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         You have heard.. “You shall not murder’”         But I say to you that if you are angry with a sibling,          or insult them you will be liable to judgment.         When you are offering your gift at the altar,          if you remember that someone has something against you…         first be reconciled to your sibling,          and then come and… Continue reading Rage

Categorized as Reflections

The Emperor struts

         Now we have received not the spirit of the world,          but the Spirit that is from God.                  —1 Corinthians 2.12 The Emperor struts proudlyshrouded in his acclaim.His admirers shout their praise.They cheer for their lives. The palace reeksof the embalming fluid of lies,the grave clothes of popularitywrapped tightly around them. I will give you all… Continue reading The Emperor struts


            Just as he came up from the water,                   suddenly the heavens were opened to him          and he saw the Spirit of God                   descending like a dove and alighting on him.          And a voice from heaven said,                   “This is my Son, the Beloved,                   with whom I am well pleased.”                                    —Matthew 3.16-17 Jesus has taken you into… Continue reading Beloved


         Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.                           —Luke 12.34 Wherever your love is,         there will be your will. You pass by a lilac, and its scent allures you;         you want it, and so you turn aside to smell it. If you love it you will seek it.         The more you love, the more might with which… Continue reading Treasure

Earth Day

You are the earth,a little bit of it. You are a microcosm of it, all earth’s life and beauty and hope, right in you.By yourself you are nothing,but you are not by yourself,you are all the rest of it, too. There is one thing,and we are all it. Wonder deeply, thank freely,serve humbly and do… Continue reading Earth Day

Love my enemies

          I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.                    —Luke 6.27-28 God of love,I call to mind my enemies.         I summon up your love for them and offer it humbly. I call to mind those who… Continue reading Love my enemies

Categorized as Reflections

Angry at God

         My complaint is bitter;                   God’s hand is heavy despite my groaning.          … I would lay my case before God,                   and fill my mouth with arguments.         … But on the left God hides, and I cannot behold God;                   I turn to the right, but I see nothing.                        —Job 23.2, 4, 9 How could God let terrible things happen?OK,… Continue reading Angry at God

A psalm of lament

God of grace, have mercy on us.         Judge our evil, O God,         and free us from our abominations.The blood of the innocent is on our hands,         the cries of infants are in our ears,the sweat of cruelty pools on our brows,         from the effort of our crimes         against those those of tender age. Break our hardened hearts, Loving God.         Grant us… Continue reading A psalm of lament

Dark valley

             The shepherd goes ahead of them,              and the sheep follow.                           —John 10.4              Even though I walk through the valley             of the shadow of death             I fear no evil.                  —Psalm 23.4 Usually when we pray “The Lord is my shepherd” we have in mind that God provides for us and protects us. When we pray about the valley of the shadow… Continue reading Dark valley

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