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Romans 6.12-23, my version

Watch out for the power of your ego and its fearful demands. Any aspect of yourself can be an instrument of your distrustful instinct for self-protection. Don’t let yourself be used like that. Make yourself available to God as those who have been brought from death to life. Make every aspect of yourself available to… Continue reading Romans 6.12-23, my version

We are not afraid

We don’t hide from the cries of the oppressed.We dare to listen for God there.            We are not afraid of the world’s sorrows.Their agonies are the seeds of our compassion. We are not drawn into the violence of cowards.We are fearless in our love. We do not need the fortifications of the privileged.We are unafraid to… Continue reading We are not afraid

Praying Psalm 23

            Loving One, I will let you shepherd me            to where you choose, not I. You are what I need.            Transform my desires. My heart as still as the waters,            I wait. I am grateful for these green pastures;            deepen my gratitude. Lead me in the way of justice            even through the shadow of death. Along your via dolorosa            comfort me. To… Continue reading Praying Psalm 23


          Those who drink of the water that I will give them          will never be thirsty.                           —John 4.14 Fasting is a traditional spiritual discipline, especially during Lent. It’s not about self-punishment, but a host of other things. Fasting is a form of prayer, a way to pay attention to God. There are many forms of abstinence—people… Continue reading Fasting

Purify my heart

            You have heard that it was said,                  “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”          But I say to you, if anyone strikes you on the right cheek,                  turn the other also.         You have heard that it was said,                  “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”         But I say to you, love your enemies                  and pray… Continue reading Purify my heart

Categorized as Reflections


         Unless your righteousness exceeds         that of the scribes and Pharisees,        you will never experience the kingdom of heaven.                  —Matthew 5.20          Is not this the fast that I choose:         to loose the bonds of injustice,        to undo the thongs of the yoke?                  —Isaiah 58.6 My child, I desire for you that you be surrounded         by… Continue reading Righteousness

March on

We marched. For women, for peace and freedom and justice,a hundred seventy five thousand strong in Boston,joined in umbilical hope with millions more, we marched.We marched to say we won’t look away from injustice,to say we will not exclude or demean anyone, that justice is for all.We marched to pledge ourselves to live gently but… Continue reading March on


Dearly Beloved, Grace and peace to you. Today, God, you create me anew;today I inaugurate a new life.By the power invested in me by the Holy SpiritI do solemnly swear that I will faithfully executeyour call in my life, and will to the best of my abilityuphold your commandments.I will act with love and gentleness,with… Continue reading Inauguration

Embedded call

         Jesus said to them, “Follow me,         and I will make you fish for people.”         Immediately they left their nets and followed him.                           —Matthew 4.19-20 When evil steps up to the podiumyou may hear the voice of Satan,or at least the oil slick of his press secretary,but listen beneath.The bubble is burst.You can’t sit this out.Justice won’t come… Continue reading Embedded call

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