No gumption

God, sometimes I don’t have what it takes.
I don’t have the gumption to get things done,
the creativity to produce,
the Stuff to make things happen.
Sometimes it’s just not there.

Help me accept this, as you accept me.
Give me faith to simply be in the present moment,
and know that I am your Beloved.
Give me the grace to be present, attentive and loving.

I ask your help and trust your mercy.

Weather Report

as winds are exhausted,
and dramatic storms fail to appear,
and the sun rises and sets


Audio version:

No gumption
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


           You are the salt of the earth.
                           —Matthew 5.13

You don’t aspire to saltiness.
It is who you are.

It’s the taste of being an element of earth
and an element of God.
Your saltiness is your faithfulness
to who God is in you.

The You of who you are
gives salt to this world.
It’s a quality that remains
even as it goes out into the stew of life
and adds to its savoriness.

Be true to your salt.
It will bring out the goodness in others.


Audio version:


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


Every act of justice,
every act of compassion or mercy
is a light, a star in the night of this world.

You may think your efforts small and meaningless.
You may think they make no difference.
But go out and look up at the stars.

Which one should not have reached out in love?
Which one should never have bothered
to act in courage and compassion?

They all shine until they are swept up
in the great light
of the One who dawns among us.

None of them rids the night of its darkness.
Yet God walks out and looks at them all
and smiles.


Listen to the audio version:


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


           You are the light of the world.
                           —Matthew 5.14

Einstein told us:
matter is just energy holding still.

Light is the energy of God,
which is love moving.

“Let there be light,” God said,
and you were conceived.
You are love made matter,
Word made flesh,
the light of God, the light of Being,
momentarily here in this form,
shining, radiating God.

You don’t need to produce it
or generate it. It’s who you are.
When you are truly yourself

it shines.

The world sparkles
with people walking around gleaming.
Even on our deathbeds, we glow.

Trust your light. Give thanks.
Open the shutters of your lantern.

           Let your light so shine before others,
           that they may see by it,
           and glorify God.


Audio version:

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

My soul

My mind skips.
        My soul sits.

My mind wants.
        My soul thanks.

My feelings shout.
        My soul listens.

My body waits.
        My soul waits.

And God, my Love,
        is present.


Audio version:

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Open my eyes

Holocaust Remembrance Day

God of Mercy, open my eyes to your goodness.
Open my eyes to the other stuff, too.
Keep me aware of the injustice that is around me,
the signs of oppression, the victims of hate.
Keep me always mindful that I am capable of evil.
Help me be honest about my complicity in systems
that blame, exploit, dehumanize or exclude people.
Rather than say “Never again!”—as if it lies the future—
help me be aware of the present moment
and how I can stand today with the vulnerable,
and against injustice.
Each moment is a choice.
Be with me in my choosing.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Fisher of people

            “Follow me, and I will have you fish for people.”
                           —Matthew 4.19

What net might I cast into the sea of my life
that would make me a fisher of people?
Only love.
Not my desires and expectations, not my being right.
Only experiencing their belovedness
will draw them to God.
Regard them all, friend, enemy and stranger,
with the infinite gentleness and respect of Christ,
the delight and compassion of God.
A great multitude, all of Creation,
is held in that gleaming net.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Poor in spirit

           Blessed are the poor in spirit,
           for theirs in the realm of heaven.
                           —Matthew 5.3

Eternal God,
I humbly confess my riches,
illusory as they are,
to which I cling:
that I am right,
that I am acceptable, or ought to be,
that I have reason to be beloved,
or to be abandoned.
I have hoarded worthiness
and unworthiness.
I have kept account.

I am sorry, and I renounce
my whole account,
and all to which I cling.
I repent of the wealth
of what I think and what I fear
and what I want.

O I am truly poor; I have nothing
but this one breath, and its release,
and my openness to you.

Bereft as air, I await
the song of your grace
to fill me, bless me, redeem me.

Keep me free,
and sustain my blessed poverty,
an open hand,
reaching out in this present moment,
to your open hand.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Great achievement

The universe will not applaud you
for astonishing accomplishments.
Angels won’t go around talking about you
for your notable achievements.
God doesn’t care if you succeed.

What gives the Beloved joy
is that—even in your limited circumstances,
with only the gifts the Spirit gives you,
without notice, reward or acclaim—
you act justly, love mercifully,
and walk humbly with God.
That really is all God asks.
That is enough to give God deep joy,
deep joy.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Beatitudes for when church is hard

God says:
I give my love to you who aren’t sure what you believe;
           I believe in you.

I give you my love when religion breaks your heart,
           for I, not religion, will be your comfort.

I give my love to you who are timid
in the face of a domineering church,
           for you belong in my arms.

I give my love to you who are hungry for more;
           I will feed your soul.

I give my love to you who seek to be loving, not right;
           for that is all I ever wanted.

I give my love to you who don’t pretend just to fit in;
           you see clearly, don’t you?

I give my love to you who work for peace:
           yes, that’s my child.

I give my love to you when people judge you
           and kick you out,
for that’s pretty much what it looks like sometimes
           to follow Jesus.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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