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Maundy Thursday Liturgy # 2

This service is an extended Eucharistic prayer, interspersed with scripture readings. The focus is on Justice, reflecting the feast of Passover. It may include a homily at any point, and it may include foot-washing. Click here to download a this service in a .doc format.__________________ “This is my command: love one another as I have… Continue reading Maundy Thursday Liturgy # 2

Palm-Passion Sunday

April 2, 2023 Lectionary Texts Service of the Palms Matthew 21.1-11. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a King, in the imagery of the prophet Zechariah who spoke of a humble king riding a donkey instead of a war horse. Psalm 118. A celebration of God’s protection and grace, sung as pilgrims entered the gates of… Continue reading Palm-Passion Sunday

Thoughts on Lent

Lent is about giving stuff up and generally being miserable, right? No. Lent is about returning to delight. Lent invites us back into the loving arms of God. Lent is about confronting all the life-draining ways we seek cheap substitutes for God’s love and grace and mercy, and chucking them and turning to the Real… Continue reading Thoughts on Lent

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 14, 2024 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 49.1-7. God has called the prophet (and us) to proclaim God’s word and to bring about justice. Significantly, the call is not only to be a prophet to one’s neighbors, but to the nation, and in fact to other nations as well. It’s an exceedingly broad vision! God’s justice… Continue reading Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

6th Sunday after Epiphany

February 12, 2023 Lectionary Texts In Deuteronomy 30.15-20 God sets before us a choice: God’s ways, which lead to life, and the world’s ways, which lead to death. God implores us to choose life.Psalm 119.1-8 celebrates the life and power of living in faithfulness to God. (Each verse of this psalm speaks of God’s Word… Continue reading 6th Sunday after Epiphany

4th Sunday after Epiphany

January 29, 2023 Lectionary Texts Micah 6. 1-8. God has delivered us from slavery. What, then, shall we give God in return? Obedience to religious rules? No: what God wants is for us to do justice, to be kind, and to walk humbly with God. Psalm 15 commends people who live justly and gently. 1… Continue reading 4th Sunday after Epiphany

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

January 15, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 49.1-7 is the second of Isaiah’s “servant songs” (we heard the first last week). As God’s servant you may feel you have “labored in vain,” but, doing God’s will, you are sustained. God says, “It is not enough to serve your own people; I will give you as a… Continue reading 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Baptism of Jesus

January 8, 2023 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 42.1-9 describes God’s gentle servant, who brings healing and justice—nonviolently. Psalm 29 celebrates God’s strength and the power of God’s voice, which is “enthroned over the flood” like the Spirit brooding over the waters at Creation. In Acts 10.34-43 Peter summarizes Jesus’ life and ministry: anointed by the Spirit,… Continue reading Baptism of Jesus

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