
         “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth,
         will draw all people to myself.”
         He said this to indicate the kind of death he was to die.
                   —John 12.32-33

From the earth,
the soil of our open sore,

lifted up on a cross,
on a hill of our piled up pain,

you endure our suffering,
borne up on the threads of our anguish,

drawing us into your broken heart.
No one suffers alone.

We are raised in grace
for which willingly

we are woven into the sorrow of the world,
gathered in you.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Sow it all

           Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies,
           it remains just a single grain;
           but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
                        —John 12.24

You are not just one seed.
You don’t have to go and die for Jesus.
You are a whole bag of seeds.
Strew yourself in this world.

With every act of kindness or generosity,
every time you forgive,
another seed slips through your fingers.
Every time you care about someone,
even a stranger, especially when it’s risky,
you scatter a handful of seeds.
Let them go.
Toss your love wildly into this world.

Scatter seeds in good soil and poor.
Many will be eaten by birds
or trampled under foot.
But only the ones you throw away will grow.

You have a whole bag of love. Sow it all.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Eternal life

           …that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
                        —John 3.16

Eternal life is not living forever. Are you kidding?
You don’t even want the service to go over an hour;
you don’t want to live another 13 billion years, do you?
No, it’s not you who are eternal, it’s the life that is.

Eternal life is not ridiculously long, it’s infinitely deep.
When you trust God enough to receive that love
(our lingo for that is “believe in him”)
you receive God’s infinite, eternal life. Like breathing.
Over and over. Like breathing.
It’s eternal because it’s eternally renewed.

And it’s eternal because it’s yours forever.
Nothing can take it from you, not sin, not death,
not your bad theology or lousy faith.
God keeps giving it to you. Like breathing.

When you love, you join in something infinite.
All you have to do is receive it, and pass it on,
and you outgrow your life. You become
the breathing of God.

Breath in. Breathe out. Now do that with love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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God’s judgment is light

           This is the judgment,
           that the light has come into the world.
                        — John 3. 19

God, you do not measure us and punish or reward.
Your judgment is no divine opinion about the truth;
it is the light of what is.
I am not who I deceive myself to be.
You unveil the truth of who I am.
Without comment or judgment you wash the window on me,
reveal the inner weave of my sin, my wounds, and my beauty,
and in your light they all shine.
Even my delusion and my terrible wrongdoing
are transformed by your radiant gaze of love.
You forgive sin like light forgives darkness.

I welcome the light.
May your gentle dawn unfold in my veiled inward secrets;
may I be changed by light into light.
May who I am, even my faults, become light.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Made alive

           You were dead through sin…
           But God made us alive together with Christ.
                        —Ephesians 2.1, 4

Oh, I am still being made alive.
Some of me is dried up leaves,
brittle and brown-edged.
Whatever life there was
has drained out of the roots.
I can’t revive this.
And the miracle is—nothing is revived.
It does die. It is the end.
I surrender this dried up life—
and out of this death
you give me something new:
not just me again, not even
a new life I would engineer, but yours,
the life of Christ, rising up
from roots beyond my own.
I die in your arms,
and in my place you rise with me.
I am taken up in this living vine,
given life not mine, but ours.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


           “For God so loved the cosmos…”
                        —John 3.16

The Greek word is kosmon.
Not some, not even just earthlings,
not even just Earth.
The whole cosmos. Everything.
The point is not that certain humans
are rewarded for thinking certain things
about a certain divine-human,
but that the entire universe
be made whole,
by love,
by God being with-and-in every bit of it,
even the ugly, hurting bits.
There’s no part of the cosmos God doesn’t love.
There’s no one who gets anything different.
There’s no other tribe to which you belong.
Step over the little lines you’ve drawn, then,
and belong.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

We’re OK here

We are fearless—
         of what we’re not sure.

We don’t need anybody
         so badly it aches.

We look good
         from this distance.

We’re sure we’re not victims
         of what we can’t imagine.

We are proud
         of little things.

Our griefs are so small, they’re over
         before they’ve begun.

The people we are becoming
         look upon us and wonder.

We’ll hoard anything but grace
         and leave it for those who need it.

Tell our Savior not to bother.
         We’ve got this.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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What sign

           The leaders then said to him,
           “What sign can you show us for doing this?”

                        —John 2.18

Sin’s perspective is hierarchical.
Everything is of relative power and authority,
every action, every person, every moment ranked,
every truth proven by a stone-carved law,
every life measured on a scale.

But in the real world there are no ranks,
there is no proof, no authority.
The first is last, the last first.
Everything is a sign of everything.
Everything shines.

There is only love, doing its best,
and fear, getting in the way.
Love is the only sign,
the only authority, the only power.
All else is illusion.

Tyrants threaten, laws dictate,
styles prescribe, fears control…
ignore them.
Love alone is your badge, your guide,
your power.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Not this

           Making a whip of cords,
           he drove all of them out of the temple.
           He also poured out the coins
           of the money changers and overturned their tables.
                         —John 2.15

This is no mere angry outburst. It’s way bigger:
prophetic, pointed street theater.
Theology thrown on you like ice water.

You start with shock,
and not just consternation, but outrage.
Blasphemy. Assault. Murder!

So it is when God upends your tables,
shouting, “Not this! Not this!”
—when it’s God you’re talking about.

You thought you understood God.
Had the right theology, right sacrifices.
But it’s overturned.

Let that feeling sit with you,
of having been robbed,
having been wronged.

This is how hard it is
to let go of graven images
and let God be God.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Categorized as Reflections


           “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
                        —John 2.19

Where’s your temple?
What do you think is essential to your faith?
What do you absolutely need to be faithful?

Imagine you mess it up.
Or God ruins it.
Or life just sweeps it away like a natural disaster.

What if God is dead, the Bible is a hoax,
Jesus doesn’t come around,
church is worthless, and you can’t pray?

Now you’re ready to worship,
on hurting knees, helpless,
waiting, trusting.

The Risen One has been crucified before.
They know how to do this.
Just stay on your knees.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Categorized as Reflections
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