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Baptism of Jesus

January 12,2025 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 43.1-7 — “I have redeemed you. When you go through the waters they will not overwhelm you: for I love you and I will be with you.” Psalm 29 — “the voice of the Lord,” meaning God’s presence, God’s will or desire, and God’s power, evident in all Creation. In… Continue reading Baptism of Jesus

Epiphany Sunday

January 5, 2025 Lectionary Texts Isaiah 60.1-6. “Rise shine; your light has come.” God’s people will be light for the whole world, and people will come, bearing gifts and honors, praising God. Psalm 72. A prayer for God’s guidance and support for a new king We pray for justice, which is that the poor receive… Continue reading Epiphany Sunday

Epiphany Sunday 2021

January 2021 Lectionary Texts Epiphany means “revealing.” The magi represent people of other nations and religions—in other words, the world. When they visit Jesus he is revealed to the world. The Epiphany season begins with the light of the star and ends with the Transfiguration: Jesus on the mountain shining with light. In Isaiah 60.1-6… Continue reading Epiphany Sunday 2021

Trust in the Peaceable one

You who tremble at injusticetake heart.Jesus, the Gentle One,has bound up the strong manand plundered his power.Satan’s militants still roam the earthbut they serve a master who has already lost,and their power is no match for the power of love. Those who would divideand those who would conquerwallow in their error.They cannot imaginewe are all… Continue reading Trust in the Peaceable one

Wounded garden

Even as the golden dust of the resurrection falls,settling on our shoes like heaven’s pollen,as we look up at angels receding,as the exuberant news echoes in our hearts,even now, stepping into new livesof joy and gratitude, our hearts are broken,we lament… we are silent… we scream.Injustice continues its hungry rounds,death is granted permission to hunt… Continue reading Wounded garden

… And see some more

          But who can detect their errors?              Clear me from hidden faults.                                        —Psalm 19.12 I made a hurtful mistake yesterday, and I apologize.  In criticizing people with closed-minded, delusional thinking I paired them with people with schizophrenia. They are not the same, and it is hurtful to suggest that they are. Mental illness… Continue reading … And see some more

Prayer for going on

Beloved, you have not given up on us.Shine your light within us.Crucified One, you have been here before.Sustain us with your presence. Give us the wholeheartedness to mourn our brokennessand then to rise and get to work.Give us the resilience to stay faithful,even in the shadow of evil,to do justice and to love mercy. Loving… Continue reading Prayer for going on


In the wilderness prepare the way of the Holy One, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. —Isaiah 40.3 Not that God can’t come ’till we get it right,not that we have to hurry up and clean house before the householder comes, but that the Beloved is coming,and asks us to trust.Not… Continue reading Prepare

Examine yourselves

        Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in the faith.                   —2 Corinthians 13.5 How do you live through the siege? Whether it is climate change, police brutality, a viral pandemic or 400 years of white supremacy, how do you live faithfully when there is sickness and evil around you? First, examine yourself.… Continue reading Examine yourselves


         Six days later, Jesus led them up a high mountain.         And he was transfigured before them,          and his face shone like the sun,          and his clothes became dazzling white.                  —Matthew 17.1-2 Six days after what? And were there trumpets?Hallelujahs loud? Bright lights? No, Jesus wasbright enough, it seems. But not some photo op,dear Peter, sorry, not his… Continue reading Transfiguration

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