Power outage

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
Winter storm, power out for days. People without heat or electricity stay with friends, or come to public buildings to warm up, cook, check email and charge cell phones. People bring food and water to neighbors with none. We huddle together. But without TVs and computers we say we feel isolated. We wait for the power to come back on so that we can go back into our houses by ourselves and pretend to be independent again.


Now and then, for a little while, we enter into a sort of personal rolling blackout called prayer: we unhook from all the things that make us feel like we get power from outside us, and let our power come from God alone. We deepen our connection with all of life and its Source, and deepen our awareness of God’s power within us. We notice the things that obstruct our connection with the Holy One and we let go of them. We let go of the illusion that we are isolated beings. We become powerless so that we might claim the true and pure divine power within.


In the darkness of prayer we see the light within. In the solitude of prayer we are deeply connected. In the silence of prayer we hear the voice of Love. Sit in the blackout. It’s where the warmth and light are.

Weather Report

Storms, of course.
What did you expect?
But it won’t matter:
there is peace within.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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