Jesus, Transfigured

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Original lyrics set to the tune of Fairest Lord Jesus.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Jesus, transfigured, bright with heaven’s mystery,
highest of prophets and all the law,
our power to comprehend comes to its humble end
in reverent wonder, love and awe.
Sun of the morning, radiant with holy light,
wake us from sleep, that we may see:
see holy glory in each day’s story,
in every day, eternity.
Light of the world, O Christ,
shine in us with all your love.
Crucified and risen One,
fill us with holy fire,
our hearts with grace inspire,
to share the warmth of heaven’s Sun.


The lyrics shown on this page are original lyrics by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, set to the tune of Fairest Lord Jesus.

These lyrics are free to use or pay-what-you-like to purchase (download includes lyrics in .doc format)—or you may directly copy and paste from this page. You are permitted to print, project, broadcast or otherwise use this song in worship in whatever ways you need.

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