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A second is like it

                      The greatest commandment is:                      You shall love the Holy One your God               And a second is like it:                       You shall love your neighbor as yourself.                                           —Matthew 22.38-39 Loving God is the back side of love.It has a front side. Loving others is how you love God. How you… Continue reading A second is like it

Not the emperor’s

         Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s. —Matthew 22.21 I am not the emperor’s.I owe him nothing.Not my loyalty, my obedience, or my belief;not my niceness, not my polite agreement,not even my cooperation.He does not own my hope;and can’t even lay hands on… Continue reading Not the emperor’s

Prayer for hope

After the fire, the greening.After the death, the rising.God of mercy, give me faith. Despite the insult, the beauty.Despite the wound, the wholeness.God of healing, give me grace. Within the sorrow, the joy.Within the trouble, the way.God of light, give me peace. Beneath the noise, the silence.Beneath the earth, the seed.God of truth, give me… Continue reading Prayer for hope


Hear our cry, O Holy One, let our mourning rend your ears.The fears for which there are no words, the loss for which there are no tears:the ashes of our hopes, our lives say all we can, and no more. The flames engulf the innocent, the smoke of our burnt offerings rise,offerings of our pride… Continue reading Lament

Categorized as Reflections

In your face

If another sins against you,  go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. —Matthew 18.15 How essential—and how hard, sometimes—to choose to speak to someone, not about them. We complain about people behind their backs,sometimes making up excusesthat we don’t want to “hurt their feelings”—but talking behind their backs hurts their… Continue reading In your face

Categorized as Reflections


Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but seek what is healing for all.  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12.14, 17, 21 God of truth and mercy,I see the news of murderers and militias,of white supremacy and… Continue reading Resist

Take up your cross

                      Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem           and undergo great suffering           at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes,           and be killed, and on the third day be raised.         … Continue reading Take up your cross

Another question

“How are you?” is a good questionto connect with someone’s inner experience.Make sure you ask it of yourself. Take it seriously, and also leave it behind.You live in a world that is bigger than you, greater than how you’re doing. Once you’ve asked it,ask what God is doing.It will take more thought, more wonder, more… Continue reading Another question

“It is I”

Serene One,when the wind is against me, battering,it is you who walk on the sea of my troubles. When I am panickedyou are the one who says “Do not be afraid.It is I.” On the waves of my heart you stand firm and calm them, not with magicbut your presence. “It is I.” Not escaping… Continue reading “It is I”

Weeds and wheat

Let weeds and wheat grow together until the harvest…. —Matthew 13.30 God, I meant to be a good person;I wanted to produce wisdom and justice.How is it I am so compromised? There is goodness and mercy in me,and there is selfishness and fear,privilege that serves only my fake desires. I’ve been asleep! I missed it,when… Continue reading Weeds and wheat

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