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OT 12 – Pe + 5

June 23, 2024 Lectionary Texts 1 Samuel 17. 1-49 — David and Goliath. Psalm 9. 11-20 God hears the poor and the afflicted. God remembers the needy. 2 Corinthians 6. 1-13 — Now is the day of salvation. … We have endured hardships, treated as being poor but having everything… Open wide your hearts. Mark… Continue reading OT 12 – Pe + 5

The cross

           ”Take up your cross and follow me.”                        Mark 8.34 To take up the crossis the greatest paradox: to enter the world’s sufferingfor the sake of healing; to endure injusticefor the sake of justice; to abandon my safety,secure in grace alone; to bear the pain of oppression,neither wilting nor retaliating; to desire fullness of lifeenough to suffer… Continue reading The cross

Categorized as Reflections

Like wheat gathered

In an upper room your people gather,blown by your wind, drawn by your flame, still shaken by a cross, still shaken by a resurrection,bearing both wounds and wonder— the wounds we have suffered and those we have caused,and those by our faith we are yet to endure— and the mystery of our healing, and your… Continue reading Like wheat gathered

Categorized as Reflections


             The king said to the Cushite, “Is it well with the young man Absalom?”             The Cushite answered, “May the enemies of my lord the king,             and all who rise up to do you harm, be like that young man.”                         —2 Samuel 18.32 David fought a war against his own son,but asked that Absalom be spared.It did not go… Continue reading Violence


             Putting away falsehood,             let all of us speak the truth to our neighbors,             for we are members of one another.             Be angry but do not sin.                         —Ephesians 4.25-26 In this world of cruelty and injusticeit’s tempting to respond with anger.But when you are angry, follow its thread. You’re angry that things are not as you want themand you feel… Continue reading Anger

The first agreement

Fear begets violence.Blame becomes assault. Projecting our fear of harm,we harm others.To keep our place in the worldwe try to remove others.But it never works:attempting to destroy each otherwe only damage the world. To “form a more perfect Union,establish Justice, and insure domestic Tranquility,”our first agreement has to beto live together.To accept the other, regardless… Continue reading The first agreement

Independence Day

Let’s make today true Independence Day,not merely to congratulate ourselves,but to practice independence,to set ourselves freefrom cultural, political and religious expectations,and instead be true to ourselves,and radically free with God. Let’s make it Inter-Independence Day;for none of us is a separate planet;we are all woven together, races and creeds,nations and continents and colors and flavors,in… Continue reading Independence Day

Authority over demons

             He called the twelve             and began to send them out two by two,             and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.                            —Mark 6.7 Beware the temptation to imaginewe must be given magical powers of exorcism.We are given love. The demons that plague this worldare not fantastical creatures with shadowy malice and twisted powers.An “unclean spirit” is simply the… Continue reading Authority over demons

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