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Sunday After Christmas – January 1, 2023

Lectionary Texts Note: Epiphany does not appear in this year’s Sunday readings. Because it’s the starting point of the season, you might consider using Epiphany readings this Sunday. Isaiah 63.7-9 proclaims the stunning news that God did not just send a messenger for our salvation, but came in person, saying, “Surely they are my people.”… Continue reading Sunday After Christmas – January 1, 2023

Christmas Eve

Lectionary Texts Isiah 9.2-7: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light… for a child has been born for us,… the Prince of Peace.” Psalm 96: “Sing to God a new song!” God has done great things, and will judge the world with righteousness. Titus 2.11.14 God’s grace has come with salvation… Continue reading Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Lectionary Texts Isaiah 52.7-10 celebrates the sharing of the good news that God has come to us: the “return of the Holy One to Zion.” Psalm 98 celebrates what a mighty thing God has done in remembering God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. Hebrews 1.1-4 says God speaks to us in love, both through the prophets,… Continue reading Christmas Day

Five Loaves and Two Fish

mosaic from church of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes - Israel

Original song. May be sung with all verses, or the first verse may be a repeated chant. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description.)
Five loaves and two fish are enough
to offer the blessing of God.
Open your hands. See what you have.
The gifts that you have are enough
to shine with the glory of God.
Open your hands. See what you have.
The love that you have is enough
to offer the healing of God.
Open your hands. See what you have.
The courage you have is enough
to work for the justice of God.
Open your hands. See what you have.
Five loaves and two fish are enough
to offer the blessing of God.
Open your hands. See what you have.
See what you have. See what you have.

Feast On Mercy

Original song. A dialogue between congregation and song leader.
(Hear an audio excerpt in the product description.)
May not my comfort cloud my eyes
to see the needy at my door.
But, poor in spirit, may I rise,
and feast on mercy with the poor.
Poor Christ, I confess: I cling to all I posses.
With grace, open my eyes to see the poor
who bear your image to my door.
My my privilege and place
not blind me to my need for grace.
With empty hands I come, for I am sure
with grace, O God, you feed the poor.
As one who by your hand is fed
I hunger now to share your bread,
to see that justice for the poor is done,
for at your table we are one.

May I Embody your Grace

Spirit Within,may I embody your grace.May I not seek to be right, but to be gentle,not to get my way but to be kind,never to surrender my tenderness. May I be faithful and steadfastand see people with my faith, not my fears,only to raise up and not push down,to set free and not to corner,to… Continue reading May I Embody your Grace

Reign of Christ Sunday

November 23, 2025 Lectionary Texts Jeremiah 23. 1-6 — God laments leaders who have abused people, and promises a new order: God will gather God’s people like sheep and provide good shepherds to protect them. Luke 1. 68-79 — The Benedictus. God has raised up a savior, according to God’s promise. And you, child, will… Continue reading Reign of Christ Sunday

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