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                 A sower went out to sow…                  —Matthew 13.3 God will sow the seed of herself in youand sometimes you won’t know it.Sometimes you’ll suspect but not trust.Sometimes you’ll believe but chicken out.Sometimes you’ll do your best to receive but fail.And sometimes grace will bear fruit in you. You’ll need to forgiveand sometimes you… Continue reading Sower

We will go with you

O Beloved, spring of mercy,call us, and no matter the path aheadwe will go with you.In strange cities of change and challengeyou will guard us and guide us. In meadows of beauty and graceyou will open our eyes to see.Through deserts of hardship you will provide.In narrow passages of hurt and sufferingyou will be present.In… Continue reading We will go with you


            God said to Abram,         “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house          to the land that I will show you.”                  —Genesis 12.1 This Sunday I will retire as a Methodist Minister, after 40 years in six churches and one college campus in four states. That’s something like 5000 worship services. Yeah, it’s time.… Continue reading Calling


How do you live through a siege?How do you guard your heart and keep your hope amid violence, hatred, injustice and fear?You pray. Sit still.Let the sounds of the newsand the voices in your head settle and fade.Release your fears and desires. Offer them to God. Sit with the God of love and mercy.Just sit… Continue reading Pray

Other languages

           They were filled with the Holy Spirit          and began to speak in other languages,          as the Spirit gave them ability                  —Acts 2.4 Holy Spirit, loosen our tongues and teach us new languages of love. Help us convey your grace across the divides of language,of culture and race and class and identity.Put the breath of love… Continue reading Other languages


          I will ask God, who will give you another Advocate,          to be with you forever.                   —John 14.16 The word in Greek is Paraclete, a legal advocate.We often think of (and get nervous about) God as our Judge—but God is really our defense attorney. When you face your trialsthe Holy Spirit is the one who… Continue reading Paraclete

When I am tired

O ceaseless God, sometimes I am tired.I get tired of serving when the need is so great.I grow weary of loving the dying,healing the shattered,rejoicing with the hopeless.I tire of caring for those who do not care,and forgiving the unrepentant.I am spent, crying for justice to unhearing ears.I am not a strong horse, but only… Continue reading When I am tired


         “This is my body… this is my blood”                  —Matthew 26.26 You pour the cup,your heart;I take and drink.Your bloodbecomes my blood,my lintel signto bid the angel pass overthis night of plague,that all be free.You break the bread,my heart;I take and eat.The Word made fleshbecomes my flesh.Now I am movednot by my willbut your unleavenedwill to love.You… Continue reading Passover

Love your enemies

          Love your enemies          and pray for those who persecute you,                   —Matthew 5.44 In the beginning was the Word.The Word gives life,the light of all people.All people. We bury the light,the divine light in our heart,we disbelieve it, deny it,revolt against it.It’s the very light—our fear of it—that makes us awful. Love the poor child,lost… Continue reading Love your enemies

Categorized as Reflections


Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.            You are the salt of the earth;           but if salt has lost its taste,           how can its saltiness be restored?                     —Matthew 5.13 Your salt is kindness.Let all you do be salted with love. Don’t leave your faith unsalted.Don’t lose… Continue reading Salt

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