I cry out, I willingly surrender it.
My life is in you,
     and your life is in me.
Christ, living vine, be my life,
     and I will be your living branch,
     your life-giving fruit.

God, this is love,: that you first loved us.
      We receive your love.

If we love one another, God lives in us,
and God’s love is perfected in us.
      Dwell in us God,
      and perfect your love in us.


Beloved, since God so loves us
we ought to love one another.
      Your love flows out through us
      to all the world.

There is no fear in love,
but perfect love casts out fear.
      By your love cast out our fear
      and perfect your love in us.



Vine and Branches

Holy One, you are the living vine
and every creature is a branch of you.
All whom I see are branches of you.
We are all one living being. One.

I am your branch.
Beyond believing, un-understandably,
I belong to you.
I live in you.
I grow from you.
Your life flows through me.
I bear your fruit.
Your juices run in me.
I bear you forth in the scent of my blossoms.
You are beautiful in me.

Mmmm, what beauty!
Ah! What wonder.
My, what a gift.

Vine and branches

Does the branch pray to the tree?

Does the little limb think
of the great root buried in its grave,
the wine poured up
through the sturdy chalice of the trunk?
Does the leaf seek the will
of the seed, or contemplate
the shape of the body,
the arms spread out over the earth?
Does the bud seek guidance
or understand its place
in the miracles and teachings of the seasons?

I don’t know about that;
only this:

in the branch the leaf opens,
the blossom unfolds,
the fruit swells.

Response / Creed / Affirmation

1. From 1 John 4.7-21
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God.
Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
You can’t know God without being loving, because love is God.
God’s love was revealed among us in this way:
God sent God’s Only Begotten into the world
so that we might live through Christ.
In this is love, not that we loved God
but that God loved us
and sent the Only Begotten to heal our alienation from God.
Since God loves us so much, we also love one another.

No one has ever seen God;
if we love one another, God lives in us, and God’s love is perfected in us.
By this we know that we abide in God and God in us:
because God has given us of God’s Spirit.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear;
for fear has to do with coercion,
and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love.

Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars;
for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen,
cannot love God whom they have not seen.
We love because God first loved us.
The commandment we have from God is this:
we who love God must love our brothers and sisters also.

       O God, Creator and Source of all, you are the Tree of Life. We live in you, and we desire always to be in communion with you, deeply rooted in you, flourishing in your grace.
       O Christ, you are the vine and we are your branches. One with God and one with us, you are our Root, our Savior, our Life. In your life and ministry and your death and resurrection you bear the fruit of God in perfect love. In your grace you cast out our fear. You gather us in communion with God and one another, transform us by your Spirit flowing through us, and send us into the world in service for the sake of love and justice.
       O Holy Spirit, Life of God in us, we live by your power and beauty. We blossom with your grace. You make us the Body of Christ, one with you and with all Creation, one in resurrection, one in forgiveness, one in the mystery of eternal life. Therefore we devote ourselves to you, that bearing the fruit of your love, we may glorify you, so that your joy may be in us, and our joy may be complete. Amen.

        We believe in God, the Root of all living, Creator of all things.
        We live in Christ Jesus, God’s Son, who loved all people and who makes us one in his love. He suffered and died, and was raised on the third day. In his death and resurrection we are also raised to new life. Christ is our Vine and we are his branches, and without him we cannot live.
      We live by the Holy Spirit, flowing through us so that we may bear fruit for God, the fruit of love, the fruit of justice, beauty and joy. In the Spirit we are one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world. Amen.

Eucharistic Prayer

[After the introduction, the body of the prayer may be read responsively with the presiding leader(s) and congregation, or by the leader(s) alone.]

God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good and beautiful to give God our praise.

Christ, you are the vine and we are your branches.
Eternal Love, we spring from you.
Nothing can separate us from your love, for we are part of you.
You hold us when we stray and when we falter.
As the scattered seeds are made into one loaf,
as the many branches grow from the one vine:
we are one with you and with all your beloved.

You set us free from all that oppresses us,
from all that diminishes love or the wholeness of life.
You prune what is unloving in us,
so that in us your love may flourish and bear fruit.
We come to this table to feast on the fruit of your love in Christ.In one voice with all Creation we sing your praise.

            [Sanctus, spoken or sung:]
        Holy, holy, holy One, God of power and might,
        heaven and earth are full of your glory.
        Hosanna in the highest.
        Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
        Hosanna in the highest.
               [or alternate version]

Blessed are all who come in your name, and blessed is Jesus your Christ;
he loved us so that we may love.He forgave us so that we may trust.
His perfect love casts out our fear.
He made us into one Vine, one Body, in your Spirit,
a community of love and forgiveness
that includes everyone of every race and nation,
every gender, every place on the journey of life.
He was crucified and buried; the vine was cut down.
But you raised him to new life, and the vine lives on in us.

     (The Blessing and Covenant) *
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.
Therefore, remembering these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,
we offer ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice,
in union with Christ’s offering for us,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

             [Memorial Acclamation, spoken or sung:]
        Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
        Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restores our life.
        Christ will come again in glory.
             [or alternative]

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts, O God,
that they may be for us the Body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pour out your Spirit on us, that we may be renewed as your people,
the Vine of your Love, the Body of Christ.
You are the vine and we are your fruit.
May your spirit flow through us as sap through the vine,
that we may bear the fruit of your love in this world.
By your Spirit in us may we be perfected in your love.
Make us one with you, one with each other and one with all Creation,
for the sake of the wholeness of the world,
in the name and the Spirit of Christ.

     [Spoken or sung]


* The Blessing and Covenant
[I usually don’t print the words. I want people to be looking at the bread, not their bulletins.]

On the night in which he gave himself for us
Jesus took bread, blessed it,. broke it, and gave it to his disciples,saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup,
blessed it with thanks and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink of this, all of you. This is my blood,
poured out for you and for many, in a new Covenant,
which is the forgiveness of sin.”
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.

Prayer of Dedication / Sending / after Communion

[Adapt as needed.]
Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) We are one in your spirit, and one in service to the world. May your grace flow through us that we may bear the fruit of your love in this world, for the sake of the coming of your Realm, in the name of Christ. Amen.

2.Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) You love us perfectly and cast out all fear. May we then love one another and all the world without fear, in the name of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) May your love flow through us, and your beauty blossom in us. By your Spirit may we bear your fruit in this world, and offer your love to all in the name and the Sprit of Christ. Amen.

Suggested Songs

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip, on the Music page)

Offering Song (Tune: This Is my Father’s World)
[Included in Offering Songs,a collection of one-verse songs to familiar hymn tunes.]

We give our gifts, O God, as branches of your vine.
The lives we live, the gifts we give spring from your grace divine.
So may we do your will, in all we say and do,
the fruit we bear, the love we share, flow from our life in you.

Vine and Branches (Original song)

You are the vine and we are your branches,
one with your life and rooted in your heart.
Flowing with grace, with life you fill us,
strengthened that nothing can break us apart.

You are the vine and we are your branches.
Deep in our hearts your life is flowing through.
Rooted in you, we grow and flourish.
You live within us, and we live in you.

You are the vine and we are your branches.
One common blood flows through all of our veins.
We all are part of one another.
We all are branches of one living vine.

You are the vine and we are your branches,
flowing with power greater than our own,
bearing your fruit to all Creation,
till all the seeds of your love have been sown.

OT 9 – 2nd Sunday After Pentecost

June 2,2024

Lectionary Texts

1 Samuel 3.1-20 — God calls Samuel in the temple.

Psalm 139 — You know me from the inside.
          See two paraphrases of Psalm 139 here and here, and a meditation on it here.

2 Corinthians 4.5-12 — God’s light shines in us, but we have this treasure in earthen jars. We are afflicted but not crushed…

Mark 2.23 – 3.6 — David and the bread of presence. “Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the sabbath.” Jesus heals the man with the withered hand.

Preaching Thoughts

1 Samuel
       It’s usually only afterward that we realize it has been God talking to us. Especially if that voice is a call— a vocation—to some kind of service or self-giving. Even if that work is our love and passion, we often doubt it meets God’s delight. Until we answer the call…

2 Corinthians
I love the paradox of Paul’s image that we are simple clay jars—cheap, imperfect and fragile, even—filled with incredibly precious and eternal stuff. The light of God shines in us; it’s the light, not the jar, that matters. But we take care of that breakable jar, for the sake of the light. It’s typical for people to doubt themselves as bearers of God’s light, and to judge others for being inadequate; but the good news is that the light is always carried in cracked, imperfect jars. Yes, your jar is flawed. Of course. But the light in you is holy. It’s there because God says “Let there be light.” And that light created in you is as real and powerful as the Big Bang. Let it shine. And don’t mind those people who are so afraid of their own light, and afraid of their own cracks and imperfections, that they project their fear onto you and belittle you. Never mind them. You have the Light. Shine it.

   The legalists fault Jesus for playing loose with the law of God. But That’s not what Jesus is doing. It’s not just that he tends to the spirit, not the letter of the law; in fact he takes the law to a higher level. About healing on the sabbath the Pharisees ask “Is it legal or not?” But Jesus asks What’s the sabbath for? ”Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm?” It’s about surrendering to the power of God, right? Therefore it’s about healing, isn’t it? Well, then, this is lawful. (He does the same thing with the bent over woman in Luke 13. The sabbath is about liberation, right? Well, then the sabbath is the perfect time to liberate this woman.) Jesus invites us not just to “obey” the laws of God but to think through what those laws are for. They’re for healing and liberation. The way to follow God’s commandments is to heal and liberate, no matter what the “rules” say.

Call to Worship

1. [2 Corinthians]
Leader: In the beginning was the Word,
All: and the word was love.
God said “Let there be light,
and all things came from the light of love.

We are created in the light of your love,
and it shines in us.
God of mercy, we open our hearts to your light.
May the sun of your love rise in us and shine in us always. Amen.

2. [1 Samuel]
Leader: God of truth, in darkness and unknowing, you call us.
All: Here we are; we are listening.
God of love, you call us by name.
Here we are. Speak to us.
God of justice, you call us to your work.
Here we are. Send us.
God of mercy, re-form us by your Word.
Gracious God, we worship you with open hearts.

3. [Mark]
Leader: God of love, we are broken people.
All: You reach out to us in love.
We have doubts and expectations; we put limits on your love.
Yet you reach out to us in love.
Touch our brokenness; heal our wounds.
Gracious God, restore our wholeness.
We open ourselves to you.

4. [Psalm 139. Also appropriate for a response/affirmation. ]
Leader: O God, you have searched us and known us.
All: Where could we flee from your presence?
Even at the farthest ends of the world, you are there.
Even in darkness your light shines.
You have formed us; you know us from the inside.
How unimaginable are your thoughts, O God.
Search us, O God, and know our hearts.
Lead us in the way everlasting.

Leader: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was the light of life.
All: O God, let your light shine in us.
Jesus said, “You are the light of the world;
let your light so shine that others may see and glorify God.”
O God, let your light shine in us.
Sleeper, awake, and rise from the dead, and God will shine upon you.
O God, let your light shine in us.

Collect / Prayer of the Day

Holy Mystery, you fashion us out of love; you create us with your grace. We shine with the light of your presence. Strengthen the clay pots of our faith, that we may hold your light faithfully and share it lovingly in the name of Christ. Amen.

God of grace, we are broken people; only you can heal us. Yet we are held back by our own doubts and fears, our judgments and expectations. Set us free from the imprisonment of our own minds, to trust your grace, to stretch out our hands to you and be made well. Amen.

Listening Prayer

(suitable as a Collect, preparation for hearing scriptures, or invitation to prayer)

Holy Mystery,
in the darkness and silence of our prayer
you call to us.
Help us to listen and to hear.
Help us to respond.

Prayer of Confession

Pastor: The grace of God is with you.
Congregation: And also with you.
Trusting in God’s tender mercy, we open ourselves in honesty to God.

God of love, help us to see ourselves with the eyes of love,
to see what in us is loving,
and what is not loving.

God, we recall when we have been in harmony with you, or with life, and we give thanks. [silent prayer…]
We recall when we have been out of harmony, and we seek your grace. [silent prayer…]
God of mercy, in Christ you have shown us your grace.
Forgive us, heal us, and perfect your love in us. [silent prayer…]


2 Corinthians 4. 5-12

Leader: We do not proclaim ourselves.
We proclaim Jesus Christ as our Sovereign.
We are one another’s servants for Jesus’ sake.
All: For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”
has shone in our hearts also
so the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ
will shine in our own faces as well.

But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be clear
that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed;
we have difficulties, but we do not despair;

we are opposed but not abandoned;
we are struck down, but not destroyed.
We bear in our bodies the death of Jesus,
so that in our bodies the life of Jesu
s may also be clear.

Eucharistic Prayer

[After the introduction, the body of the prayer may be read responsively with the presiding leader(s) and congregation, or by the leader(s) alone.]

God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good and beautiful to give God our praise.

God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your heart.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good and beautiful to give God our praise.

We thank you, God, for In the beginning you said “Let there be light.”
And your light shines in us.
We are wondrously made.
You know us inside and out, and are with us always.
Even in the farthest places you are with us;
even in the darkest times you are light.
You set us free from all that enslaves us,
and ask us to set one another free.
In the inner darkness of our hearts you call us by name.
And so we come to your table to be made whole,
singing your praise:

            [Sanctus, spoken or sung:]
        Holy, holy, holy One, God of power and might,
        heaven and earth are full of your glory.
        Hosanna in the highest.
        Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
        Hosanna in the highest.
               [or alternate version]

Blessed are all who come in your name,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ.
He taught even those who threatened him;
he healed even when opposed,
he fed even when there was no food.

He loved even at the cost of his life,
and asks us to do the same.
Under an oppressive power he was crucified,
but by your infinite grace he was raised from the dead.

     (The Blessing and Covenant) *
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.
Therefore, remembering these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,
we offer ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice,
in union with Christ’s offering for us,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

             [Memorial Acclamation, spoken or sung:]
        Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
        Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restores our life.
        Christ will come again in glory.
             [or alternative]

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Spirit on us,
that we may be for the world the Body of Christ.

By your Spirit in us may we hear your call and respond.
May we be the clay jars your light shines in.

Here we are; send us.
Send us with courage and compassion no matter the cost,
to heal and to bless,
for the sake of the wholeness of the world.

     [Spoken or sung]

* The Blessing and Covenant
[I usually don’t print the words. I want people to be looking at the bread, not their bulletins.]

On the night in which he gave himself for us
Jesus took bread, blessed it,. broke it, and gave it to his disciples,saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup,
blessed it with thanks and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink of this, all of you. This is my blood,
poured out for you and for many, in a new Covenant,
which is the forgiveness of sin.”
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.

Prayer of Dedication / Sending / after Communion

[Adapt as needed.]
Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) Shine in us with your love. Send us, as beams of your light, into the world, for the sake of all Creation, in the name of Christ. Amen.

Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) You have reached out and made us whole. Your light shines in us. You have called us, not to do harm, but to do good. By your Spirit in us it is always the right time to heal. Send us, to heal, to serve, to love, in the name of Christ and the power of your Spirit. Amen.

Suggested Songs

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip, on the Music page)

Christ Our Healer
(Tune: Joyful, Joyful…
or HOLY MANNA … or BEECHER (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)

Christ, our healer, you have touched us, reaching through the dark divide,
healing broken hearts and bodies, casting death’s old shroud aside:
raised us from our bed of sorrows, put your arm around our pain,
raising us to new tomorrows, bringing us to life again.

Christ, our teacher, in our healing you have given us your gift:
grace to bless, your love revealing, pow’r to heal and hope to lift.
In your Spirit, your forgiveness, your compassion we embrace
ev’ry wounded, shamed or silenced child of God with gentle grace.

Christ, our savior, you are going on to every town and field,
on to every land and people, on until the world is healed.
Use us in the whole world’s mending, use us as your healing hands,
’till as one the world, made whole, takes up its mat with joy and stands.

Jesus, My Healer      (Tune: Fairest Lord Jesus)

Jesus, my healer, come to me and touch me;
lay your hand upon my soul.
All of my woundedness gently embrace and bless
and, though I’m broken, make me whole.

Source of our healing, God, our Re-Creator,
your deep joy is to raise and bless.
Your faithful promises and all our trusting hope
are stronger than our dark distress.

Spirit of healing, move among your people
to bear the blessing that flows from you:
with tender love to bless the world’s brokenness
and share the grace that made us new.


           “We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish.”
                           —Matthew 14.17

God, I do not have enough.
Enough to save the world, even to help others,
sometimes even enough to manage myself.

Receive my inadequacy.
Let it be in your hands, not mine.
Let my lack be space for you.

Open my eyes to see in every failure,
in every shortcoming,
your grace.

Beloved, mindful not of what I lack
but what I have—that you have given me,
I offer you myself. By your grace it will be enough.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


You think it is an ordinary day,
dull even, the weariness familiar.

But then he reaches into that moment,
the ordinariness of it, so small,

five rolls and two sardines, whatever
you happen to have along,

takes away your little sack of inadequacy,
your confidence of your unworthiness,

whatever you cling to, your sustenance,
your tiny hoard, your lunch for one,

blesses it, calls it divine, and a gift,
as if what is of earth is enough,

breaks it up so that you could not possibly
have it or live with it it again,

and gives it away, all of it, no longer yours
but God’s, whose hands are a hungry world,

and you can’t limit the way it multiplies,
the people it feeds, the wonder it becomes,

as if all along he has known that it was not slight
but hiding a miracle, bearing unseen abundance.

It is not the bread that is transformed
but the little hard roll of your trust,

the two little fish of your thinking
that you’ve seen the bottom of it,

your sureness that miracles come out of nowhere
and not from right where you are.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Easter Sunrise Service (Mark)

Download this serve here.

The Celebration of the Gospel

In the darkness of our sin, the grace of God rises like the dawn.
In the coldness of our hearts, hope rises like the sun.
Into all that is dark and cold in our lives, the light of God shines.
From the sleep of sin and the dust of our death
a new day rises, and with it our hearts.
O God of grace, shine your light upon us!
Come to us, and renew us, O God of life!
May the light of Christ, rising in glory,
dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.
Thanks be to God for the light of Christ. Alleluia!

GOSPEL — John 20.1-10 (or Mark 16. 1-8)

SONG (Resurrection Light, Steve G-H. Tune: Joyful, Joyful) *

Lord, we come in early morning as the light begins to rise,
like the women bearing spices to the grave where Jesus lies.
Here we bring our shattered hopes, our broken hearts, our deep despair.
Lord, we come as tender mortals, needing you, in humble prayer.

Now we look into the grave, the dark of death, the depth of sin,
all that would prevent our loving, all that kills the life within.
Here is buried our Beloved: wine poured out and broken bread.
But we find the grave is empty! Christ is not among the dead!

GOSPEL — John 10.11-18 (or from 1 Corinthians 15.1-22**)

SONG (Resurrection Light)

In your mercy you have shattered every tomb we cannot flee.
From whatever binds and traps us you have set your children free:
free to live in every moment life that is a gift from you,
life unfettered, in your Spirit, life unbounded, always new.

Help us to receive this life that rises up and soars above.
Grant us courage for self-giving; grant us trusting, fearless love.
Help us lose the lives we cling to; with compassion and delight
give our lives, receiving new ones, bright with Resurrection light.

SCRIPTURE — Romans 6.3-11 (or From Exodus 14.10 – 15.1***)

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed! ALLELUIA!
The stone has been rolled away!
The tomb where they laid him is empty.
This is the work of God, wonderful in our eyes!
Jesus gave of himself in love, even his very life.
And God has given him life, life beyond all death.
Christ has died with our sin, taking it it to the grave,
and Christ is risen in glory, setting us free.
And we have been buried with Christ in death,
so that just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of God,
we too might live whole new lives.
Christ, in your rising, we are brought to life.
Victorious Savior, have mercy on us all!


PSALTER — Psalm 118. 1-2, 14-24 (paraphrased):

O give thanks to the Holy One, who is good;
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
Yes, God’s steadfast love endures forever!
The Lord is my strength and my song;
God has become my salvation.
Listen to the glad songs among God’s grateful:
The Beloved has a hand in our lives!
The Beloved has a strong and gracious hand in our lives.
Death can’t touch me now: I can live deeply,
I can fearlessly bear forth the love of God.
God created me fragile, and I am broken,
but God steadfastly gives me life.
Open my heart to gratitude, for this is the gate to God.
This gratitude, this wonder is the way to the Holy One.
I think you, God, that you hear me and you save me.
The stone the builders rejected has become the keystone.
This is the Beloved’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day which God has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

(Alternate Psalter: Psalm 107.1-2, 10-15)

O give thanks to the Holy One, for God is good.
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
Let the redeemed of the Beloved say so,
whom God has redeemed from trouble.
We sat in darkness and in gloom,
prisoners in misery and in irons,
for we had rebelled against the words of God,
and spurned the counsel of the Most High.
Our hearts were bowed down with hard labor;
we fell down, with no one to help.
Then we cried to God in our trouble,
and God saved us from our distress.
God brought us out of darkness and gloom,
and broke our bonds asunder.
Oh God, we thank you for your steadfast love,
for your wonderful works to humankind.

The Day of Resurrection has dawned upon us, for Christ, our life, has risen. We give abundant thanks and praise to you, O God! In your victory, O Christ, help us shed all sin and death. In your rising, help us receive new life. In your grace, direct our lives as your new creation. Grant that we may live new lives in you, free of our old ways, free of fear and distrust. Sustain us with your mercy, and bestow upon us your deep peace and gladness, so we may find joy in serving you. O Christ, you are our life, which is eternal. We thank you. Grant us grace to receive the gift of life, and by your Spirit to live as fearless servants of your love. Amen.



God of love, you have raised Jesus from death to life!
Lead us always into newness of life.
Light of Christ, rising as the sun on a new day,
overcoming the darkness of sin and death,
shine on our path, chase away all darkness,
and lead us to the heart of God.
Light of Christ, rising in glory,
be the light of our hearts!
Spirit of Resurrection, grant us your grace.
Alleluia! Alleluia!



* Alternate song
, may be divided into two sections as above.
(Tune: Now The Green Blade Rises)

Early in the morning we come to the tomb,
bearing sins and sorrows, wounds and hearts of gloom.
But what is this? The stone is rolled away!
And the tomb is empty! Wonder and dismay!
So we ask the gardener where the body is—
and we hear the voice and know that it is his.
“Why do you weep?” Such sadness fills our eyes.
Then we see and fill with joy and glad surprise.

Christ now stands before us, living as he said.
Oh, what hope he brings us, rising from the dead!
Night was so dark, but with the rising sun
everything is changed now, in this grace-filled dawn.

We give God our spirits, buried just like seeds,.
and emerge forgiven, healed, made new and freed.
Sorrow and dread are changed to joy instead.
Spring now blooms, for Christ is risen from the dead!

**1 Corinthians reading, abridged from 1 Corinthians 15.1-11

I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me.

*** Exodus reading, abridged from Exodus 14.10 – 15.1

As Pharaoh drew near, the Israelites looked back, and there were the Egyptians advancing on them. In great fear the Israelites cried out to God. But Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that God will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again. God will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.”
Then God said to Moses, ” Tell the Israelites to go forward. But, Moses, lift up your staff, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the Israelites may go into the sea on dry ground.
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. God drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, and turned the sea into dry land; and the waters were divided. The Israelites went into the sea on dry ground, the waters forming a wall for them on their right and on their left.
The Egyptians pursued, and went into the sea after them, all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and chariot drivers. Then God said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea, so that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and chariot drivers.” So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and at dawn the sea returned to its normal depth. As the Egyptians fled before it, God tossed the Egyptians into the sea. The waters returned and covered the chariots and the chariot drivers, the entire army of Pharaoh that had followed them into the sea; not one of them remained.
But the Israelites walked on dry ground through the sea, the waters forming a wall for them on their right and on their left. Israel saw the great work that God did against the Egyptians. So the people feared God and believed in God and in God’s servant Moses.
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to God: “I will sing to the Holy One, for God has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider God has thrown into the sea.”


Suggested Songs

Christ Is Our Sunrise (Tune: Morning Has Broken)

Christ is now living— Alleluia!—
wondrously giving life out of death,
hope gently spoken when we were hopeless,
when we were broken, life-giving breath.

God, you have sought us deep in our suffering,
and you have brought us out of our fear,
gently revealing your presence in us,
tenderly healing, drawing us near.

Christ, in your rising you are our sunrise,
drawing surprising green from the seed.
Still your light finds us, wrapped in our grave clothes;
from all that binds us, now we are freed.

God, your grace gives us brand new tomorrows.
As Christ forgives us we are made new.
Now liberated from sin and sorrow,
newly created, we follow you.

Morning Is Breaking (Tune: Morning Has Broken)

Morning is breaking, sorrowful morning,
as we are making haste to the tomb:
cold and despairing, numb and defeated,
painfully bearing darkness and gloom.

But in the dawning we see the grave now,
empty and yawning, bright like the sun.
Angels in glory say he is risen!
“Go tell the story: Death is undone!”

We came to grieve our crucified Jesus,
but, loving God, you opened his grave!
Jesus is living! Yours is the victory,
great in forgiving, mighty to save.

God, you have greeted sin with forgiveness;
you have defeated evil and fear.
Light of his rising, shine in our courage,
pure, energizing, radiant and clear.

Morning is breaking bright in our hearts now,
as we are waking, light in our eyes.
With him we offer love without fear, for
with him we suffer, with him we rise.

Spring Now Blooms
(Tune: Now The Green Blade Rises)

Early in the morning we come to the tomb,
bearing sins and sorrows, wounds and hearts of gloom.
But what is this? The stone is rolled away!
And the tomb is empty! Wonder and dismay!

* Verse 2, Synoptic version:
Then an angel greets us, speaking to our fear,
saying “Christ is risen. See, he is not here.”
Now our despair itself has passed away,
and we feel new life rise in the dawning day.

* Verse 2, John version
So we ask the gardener where the body is—
and we hear the voice and know that it is his.
“Why do you weep?” Such sadness fills our eyes.
Then we see and fill with joy and glad surprise.

Christ now stands before us, living as he said.
Oh, what hope he brings us, rising from the dead!
Night was so dark, but with the rising sun
everything is changed now, in this grace-filled dawn.

We give God our spirits, buried just like seeds,
and emerge forgiven, healed, made new and freed.
Sorrow and dread are changed to joy instead.
Spring now blooms, for Christ is risen from the dead!

Holy Week Music

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip of original songs, on the Music page)

Se all songs with tags for “Cross,” but especially these:


Behold the Lamb of God (Original song)

Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
Come, let us follow, come let us follow
the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Kyrie – Six Versions (The traditional words set to six original tunes.)

Kyrie Eleison. Christe Eleison. Kyrie Eleison.
(“Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.”)

Christ, In Your Pain (Original song)

Christ, in your pain for the word, we are healed.
May our hearts be yours.
Christ, in our pain for the word, we are one.
Grant your love to us.
Christ, in your pain for the word, we are saved.
May your hearts be ours.

God, Be Merciful to Me (Original song)

God, be merciful to me.
With empty hands and open,
I turn to you for mercy.

The Jesus Prayer (Original song)

Jesus, Beloved of God, have mercy on me, for I need you.

O Jesus, Wounded Sovereign (Tune: O Sacred Head Now Wounded)

Dear Jesus, you who suffer and walk among the poor
whose hearts and lives are broken, whose faith is still unsure:
despised, accused and battered, you do not say a word.
So powerless, yet loving!— you are my Sovereign Lord.

You bear no arms but loving, no threats nor flags unfurled.
You wear no kingly robes, but the sorrows of the world.
Yet your forgiveness conquers each worldly rule and reign,
and rises, whole, undaunted, from evil, death and pain.

While emperors abuse you, and people shrug or stare,
and dark injustice troubles the ones for whom you care,
your mighty grace arises, and hidden from our sight,
enfolds all living beings in your triumphant light.

O Jesus, wounded Sovereign, I pray, give me the nerve
without this world’s armor to love and bless and serve.
My master and companion, rule all eternity
with grace and deep compassion, and, Love, begin with me.


In Your Love (Tune: What Wondrous Love Is This)

Our thanks we give to you, holy God, Loving One.
All earth and heaven shine with your love.
You form us wonderfully, and love us faithfully,
and come and set us free by your love, by your love.
Hosanna, God on high, Loving One!

How blest is Christ, who comes in your name, in your love,
who blessed and taught and healed in your love.
In love your Christ has died, is risen at our side,
and will come to abide in your love, in your love,
and Christ will come again in your love.

Pour out your Spirit, God, on this bread, on this wine:
for they are Christ made real in your love.
Make us the Body, too, of Christ, now sent from you,
that we your will may do in your love, in your love.
We offer you our lives in your love.

This Is the Passover (Original Song)

This is the Passover you have desired to share
as you deliver us out of our slavery and fear.

This is the new living covenant sealed in your blood.
Grant that it may be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

Stripped in our suffering of all but our need for your grace,
join us to you in your dying and rising, O Christ.

Come, Holy Spirit, and grant us new life in our Lord.
gather us into your Body, made new by your Word.

You Feed Us, Gentle Savior (Tune: O Sacred head Now Wounded)

You feed us, gentle savior, the bread that makes us whole,
the wine of your compassion poured out into our soul.
the food of your own presence, your spirit, strong, within,
the grace that heals us deeply and overcomes our sin.

You bind us, gentle savior, and weave us into one,
one flesh and blood, made holy, the Body of your Son.
We gather here in hunger, one hunger, all the same;
and with one grace you bless us together in his name.

You call us, gentle savior, and send us in your name.
You teach and heal and show us how we can do the same.
So strengthened by your Spirit and nourished by your grace,
we go to be your presence in love, in every place.


At Your Feet (Original song)

Jesus, at your feet I bow.
I am yours completely now.
By your mercy show me how
to be loving.

Jesus, Master, you who save,
you have served me as a slave.
This, the perfect gift you gave:
to be loving.

In each hurting one I meet
it is you, O Christ, I greet.
Make my faithfulness complete,
to be loving.

The Cross

Oh, Jesus (Original song— an acapella solo)

Oh, Jesus, what have you done?
Carried my burdens, every one,
All of my sorrow, all of my sin,
Like a mother gathering her children in.
Now I’m left with nothin’ at all but love,
Nothin’ but your tender, tender love.

Oh, Jesus, what have I done?
Crucified my precious one.
I didn’t want to bear the pain or loss,
So I left you alone to carry the cross.
Now I’m left with nothin’ at all but love,
Nothin’ but your sufferin’, sufferin’, love.

Oh, Jesus, what will you do?
Forgive me like you always do.
With not a word of wrath or blame,
You died with love gently sayin’ my name.
Now I’m left with nothin’ at all but love,
Nothin’ but your precious, precious love.

Oh, Jesus, what will I do?
Give me the courage to follow you,
To give my love if I live or die,
And never again to crucify.
For I’m left with nothin’ at all but love,
Nothin’ but your dyin’, dyin’ love

Woeful Cross      (Original song)

Woeful cross, saddest wood, death in me of all that’s good,
I confess. Mother/Father, bless. Mercy.

Holy cross, mystery, love from fear of death set free.
Sin’s dark lie. Here I die. Mercy.

Gentle Christ on the cross, for our life your own life’s loss.
You forgive, and we live. Mercy.

Our own cross calling us to your love and gentleness:
may we live, as you give, mercy.

Your Healing Cross (Tune: The River Is Wide)

Dear gentle Christ, in love you died;
for us you wept, were crucified.
and, through your pain, the blood they drew,
we see the love that carried you.

And so for you, we gladly live,
our love, our hearts we freely give.
We neither fear despair nor death,
but trust your grace in every breath.

As one with you who died and rose,
we give our hearts and hands to those
who suffer need, or pain or loss;
in love we bear your healing cross.

Ascension Sunday / Easter 7

May 12, 2024

Lectionary Texts

Ascension Day
[Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter, is May 9.
It may be observed on Sunday the 12th.
Make sure you use at least one of the ascension stories on Sunday!]

Luke 24.44-53 — Luke’s shorter ascension story.

Ephesians 1. 15-23 — For wisdom, “that the eyes of your heart be enlightened.” God raised Christ and seated Christ n power over all things.

Psalm 47 — Praise God for ruling over all Creation. God has “gone up with a shout.”

Acts 1.1-11 — The ascension of Christ.

7th Sunday of Easter

Acts 1.15-17, 21-26 — The election of Matthias

Psalm 1
— Blessed are those…tree planted by streams of water

1 John 5.9-13 — Believe the testimony of eternal life

John 17.6-19 — “I have given them your Word… I’m not in the world, but they are…Not one was lost…protect them from the evil one…they don’t belong to the world …sanctify them”

Preaching Thoughts

   This is the end of Volume 1 of Luke’s gospel, Acts being volume 2. Here’s a shorter version of the story that’s repeated in Acts 1. In this version it’s late on the day of the resurrection. In Acts it’s 40 days later. Notice how Luke doesn’t mind telling two contradictory versions. They’re stories, not history.
       Jesus says scripture says the Messiah is to die and be raised. Well, Luke says it. Most scholars think Jesus never said that. But no one, Christian or Jewish, has ever been able to find scriptures that actually say that. It’s only through our Christian lens that we can overlay Jesus’ story onto Hebrew scriptures and see how they look similar. Take Isaiah’s servant songs. They’re not really about the Messiah (or even a person at all; they could be about the whole nation of Israel), and they don’t really describe resurrection. It’s not fair to pretend Isaiah had Jesus in mind in those songs. But we can see Jesus in them. The early church saw the resurrection as consonant with the way scripture shows us God, and their way of saying that was “scripture says this.” Let that be good enough.
       Jesus probably also didn’t say ”repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations.” But again it encapsulates the sense of mission of the early church. This is Luke’s version of a Great Commission, like John 20.22-23 and Matthew 28.18-20. This is what the early church believed they were about. The Jesus Seminar translates it: “All peoples will be called on to undergo a change of heart for the forgiveness of sins.” The root of this, the action we need to take, is not so much preaching but forgiving. It’s often assumed that people need to repent to be forgiven, but that’s not what forgiveness is. Forgiveness is the wounded person letting go of the hurt regardless of the hurtful person’s behavior. People will experience a change of heart when they receive forgiveness. We forgive, and that changes them; then they repent.

What a rich vein. Pray your way through this slowly. Here is my paraphrase of the book of Ephesians. See also a couple readings below.
      Ephesians wasn’t written by Paul. Maybe his less anal sister. If you’re ever down, just read Ephesians., It’s stuffed with one blessing after another. The writer really cared about her congregation and believed in them.
      The prayer in this passage is for wisdom and enlightenment but it doesn’t mean being smart or knowing the right answers. It means the enlightenment of our hearts, the way our soul knows things our minds can’t comprehend. Like what it’s like to be loved. The writer wants you to hope, and to trust in the power of God, the power that raised Christ, power that is greater than any other power.

        The story of the Ascension, like that of the Transfiguration, is highly symbolic. Treating it as a historical fact that proves a certain point (like that Jesus is divine) is not as fruitful as letting it be a story that invites our wonder. The story offers layers of “meaning” and significance. 
     It’s the opener of Season Two of Luke’s series Jesus and His People. It begins as so many episodes do, with “Previously, in the Gospel of Luke,” and then does a little recap to bring us up to the present moment. (There’s also a little teaser for the next episode: “You will be baptized by the Holy Spirit not many does from now…” ) “Theophilus” could be a real person, or a symbolic name. It means “God-Lover.” Just like, yes, “Amadeus.”
      Jesus appears during 40 days, the Official Biblical Gestational Period. Scripture’s way of saying something holy is unfolding. Then the disciples want to know the old Messianic question: will you finally throw off Roman occupation and set Israel free? As usual Jesus changes the question, as if to say “My kingdom is not of this world.” Then he turns the focus from himself to the disciples: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” A foreshadowing of Pentecost. And of the work following that. The disciples (we) are to be Jesus’ witnesses, both to behold him and to “bear witness,” to show him forth in our living, in an expanding world from there in town in Jerusalem, across the country and even the “enemy country” of Samaria, and out into all the world. Jesus lays out a plan for a community that is radically expansive, not in conquest but in inclusion.
      We still cling to the ancient worldview that God is “up” (NFL players point to the sky when they score. Why not point to the ground, or their hearts?) Given that geography, for Jesus to ascend implies he’s gone ”up” to be with God on the throne—that is, to rule over all Creation. Love is actually sovereign, even if it’s unseen.
       For those concerned with the physical body of Jesus after the resurrection, this seems to present a puzzle: now where is Jesus? But he has told them: In you. In Luke 24.48-49 and Acts 1.8 Jesus has charged them to continue his ministry and promised the Spirit (in John 20.22 he has already breathed his spirit into them). So it’s not just a story about Jesus: it’s a story about us. Jesus is the spirit; they (we) are the body. On Pentecost the disciples will discover that gift with amazing power. The Ascension makes way for the community to become the physical body of the risen Christ.
       This is also a story about grief and transition: the disciples now have to live without Jesus in physical form. Kind of like the Smothers Brothers’ old “looking up in the air gag,” it evokes some awkwardness and confusion. It reflects a lot of the change, grief and uncertainty in the early church, and in the church these days. Some days it does seem like the church is just standing there in a daze, looking up into the air.
      It raises the question of how we live out our faith without the reassurance of Jesus’ physical presence with us. Much as we might wish he were ”here” in that way, we have to learn to accept his presence in a different form.
      “This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Hm. Maybe that’s in reference to the scriptures depicting God coming “in the clouds” Jesus is going to come back through the sky? Or maybe it means he’ll come in a way as unexpected as this? Or maybe it simply means “You really saw him go, didn’t you? When he comes, don’t worry, you’ll see it.” Let it be a mystery.

Call to Worship

Leader: Love has been crucified, but love has risen.
All: Love has ascended over us.
Love reigns supreme over all the world.
Love reigns in our hearts.
God of love, lead us as we worship.
Christ of love, lead us as we live.
Spirit of love, rise up; the world is yours.

Leader: Christ, who was crucified, has been raised from the dead.
All: Christ is risen. Alleluia!
Christ has ascended into heaven and reigns with God over all things.
Christ is the ruler of our lives. Alleluia!
God gives us the Spirit, that we may be the risen Body of Christ.
Christ is alive in us. Alleluia!

Leader: Holy Mystery, beyond, we seek you.
All: Loving Presence, among, we greet you.
Shapeshifter Christ, moving, we praise you.
Transcendent Spirit, filling us, we thank you.
We do not understand you, but we love you.
We do not comprehend, but we worship,
in awe, in joy, and gratitude. Alleluia!

Leader: God of infinite mystery, your love is the heart of the universe.
All: The Beloved lives among us with grace.
Your love is the great power within all things.
The Beloved rules over the universe with tender compassion and mercy.
Christ, your love, has ascended to the throne of all Creation.
There is no power greater, no authority higher, that that of your love.
Your love is your power!
Your love is your might!
Your love is your victory!
The Beloved is our heart, and we are the Body of the Beloved.
Alleluia! Come, Spirit of Love, and reign over us.
Come, beloved, and transform us by your grace. Alleluia!

Leader: We come to this time and place seeking God.
All: So often we are simply in a daze, looking up into the sky.
But you are not in the sky; you are in and among us.
You have transcended one time and place,
and are with us in all times and places.

We open our heart to your presence.
May the eyes of our hearts be enlightened,
that we may know the joy of your love. Amen.

Collect / Prayer of the Day

Loving God, your eternal Christ once dwelt on earth, confined by time and space.
Give us faith to discern in every time and place the presence among us
of the One who is has ascended to fill all things and rule all things,
Jesus Christ the Beloved. Amen.

Eternal God, in mercy you have raised Christ from the dead; in love you have set Christ to rule over all Creation. By your Spirit raise Christ up to rule in our hearts, with your mercy and grace. Amen.

God of love, may the law of your Love reign over us. May the power of your Word have authority for us. May your throne be not only in the heart of the world but in the word of our hearts. Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening. Amen.

Gracious God, you have placed Christ in power over this world. By your grace, may Christ be in power over our own lives. Help us to pledge our allegiance to Christ, to give your Beloved our heart and mind and soul and strength, so that we may truly serve as your faithful witnesses in this world, in the name of Christ and the power of your Holy Spirit Amen.

Listening Prayer

(suitable as a Collect, preparation for hearing scriptures, or invitation to prayer)

Loving Mystery,
open to me a spirit of revelation;
enlighten the eyes of my heart
to know your hope
and the power of your love.
May Christ rise over me and in me,
ruling all, filling all.

God, enlighten the eyes of my heart,
that I may see clearly what is your true and beautiful will;
and even if I may not see your will,
that I may see what is true and beautiful;
and even if I may not see that,
that I may see what is.

Enlighten the eyes of my heart,
that I may be open to your light.


1. Ephesians 1.15-23 A paraphrase

I pray that God, the Womb of Love,
who in Jesus has embodied among us
the love that creates and orders our lives
and makes them good and beautiful,
may awaken in you deep awareness
of God’s presence and love.
With the eyes of your heart enlightened
may you have the hope God has for you;
may you live in wonder and trust
of the gifts we all receive as God’s Beloved;
may you come more deeply to trust
the immeasurable power of God’s love.

It is divine love that raised Christ from the dead,
raised Christ to rule the universe with love,
to rule over all human dominion
and all realms before and after humans,
in the visible world and the unseen.
All things are subject to the sovereignty of Love.
And we, the church, are the Body of Christ,
the body of that love,
love that fills everything, and contains everything.

2. Psalm 47 – A paraphrase

Don’t you want to dance?
         Don’t you feel the urge
         to rear back and sing real loud?
Because the Holy One, the Most,
         is so magnificent,
         and so totally has this world.
The Loving One has given us a love
         that overwhelms everything else.
Imagine this: the Infinite One
         has chosen us among all Creation,
         to love us and stay with us!

The universe is a song of praise
         to the Glorious One,
a flash of the radiance
         of God’s infinite power.
Go ahead and sing along!
         Make harmony with the heavenly song!
Sing your heart out to the Beloved!
         Let your whole life be the song!

Love is the heart of everything,
         so let love be the glory of your own heart.
—Doesn’t that make you want to sing?
         To run around shouting like a kid?—
The Loving One rules everything;
         occupies everyone’s secret place.
All of us—the whole planet—
         are God’s little ones,
         God’s dear sweeties.
What kind of a God could this be,
         but the most wonderful?


          Ascension Day Prayer

Master of Love, you have been taken from one place
and given in all places.
Released from one body, you now live in ours.
Lord of Love, you reign in my heart.
You are not absent, but within.
The power with which you create worlds,
raise the dead and heal all wounds,
the power of infinite love, lives in me.
Here in my heart, in all our hearts,
where love takes flesh as thoughts take song,
here in my heart your love sings.
Here in my heart is heaven,
and the Lord of Love,
reigning over all the universe.
I am your simple vessel, your humble home,
your sacred Body.
Together, we are your flesh.
We come into the world,
singing and dancing.

We who loved him gawk,
amazed, at first more taken
by his going than his being gone.
But then arises in his place

an awkward, fearful silence
no one wants to break,
assurance, sealed in stark bewilderment,
that what we know is wrong,

that what we love is gone,
that how we might love well we do not know,
that love enough
we cannot summon.

The One we loved has shifted
once again, has hidden once again
somewhere— in someone? how?—
has disappeared into the very air,

or nearer still, where there is no flame yet,
but only hollow wind. How hard it is
when the Beloved slips into
a mystery we might not love.

This would be our defeat, a simple loss,
standing here, looking into air,
had not these strangers come among us,
(heaven always closer than we think),

shaking us from the sky, confusing us,
making us wonder, questioning within,
if we could trust this vanishing,
if he had really gone at all.

          Ascension Day


He gave love a body,
hands and eyes and the weight of flesh;
and then gave it all away,
the love, and even the flesh.


“This is my body. Take it and wear it,”
Still unaccustomed to the fit,
we look at ourselves in the mirror,
admiring our divine hand-me-downs.


Having joined our flesh,
he rises, to look with love,
while life, conceived in us,
sanctifies its gathering flesh.


Lovers know what it is
to be drawn past your own skin.
Mothers know how a lover can step away
and yet grow within you.


Christ has died, yet is risen;
Christ has gone, yet remains.
We clear the table after the feast.
We look up into the blossoming air.

Response / Creed / Affirmation

1. (Ephesians 1.17-23)
       We give our hearts to the God Christ the Beloved has revealed to us, who calls us to hope, who gives us a glorious inheritance among the saints, and who shows immeasurably great power for us who trust.
       God has shown that power in raising Christ from the dead and seating Christ beside God in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come.
       God has put all things under Christ’s feet and has made Christ the head over all things for the church, which is Christ’s body, the fullness of God who fills all in all. Alleluia!

2. Adapted from Teresa of Avila

Christ has no body now but ours,
no hands, no feet on earth but ours.
Ours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world.
Ours are the feet with which he walks about to do good.
Ours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
       Christ, be with us; Christ be within us.
       Christ, hold us all in your loving Spirit. Amen.

Eucharistic Prayer

[After the introduction, the body of the prayer may be read responsively with the presiding leader(s) and congregation, or by the leader(s) alone.]

God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good and beautiful to give God our praise.

We thank you for the gift of Creation,
for your Covenant of love, and your steadfast presence with us.
We thank you for your great love, by which you reign over the world,
far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,
in this age and in the age to come.
By the great power of your love you set the slaves free in Egypt,
and by that love you set us free from all that oppresses.
You gave us the gift of Jesus Christ,
who is our head, who fills everything.
Joyous to share in this meal, we sing your praise.

            [Sanctus, spoken or sung:]
        Holy, holy, holy One, God of power and might,
        heaven and earth are full of your glory.
        Hosanna in the highest.
        Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
        Hosanna in the highest.
               [or alternate version]  
Blessed are all who come in your name,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ.
He fed the hungry, healed the broken, gathered the outcast
and proclaimed the dominion of your grace.

By the powers of injustice he was crucified.
But by the great power of your love you raised him from the dead
and seated him at your right hand and made him the head over all things,
the fullness of the One who fills all in all.
He offered to us the hope to which you have called us,
the riches of your glorious inheritance
and the immeasurable power of your grace.
In this meal he is present with us and all the church,
which is Christ’s Body, embodying your covenant of love.

     (The Blessing and Covenant) *

As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.
Therefore, remembering these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,
we offer ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice,
in union with Christ’s offering for us,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

             [Memorial Acclamation, spoken or sung:]
        Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
        Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restores our life.
        Christ will come again in glory.
             [or alternative]

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Spirit on us,
that we may be for the world the Body of Christ.
In this meal may we come to know Christ,
so that, with the eyes of our hearts enlightened,
we may trust and live and love in his Spirit.
Receiving the power of your Spirit,
may we be your witnesses in this place,
among strangers and even enemies, and to the ends of the earth.
Risen and ascended Christ, live in us,
for the sake of the wholeness of the world,
to your delight, now and always.

     [Spoken or sung]

* The Blessing and Covenant
[I usually don’t print the words. I want people to be looking at the bread, not their bulletins.]

On the night in which he gave himself for us
Jesus took bread, blessed it,. broke it, and gave it to his disciples,saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup,
blessed it with thanks and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink of this, all of you. This is my blood,
poured out for you and for many, in a new Covenant,
which is the forgiveness of sin.”
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.

Prayer of Dedication / Sending / after Communion

[Adapt as needed.]
Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) Guide us by your Spirit, make us the living Body of Christ, and send us into the world in love for the sake of the healing of all Creation. Amen.

Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) In Christ you have brought heaven to earth, and in his resurrection you have brought us to heaven, and now you give us to the world. Send us into the world to be his witnesses, to embody the Risen One in our living and our loving, in the grace of your Spirit. Amen.

Gracious God, Christ who was crucified you have raised from the dead.
y this meal grant that we may share in his new life.
You have enthroned Christ to reign over all Creation.
By these gifts may he reign in our hearts.

Christ has promised us his Spirit.
Through this communion may his Spirit fill us and guide us.

Christ has called us as his witnesses.
Strengthened by this food may we share your feast of grace with others,
in the name of Christ, and by the power of your Spirit. Amen.

Suggested Songs

(click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip, on the music page)

Offering song (Tune: HOLY MANNA or Joyful, Joyful)
(Included in Offering Songs, one- or two-verse songs for dedication of offering or communion elements, set to familiar hymn tunes.)

Christ is risen, but no longer in firm flesh that we can hold.
Christ is risen far beyond our thought or power, forms of old.
As a fire can’t keep its light but shines it out; it travels on,
Christ has risen and ascended: love to rule the world has gone.

Christ is risen, and has named us witnesses to all the world.
We are now the risen Body, hands outstretched and grace unfurled.
So we bring our lives to God, that God will bless them, shining bright,
and we pray the Spirit lead us radiating love’s pure light.

Christ Has Ascended (Tune: Morning Has Broken)

Christ has ascended, dead once, yet risen,
seated with God now, sovereign above:
Jesus the healer, ruling Creation,
reigning with mercy, justice and love.

Christ has ascended, hidden in daylight,
always before you, here in plain sight.
Do not look skyward, but to your neighbor,
every face shining with God’s pure light.

Christ has ascended, so that his Spirit
is not his only, but with us all.
Still our companion, he will be with us,
no matter where we follow his call.

Christ has ascended! To his disciples
freely his Spirit Jesus imparts.
We are his Body, witnessing daily,
light of his rising clear in our hearts.

Christ, Ruler of All Things (Tune: Fairest Lord Jesus)

Christ, Ruler of all things, what is seen and unseen,
your love reigns; your grace is sure.
Beneath our fear and strife, death fails to conquer life:
your tender mercy still endures.

Christ, Ruler of our hearts, come and reign within us.
Make us comrades, siblings, friends.
Your love be our life, our only power,
that gives us life that never ends.

Christ, Ruler of the earth, bring your gentle justice:
your Realm come, your will be done.
Heal all oppression; fill us with mercy,
as faithful as the rising sun.

Christ, Ruler of all things, of what is and is to come,
Risen One, our song we raise.
Rule in our living; guide us with tender love.
Your grace in us will be your praise.

Love Is Enthroned (Tune: Finlandia)

O, risen Christ, who once appeared among us,
you have ascended! Loud we sing your praise.
Though we may see no shadow of your nearness,
you have not gone; your loving presence stays.
You are no longer in one time or place,
but in all things, to radiate your grace.

Christ has ascended, reigning now above.
Love is enthroned at the Creator’s side.
All powers on earth are subject to Christ’s love,
who is our history’s unseen, gentle guide.
Though evil try to make this world its home,
Love is its Lord, and love shall overcome.

Go in the peace of Christ who is our Lord,
and gently heal, amid the fear and strife.
For we who eat and drink the living Word
are now Christ’s Body, and Christ’s earthly life.
We may not see the journey or the end,
but Christ still reigns, our ruler and our friend.

O Faithful God (Tune: Finlandia)

O faithful God, whose steadfast love is sure,
O Loving Father, Mother kind and strong:
your Covenant forever will endure;
you bind us to your heart our whole life long.
No matter how rebellious is your child,
in you we are brought home and reconciled

You hold us, God, in kinship with each other.
We have been loved and held when we would run.
We all are siblings, all born of one Mother;
though we would flee, you join us all as one.
Our deepest wounds come from our deepest love,
and so our highest hope for life above.

So teach us God, to bravely love each other,
for all belong within your house of grace,
to give our enemy, who is our brother,
our steadfast mercy, and a wide embrace;
for in our love, though we be right or wrong,
we know the grace to which we all belong.

Risen Bread
(Tune: Be Thou My Vision)

You laid your life down like sowing a seed;
once dead and buried, from death you are freed,
rising like wheat in the warmth of the sun!
Christ you are risen! New life has begun!

Christ, you are risen, but not far above:
you live among us in each act of love,
in every deed of compassion you rise,
living in flesh we can see with our eyes.

Christ, we are blest as we gather to dine,
strengthened for love by the bread and the wine.
This is your Body, now entering ours,
strong with your loving, miraculous powers.

Gathered like wheat from the fields in the sun,
once we were scattered but raised we are one.
We are the body of your love and grace,
your blest community, your real human face.

Jesus, you feed us, then bid us to leave,
sharing with others the love we receive.
We are your Body, sent by your command,
making love real as the bread in our hands.

Third verse may be omitted if there is no communion.
Final verse may be included with other verses
or as a blessing at the end of the service.

You are the Nerve (Tune: Finlandia)

O God, your Christ is risen in your people.
On earth Christ has no body now but ours.
We are the flesh and blood of your compassion:
moved by your Spirit, with its loving powers.
God be our heart, and we will be your Body,
serving in love in all our days and hours.

We are your feet, that go with joy to others
to share your love, the gospel we confess.
We are your eyes that see what is and may be,
that see each person’s need and loveliness.
We are your hands, that work with strength for justice,
your hands that shelter, heal and feed and bless.

Love, move in me, and guide me by your Spirit,
even when I don’t see or understand.
My life is yours, to be your living Body,t
hat I may love and serve at your command.
This is my life, my purpose and my power:
you are the nerve, and I your willing hand.

Your Holy Feast (Tune: “Londonderry Air,” Oh Danny Boy)

Oh healing Christ, you bring us to your table here,
to share with you, and all the ones you love.
We come as one, alike forgiven, healed and dear.
Oh come and bless us, Spirit, tender Dove.
        Oh, make us yours, your servants and your lovers.
        Oh, make us one, united here in you.
        Oh, make us new: the Red Sea lead us over,
        and set us free to walk in harmony with you.

Oh, Christ, you come, forgiving, risen from the dead,
in gracious love, that far outlives the grave.
You offer us your life in this, your humble bread,
and in this wine, your love poured out to save.
        So fill us with your peace and make us one again.
        Oh, fill us with your gentle, freeing love.
        Oh risen Christ, draw us into your rising here,
        and fill us with your light now dawning from above.

We come to eat the bread of peace you offer us.
We come to drink your resurrecting wine.
We come to feast upon your presence here with us,
and so become your Body as we dine.
        So make us whole again, and be our living breath.
        Make us your hands, and you will be our nerve.
        Oh, risen Christ, we join you, rising up from death,
        and by your side we’ll go, made new, to love and serve.

Easter 6

May 5, 2024

Lectionary Texts

Acts 10.44-48 — Cornelius and his household receive the Holy Spirit and are baptized.

Psalm 98 — God has done a great thing. Make a joyful noise! Let all Creation praise God.

1 John 5. 1-6 — Love, that is born of God, conquers the world.

John 15.9-17 — “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you…. So my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete…. To love is to lay down your life… I call you friends, not servants… You didn’t choose me; I chose you… Go and bear fruit.”

Preaching Thoughts

This is the “gentile Pentecost:” Cornelius was not a Jew. In Acts Luke shows us the community of followers of Jesus not just growing in numbers but expanding in inclusivity. As we saw last week, when the community of the baptized included the Ethiopian eunuch, a foreign, gender-nonconforming person of color, now it also includes people who aren’t even part of the faith community. As Mark Miller’s song says, “Draw the circle wide.”

1 John
John’s epistle here reflects the same sentiment we see in the gospel: “Take courage, I have conquered the world!” (Jn. 16.33). Take some care to unpack what it means for love to conquer the world. It doesn’t mean hate and fear and violence are ended. It doesn’t mean injustice has been stopped. But maybe it means love is stronger than evil. That love endures, despite evil’s violence against it. That what actually matters most in the world—what matters at all— is not power or conquest or ego, but love. That even when evil appears victorious, love actually prevails. That everything, even evil, is gathered up in love. That maybe after thousands of years of human struggle our story will turn out to be one of love. So we love, knowing it won’t look like victory. Of course the real victory is that in our struggle between love and fear, no matter how it turns out, we have struggled on the right side.
        Notice how John conflates obeying, believing, and loving. It’s all one thing. You don’t believe if you don’t love, and it isn’t love if you don’t actually obey the command to love.

Well, golly. There are at least half a dozen sermons in here.
       — Love. Christians don’t have Ten Commandments; that’s Jewish. We have one. Try posting that in your local courthouse! The commandment—or the Ten, for that matter—aren’t laws to be imposed on everybody. They’re the marriage vows of people who love God. They’re our feeble “I do” to God’s infinite, perfect, mind-blowing “I do” to us. We love as we have been loved. And to replicate that love we first have to receive it.
       —As I have loved you. Jesus goes above and beyond the Golden Rule. We don’t just do as we wish others would do to us: there’s no wishing here. We have been loved perfectly, and we return that love. It’s a love we couldn’t have wished for without having experienced it because it exceeds our imaginations. It’s love we didn’t even know we needed till we received it. That’s a pretty high bar. Of course we fail; and when we do, what does Jesus do? He loves us perfectly.
       — Joy. Jesus doesn’t give us commandments to make us subservient. He does so to deepen our joy. It’s all about joy. If you love of neighbor doesn’t give you deep joy you’ve got it wrong. You’re not loving as you have been loved, which is with great delight. Jesus doesn’t love us out of duty, like some bratty kid whose mom says ”Say you’re sorry” and he whines: “Sahrrry.’ No, Jesus loves us because it gives him delight. He loves to love us! Because he loves us. Julian of Norwich says Christ says to her “If I could have suffered more for you I would have.” Because he loves seeing to it that she receives love, even if it hurts him. To love our beloved gives us joy.
       — Lay down your life. You don’t have to die. But you do have to lay down your control, your agenda, your ego, your self-protection, even your success at loving. We have a lot to lay down. And when it feels like it’s just killing us… well, that’s where resurrection happens.
      — Friends. We’re familiar with language of Jesus as “Lord.” We’re a bit dubious of people who talk like Jesus is their pal, like he’s their drinking buddy. We imagine Jesus calling us, forgiving us, saving us… but do we imagine Jesus wanting to spend time with us? Jesus chooses, not just to be servants in his religious project, but to be his friends because he likes us and likes being with us— and in fact needs us. Jesus is a real friend, who knows you, sees you as you really are, and will be loyal to you without ever compromising who he is. He wants you to be OK. He’ll stand by you when the world is against you, and he’ll also disagree with you. He’ll remind you how beautiful you are and also let you know when you’re being a jerk. He’ll expect you to do better, because he sees glory in you. He “gets” you when nobody else does. He’ll listen to you when you just need to talk nonsense. He’ll be silent with you when words would wreck it. And he wants you for that kind of friend too. He wants you to stand by him, to listen to him, to care about him, to care about what he cares about. He’s a companion—that is, one who breaks bread with you, and asks you to be his companion, to be the Bread of Life with him.
      — I chose you. Take care not to become one of those people who are proud of their faith, like they’ve done this great thing in choosing Jesus. Look, he just saved your life, because he cares about you. He’s been pursuing you all your years. Don’t be taking credit for that. Be grateful. Be humble—but remember he chose you for a reason. You have something to offer. You’re worth it. You give him delight. Don’t take credit for that—it’s a gift of God—but neither forget it or cease to trust it.
  —   Go and bear fruit. This is the point, isn’t it? Not what we believe, but how that bears fruit in our lives. The whole point of an apple tree is apples. The whole point a a human life is love.

Call to Worship

Leader: Eternal God, you create us in beauty.
All: We sing your praise.
Loving Christ, you heal us and teach us and lead us with love and grace.
We sing your praise.
Holy Spirit, you live in us so we shine with your love.
We sing your praise. We worship in joy. Alleluia!

Leader: O God, Energy of Love, you call us into being.All: We abide in your love, and your joy is in us.
Heart of Love, you guide us in each moment, each breath.
We abide in your love, and your joy is in us.
The world does not understand love, but your love conquers the world.
We abide in your love, and your joy is in us. Alleluia!

Leader: O Mystery of Love, we turn to you.
All: O beauty of Love, we worship you.
O Christ of Love, we thank you.
O Spirit of Love, we welcome you.
Dwell in our hearts.
Share with us your delight.
Make us channels of your love.
Make us radiant with your joy.
God of love, make us people of love. Amen.

Collect / Prayer of the Day

God of love, you create us each moment in tender love. Speak your Word to us in scripture, in prayer and in song. Fill us with your love, so that we may be your love song for the world, in the name and spirit of Jesus, Amen.

Gracious God, your commandments are not burdensome. Help us to hear with joy, to be changed in trust, and to live in faith, bearing your love into this world in the name of Christ. Amen.

God of love, your Word is love. In the reading of your scripture and the proclaiming of your Word, may we hear your love in our hearts, and may it fill us, so that we are people of love, in your Spirit, in the name of Christ. Amen.

Gracious God, in Jesus you have loved us deeply. You have shown us what love looks like, in his life and ministry, and in scripture,. Help us, as we hear the scripture read and your Word proclaimed, to know your love and receive your love, so that we might be more able to give your love to others in the name of Christ. Amen.

O Christ, like sunlight poured into an open meadow,
you pour your love into our hearts.
Like the earth laid out beneath us,
you have laid down your life for us.
Pour your Word into our hearts.
Fill us with you love,
so that we may love others as you have loved us. Amen.

God, in Christ you have loved us and laid down your life for us.
Live in our hearts, so that we will lay down our lives for others.
Come, Holy Spirit, and transform us by your grace. Amen.

Listening Prayer

(suitable as a Collect, preparation for hearing scriptures, or invitation to prayer)

Christ our friend,
you have chosen us for your joy.
You have loved us.
You have laid down your life for us.
And you have commanded us so to love.
Friend, in the stillness
we sit with you.
Hold us in your presence,
that the warmth of your love
may radiate in us.

Prayer of Confession

Pastor: The grace of God be with you.
Congregation: And also with you.
Trusting in God’s tender mercy, let us confess our sin to God with one another.
God of love, help us to see ourselves with the eyes of love,
to see all that is in us that is loving,
and all that is not loving.
By the grace that we know in Christ,
forgive us, heal us, and perfect your love in us.
Silent prayer … the word of grace


1. 1 John 5.1-6

Leader: Everyone who trusts that Jesus is the Messiah has been born of God.
All: Everyone who loves God loves the one who came from God.
To love God and follow God’s commandments is to love God’s children.
The love of God is this: that we follow God’s commandments.
God’s commandments are not burdensome,
for whatever is born of God conquers the world.
What is born of God conquers the world! Our trust in this is our victory.
Who is it who conquers the world? Those who trust in Jesus, the Only Begotten of God.
Thanks be to God.

                       To Love

Infinite Love,
you who love me into being each moment,
let me this day flow freely with that love,
for it is not my love I give but yours.
I seek in all and above all to love,
to appreciate, to forgive,
to encourage, to comfort,
to thank, to assist, to bless.
May I choose to be loving
rather than to be right,
to be gentle rather than tough,
to be curious rather than judging,
to meet all with reverence and humility and delight.
And with those whom I cannot love easily,
let me hold and protect with all my being
room for you to love them, even through me.
O Spirit of Love, you who love me infinitely and perfectly,
breathe your love in me.

Eucharistic Prayer

[After the introduction, the body of the prayer may be read responsively with the presiding leader(s) and congregation, or by the leader(s) alone.]

God is with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One, our God.
It is good and beautiful to give God our praise.

God of love, we thank you,
for you have embodied your love
and your delight in us.
Your Creation is a gift of love.
In Christ you have laid down your life for us.
Your grace is a gift of love.
In love you set us free from all that oppresses,
and choose us to join you in working for justice,
that all your Beloved may know fullness of life.
Your love has conquered the world.
You call us to this meal, to feast on your love
and to share in your joy.
Therefore withy all Creation we praise you.

            [Sanctus, spoken or sung:]
        Holy, holy, holy One, God of power and might,
        heaven and earth are full of your glory.
        Hosanna in the highest.
        Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
        Hosanna in the highest.
               [or alternate version]

Blessed are all who come in your name,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ,
who embodied your love.
He fed the hungry, healed the broken, and gathered the outcast.
In Christ you befriended us, that his joy may be ours.
He laid down his life for us, a gift of love and delight;
but you raised him from the dead, for love conquers even death.

     (The Blessing and Covenant) *
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.
Therefore, remembering these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ,
we offer ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice,
in union with Christ’s offering for us,
as we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

             [Memorial Acclamation, spoken or sung:]
        Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
        Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restores our life.
        Christ will come again in glory.
             [or alternative]

Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the body and blood of Christ.
Pour out your Spirit on us,
that we may be for the world the Body of Christ.

May the love that is born of you radiate in our hearts.
May we love you with all our heart, mind, soul and strength,
and love our neighbor as ourselves.
We did not choose you, but you have chosen us.
Send us to go and bear the fruit of compassion and justice,
for the healing of the world,
that your joy may be in us,
and our joy may be complete.

     [Spoken or sung]

* The Blessing and Covenant
[I usually don’t print the words. I want people to be looking at the bread, not their bulletins.]

On the night in which he gave himself for us
Jesus took bread, blessed it,. broke it, and gave it to his disciples,saying,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup,
blessed it with thanks and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink of this, all of you. This is my blood,
poured out for you and for many, in a new Covenant,
which is the forgiveness of sin.”
As long as we break this bread and share this cup
we remember his death and resurrection, until he comes again.

Prayer of Dedication / Sending / after Communion

[Adapt as needed.]
Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) Send us out, filled and changed by your love, to serve others for the sake of the healing of the world, in the name and the Spirit of Christ. Amen.

Gracious God, we thank you for (the mystery that you give yourself to us / this mystery in which you have given yourself to us.) You have chosen us; you have loved us; you have laid down your life for us; you have empowered us to go and bear fruit. How can we but shine with gratitude, radiate joy, and bear love into this world, to your deep delight? Send us, Beloved, in te name of Christ. Amen.

Suggested Songs

(Click on titles to view, and hear an audio clip, on the Music page)

Communion Song (Tune: Fairest Lord Jesus)
        [Included in Easter Communion Songs,
        brief songs of invitation to communion set to familiar hymn tunes.]

Dear blessed Jesus, you laid down your life for us.
Risen from death, now you bid us dine.
Grateful, we bring our gifts, as we receive from you
your love poured out in bread and wine.

Come, risen Jesus, make your presence known to us;
come in flesh we can see and feel.
In bread and wine and prayer, in those with whom we share,
be present in this holy meal

Christ, as we share this meal, give to us your Spirit.
Make us your Body, your Word made clear.
In our forgiveness, in hearts of grace and peace,
the world may see you risen here.

Fill Me, Love        (Tune: Lead Me, Lord)

Fill me, Love, fill me with the oil of love,
may my lamp burn, burn long and bright.
For, Love, you fill me when my heart is empty,
so I may shine through the longest night.

Fulfill Your Love In Me      (Original song)

Fulfill your love in me, O Loving Spirit,
fulfill your love in me, O Heart of Love.

Verses:Speak the name Beloved in my deepest soul.
Hold me in your heart, your gentle loving. (Refrain)

Heal me with your mercy and your tenderness.
Bring to life the grace in me to love you. (Refrain)

Give me grace to love my neighbor as myself,
freely, with the love with which you love me. (Refrain)

O Sovereign Love     (Tune: Amazing Grace)

Beloved, you who guard and guide and give for every need,
reign in my heart, O Sovereign Christ; direct each thought and deed.

O Sovereign Love, my root, my sun, my purpose and my peace,
I spurn the world’s vain, anxious rule, and trust your Law of Grace.

The Empire of your justice, God, with mercy’s clear command
shall be my home; my loyalty is to no lesser land.

In humble and obedient thanks I pledge my life to you,
to join your work of justice, God, to make the world anew.

Reign in my heart, O Christ, my Rule. In faith I am compelled
to serve you, who by love alone have conquered all the world.

Set Me Free (To Love) (Original song)

From all that binds me, Love, set me free.
From all that binds me, Love, set me free.
Set me free, Love, set me free.
Oh Love, set me free for love.

From what I fear, O Love set me free….
From what I cling to, Love, set me free…
To live in perfect love, set me free….

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