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Epiphany Sunday

January 4, 2026 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 60.1-6 proclaims that light has come upon God’s people in the midst of the world’s darkness. This light enables us to see the abundance of God’s grace—so much so that other nations will also be drawn to this light. This passage also uses images that Matthew may have had… Continue reading Epiphany Sunday

5th Sunday after Epiphany

February 5, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 58.1-9— God criticizes religiosity that does not lead us to love our neighbor and care for the poor. “You serve your own interest on your fast day, and oppress your workers. But real religious observance is to do justice and set people free.” In this your light will shine.… Continue reading 5th Sunday after Epiphany

Advent 3 – December 11, 2002

Lectionary Texts In Isaiah 35.1-10 the prophet foresees God’s redemption in the form of healing of nations, of societies, of individuals, and even of Creation. Deserts will blossom, the blind will see and the disabled dance, and people who have been outcast will find joy and belonging. In Luke 1.47-55 (called the “Magnificat” for the… Continue reading Advent 3 – December 11, 2002

Advent 2- December 4, 2022

Lectionary Texts Today’s scriptures speak of God’s coming justice. Isaiah 11. 1-10 imagines a ruler from Jesse’s family tree who shows us how to live: with a spirit of wisdom, judging not by appearances, but by the spirit; and providing justice for the poor, until nonviolence prevails over all the world. Psalm 72 celebrates a… Continue reading Advent 2- December 4, 2022

All Saints Day

November 1 or 2, 2025 Lectionary Texts Daniel 7. 1-3, 15-18 — A vision of four beasts representing four oppressive kings. The kingdom won’t be given to them, but to God’s “holy ones.” Psalm 149 — Praise God! May the faithful vanquish oppressive kings.     —or—Psalm 150 —A song of praise to God, for all God’s mighty… Continue reading All Saints Day

Be light

Keep silence.Cry out. Be still.Dance. Hunger deeply.Be satisfied. Love kindly. Do justice.Walk humbly with God. Even in darknessbe light. You are nothingbut the light passing through you. In this is your strengthand the glory of Godthat will prevailto the ends of the earth. __________________Steve Garnaas-HolmesUnfolding Light www.unfoldinglight.net

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