Indigenous Peoples Day Prayer

Creator of the Many and the One:
we are all here, we and our siblings,
and we ask your blessing on us all,
especially the ones we have tried to dominate,
the ones whose land we have taken,
the Wabanaki, the Cherokee, the Shoshone….
We have tried to eliminate them,
the Pawnee, the Assiniboine, the Salish….
but they are here;
we are here together in the land.
Our siblings have not rebelled against us,
but they are with us in peace,
the Tlingit, the Inupiat, the Hopi….
They have stewarded the land for ages,
the Maya, the Tekoha, the Massai…
and they are here, teaching us.
They have honored their wisdom
and passed it on for generations,
the Cree, the Lakota, the Seminole…
and we would learn from them.
Bless our siblings of the earth,
the Wiradjuri, the Maori, the Sami…
and move us toward humility and reconciliation,
to learn, to make reparations, to work together.
Move us toward mutual respect,
and restore among us the harmony
of siblings in one beautiful home.
God of the One and the Many,
bless our Manyness and make us One.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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