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         Magi came from the east to Jerusalem asking,          “Where is the child who is born king of the Jews?”                  — Matthew 2.2 The king of the Jews?Why would they care about someonefrom a different nation, culture and religion?Maybe in their wisdom they knew love when they saw it.Nothing could make Jesus king of everybodybut being… Continue reading Epiphany


Dearly Beloved, Grace and peace to you.          An angel from God appeared to Joseph in a dream.                            —Matthew 2.13 In Matthew’s story of Jesus’ birth and the visit of the magi angels win best supporting actors. You might think of angels as people with wings who flap in and talk to you. Once in a… Continue reading Angels


The Emperor is always afraid,his minions always angry.His Empire is allergic to justice,terrified of the truthand powerless over love.His only hope is fear. Desperate to replicate himself a thousand timeson coin and tower, monument and shadow,and in faces etched with fear,he will pledge to make the kingdom great againwith the usual atrocities.Unable to be in… Continue reading Herod

Categorized as Reflections

The price of incarnation

          When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing…                           —Matthew 11.2 Wait. John was in prison?Oh, yeah. Right.When you defy the Empire, it resists.The light shines in the darkness,but the darkness doesn’t relent.This is the awful rub of Incarnation.God enters our suffering, and we object.The Child of Heaven comes in human formnot just to… Continue reading The price of incarnation

Incendiary Magnificat

         God has brought down the powerful from their thrones,                  and lifted up the lowly;         God has filled the hungry with good things,                  and sent the rich away empty.                                     —Luke 1.52-53 This is no lullaby.God doesn’t just lift the lowly.God lowers the mighty.This is no rising tide lifting all boats.It’s typhoon, a redistribution of wealth.This lovely child Mary bears,this… Continue reading Incendiary Magnificat

The one

         When John heard in prison          what the Messiah was doing,          he sent word by his disciples and said to him,          “Are you the one who is to come,          or are we to wait for another?”                   —Matthew 11.1                           Someone you may not have noticed is waiting,longing for healing, for justice, for hope.You only mean to be passing… Continue reading The one

In darkness, light

Dearly Beloved, Grace and peace to you.          By the tender mercy of our God,                  the dawn from on high will break upon us,         to give light to those who sit in darkness                  and in the shadow of death,                  to guide our feet into the way of peace.                           —Luke 1.78-79 The coming of the dawn is not linear or constant. The… Continue reading In darkness, light

You shall blossom

Read Isiah 11.1-9 and instead of “him” read “you”—you, and all of us in the community of faith. Notice God’s power in us,even against great forces of evil,even throughout all Creation. Meditate on this:make this your Christmas wish—that this may be true for you. You are shoots from the root of God;         you shall sprout and… Continue reading You shall blossom


         They shall beat their swords into plowshares,                  and their spears into pruning hooks.                           —Isaiah 5.4 I bear them into conversations, my swords.I hide them in my dark.I launch them at the news, these spears. Find them among me, God of Peace. Take them:my bitterness, my defensiveness, my need to win.Find the hidden swords, the secret spears I… Continue reading Plowshares

Categorized as Reflections

Unfinished business

God of peace,there is work to be done.There are wounds to mend,bridges to build,memories to heal,dreams to uncover,hope to exhume.There is a rend in our soulsto be tended to.There are despondent heartsto listen to, and to listen,and to listen.And there is a realm to be builtdespite all odds, against all powers.This is your work, and… Continue reading Unfinished business

Categorized as Reflections
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