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O Faithful God
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O Faithful God
Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Tune: Finlandia
O faithful God, whose steadfast love is sure, O Loving Father, Mother kind and strong: your Covenant forever will endure; you bind us to your heart our whole life long. No matter how rebellious is your child, in you we are brought home and reconciled
You hold us, God, in kinship with each other. We have been loved and held when we would run. We all are siblings, all born of one Mother; though we would flee, you join us all as one. Our deepest wounds come from our deepest love, and so our highest hope for life above.
So teach us God, to bravely love each other, for all belong within your house of grace, to give our enemy, who is our brother, our steadfast mercy, and a wide embrace; for in our love, though we be right or wrong, we know the grace to which we all belong.
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O God, Creator of Each Thing
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O God, Creator of Each Thing
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Tallis' Canon
(or other alternatives).
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
O God, Creator of each thing, in thanks and praise to you we sing. In hunger sore we come to you: Creator God, make us anew. Our wounds you heal, our sins forgive. You serve this feast that we may live. You set us free; you make us new. In us shines love that comes from you. How blessed is Christ, who loved and healed, who by your grace, your love revealed. For Christ has died. And Christ is risen. And Christ will come in love again.
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O Great Creating God
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O Great Creating God
Original lyrics set to the tune of
This Is My Father's World.
. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
We sing in awe, O God: each wondrous, living thing, earth, stars and sun you made as one, and all your praises sing. O great creating God, creating still, in grace these gifts you give, and let us live on earth, this holy place. We breathe as one, O God, one Body with all earth, one flesh, one blood, one common good, one love that gives us birth. O great creating God, your cry goes out, unheard, for when we bruise or we misuse your earth, we scorn your Word. We cry in grief, O God. Creation's wounds we mourn: by war and greed, disease and need, the web of life is torn. O great, creating God, forgive our prideful sins for we have scarred your earth and marred the gift where life begins. We live in hope, O God, and bear your holiness: in Christ we turn our hearts and learn to heal and serve and bless. O great creating God, in grace creating still, may we renew this world with you, in peace with your good will
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O Holy Trinity
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O Holy Trinity
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
O Holy One, O Mystery beyond us, We praise you, Lord, O Grace without a name. Creator of the universe within you, Source of our life, Thou Infinite Divine, Unseen, unknown, we cannot frame or bind you, Only our wonder and our praise proclaim. O Loving One, O Love who made the heavens, You choose to come among us as our own, The Living Word, in flesh revealed, Companion, Stranger and Friend, whose suff’ring is your throne. Eternal One who humbly dies among us, Your tender mystery in love is known. O Living One, O Grace who lives in our life, We can’t contain you, but we can adore. Spirit of Love beyond, beside, within us, Into our hearts your healing presence pour. Many and One, O Mystery, Christ and Spirit, We sing, we live your praise forevermore.
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O Jesus, Wounded Sovereign
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O Jesus, Wounded Sovereign
Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Dear Jesus, you who suffer and walk among the poor whose hearts and lives are broken, whose faith is still unsure: despised, accused and battered, you do not say a word. So powerless, yet loving!— you are my Sovereign Lord. You bear no arms but loving, no threats nor flags unfurled. You wear no kingly robes, but the sorrows of the world. Yet your forgiveness conquers each worldly rule and reign, and rises, whole, undaunted, from evil, death and pain. While emperors abuse you, and people shrug or stare, and dark injustice troubles the ones for whom you care, your mighty grace arises, and hidden from our sight, enfolds all living beings in your triumphant light. O Jesus, wounded Sovereign, I pray, give me the nerve without this world’s armor to love and bless and serve. My master and companion, rule all eternity with grace and deep compassion, and, Lord, begin with me.
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O Sovereign Love
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O Sovereign Love
Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Amazing Grace
Beloved, you who guard and guide and give for every need, reign in my heart, O Sovereign Christ; direct each thought and deed.
O Sovereign Love, my root, my sun, my purpose and my peace, I spurn the world's vain, anxious rule, and trust your Law of Grace.
The Empire of your justice, God, with mercy's clear command shall be my home; my loyalty is to no lesser land.
In humble and obedient thanks I pledge my life to you, to join your work of justice, God, to make the world anew.
Reign in my heart, O Christ, my Rule. In faith I am compelled to serve you, who by love alone have conquered all the world.
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Offering Songs
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Offering Songs
Dozens of songs suitable for dedicating the offering or communion gifts, set to the tunes of familiar hymns. Most are one verse. Samples: (Tune:
Fairest Lord Jesus
) Blessed by your Spirit, God, and immersed in deepest grace, fed by your love, in love we live. Yours are the gifts we give; yours are the lives we live, bright shining as the morning sun. Tune:
Breathe on me Breath of God
Through raging storm and sea, you are the rock that stands. Trusting your grace, we give ourselves now into your loving hands. Tune:
This Is My Father's World
We give our gifts, O God, as branches of your vine. The lives we live, the gifts we give spring from your grace divine. So may we do your will, in all we say and do, the fruit we bear, the love we share, flow from our life in you. Tune:
For the Beauty of the Earth
All we have, O God, is yours, which we offer up to you. Grant us grateful hearts and pure, free, your loving will to do. Maker, we belong to you. Bless us; may our hearts be true.
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Oh, Jesus
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Oh, Jesus
Original song.
Solo in the style of a Black Spiritual (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description.)
Oh, Jesus, what have you done? Carried my burdens, every one, All of my sorrow, all of my sin, Like a mother gathering her children in. Now I’m left with nothin' at all but love, Nothin' but your tender, tender love. Oh, Jesus, what have I done? Crucified my precious one. I didn't want to bear the pain or loss, So I left you alone to carry the cross. Now I'm left with nothin' at all but love, Nothin' but your sufferin', sufferin', love. Oh, Jesus, what will you do? Forgive me like you always do. With not a word of wrath or blame, You died with love gently sayin' my name. Now I'm left with nothin' at all but love, Nothin' but your precious, precious love. Oh, Jesus, what will I do? Give me the courage to follow you, To give my love if I live or die, And never again to crucify. For I'm left with nothin' at all but love, Nothin' but your dyin', dyin' love
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One Loaf
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One Loaf
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Be Thou My Vision
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Like wheat that's made into one loaf of bread, we are one Body with Christ as our head, grateful for grace guiding us from above, we are one people, one Spirit, one love. Spirit, you live in us, in each and in all, giving us each gifts to answer your call. Your gift is in every soul, every heart, each of us needed to offer our part. Give us the faith, God, to go where you lead, act as your loving and kind mustard seeds. Send us in love to this world so in need, spreading your good news in word and in deed.
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One Tribe
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One Tribe
Original lyrics set to the tune of
The Water Is Wide
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
We come with thanks, God, at your call, to share our gifts in love with all; for what to us you have supplied is meant for all both far and wide. The bread and cup from Jesus’ hand exceeds the bounds of every land. Your saving love, surpassing worth, we share with every soul on earth. Here at this feast we are, by grace, one nation now, one tribe, one race. All our divisions are erased. We all are kin in every place.
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Open Me
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Open Me
Original song.
A dialogue between soloist and congregation. Refrain may be used as a repeating chant. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Ears are stopped. Not listening. Eyes of my heart don't see a thing. I need you. Touch me and heal me and open my life with your love.
All, Refrain:
Open me. Open me. Open me. Open me. Mind is closed. Much to learn. Love, how I need to change and turn. So teach me. Open my mind to the new and the whole and to you.
Hands are closed. Hearts are hard. The Circle of Life is torn and scarred. So heal us. Open our hearts to the world so your blessing may flow.
Love is here. Grace abounds. Heaven itself is all around. Enlarge me. Open the doors of my soul and let light shine within.
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Open My Heart
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Open My Heart
Original lyrics to a familiar tune. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Words: Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Tune: Open My Eyes
Open my eyes that I may see everyone ‘round me lovingly, shedding my labels, habits and fear, see with a heart that’s true and clear. Patiently, God, may I behold each blessed life as it unfolds. Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine.
Open my ears and let me hear unspoken stories, unshed tears. Help me to hear with love shining through stories that no one’s listened to. Tenderly, God, help me to hold what is within each person’s soul. Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine.
Open my heart and grant me love, mercy for those I’m heedless of. Help me to know each person I face as one you bless with gentle grace Lovingly, God, please make me more mindful of those whom we ignore. Open my heart, illumine me, spirit divine.
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Our Living Breath
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Our Living Breath
Original lyrics set to the tune of Londonderry Air (
Oh Danny Boy
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
O Holy One, Creator of the stars of night, whose dust we are, created with your light, now breathe your spirit into us and give us life; give us new hearts that beat with your delight. Our dust and ashes, Lord, we give in faith to you. Receive our lives, our sin, our wounds, our death; and raise us up with Christ from death to life by grace. Lord, may we be your love and you our living breath.
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Out of the Deepest Depths (Ps. 130)
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Out of the Deepest Depths (Ps. 130)
Original song.
Psalm 130. Includes choir version. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Out of the deepest depths I cry to you, O God. O listen with your heart, and hear my pleading voice. If you counted sins, then no one could stand with you; but Love, you forgive. I wait for you, my God, for in your word I hope. I wait for you, Love, more than those who wait for dawn, yes, more than those who watch for the morning light I wait for you. O Hope, O Israel, hope in the Holy One. For with our God is love, God’s steadfast, faithful love, and power to redeem; for God is the one who will redeem us from sin.
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Palm Sunday- Brief Prayer Service
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Palm Sunday- Brief Prayer Service
A brief prayer service for Palm Sunday (focusing on the service of the Palms, not the Passion). View the service
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Palm/Passion Liturgy (Matthew)
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Palm/Passion Liturgy (Matthew)
A complete worship service structured as a dramatic reading of Matthew's Passion story for Palm/Passion Sunday. For 7 or 8 readers.
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Palm/Passion Service (Luke)
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Palm/Passion Service (Luke)
A worship service using the passion story of Luke as the framework of the liturgy.
View the service
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Peace, Peace, Peace
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Peace, Peace, Peace
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Still, Still, Still
Includes music for two flutes. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Peace, peace, peace. God grant you peace, my friends. The Christ child comes, so sweet and tender. Greet him with your trust and wonder. Peace, peace, peace, God be with you, my friends. Love, love, love, love light your way, my friends. Here at the manger humbly kneeling; gladly going, serving, healing. Love, love, love, love light your way, my friends.
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Please, I Want to See
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Please, I Want to See
Original song.
Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use. (Listen to an audio sample in the Product Description.)
(A dialogue between soloist and congregation)
Jesus, your brother, your Savior, says, “What do you want me to do for you?”
Please, I want to see anew, Jesus, please give me sight. I want to see with the eyes of love. I want to walk in the light.
2. Help us to see by the light of your grace, aware of your presence, awake to you. Please, I want to see anew...
3. Heal all our blindness, the eyes we close; Give us the courage to look with love. Please, I want to see anew...
4. Teach us the ways of your heart, O God. Show us your path, the Way of Love. Please, I want to see anew...
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Prayer Song
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Prayer Song
Original song.
Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use.
Chorus may be used as a repeating chant. (Hear it in the Product Description below.)
God, you hold us in you care as we turn to you in prayer. You hear our yearning by your grace; we return your warm embrace.
We await your revealing, your love and your healing. All things shall be whole again. Amen. Amen.
God, you hold them in your care whom we name now in our prayer. Use the blessing of our soul by your grace to make them whole.
God, we hold you in our care; We receive you now in prayer. Let us listen; let us tend. Rest here, welcome, holy friend.
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Praying with Psalm 23
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Praying with Psalm 23
A series of brief prayers, with visual meditations, based on Psalm 23. View the prayers
Lead me, shepherd, through the cluttered junkyard of my desires, through the noisy bazaar of all the stuff I think I need, to the quiet meadow of your love, where I have everything I need. Breath prayer: Enough … at peace.
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Prepare Your Way In Me
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Prepare Your Way In Me
Original song. Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use.
Based on Luke 3.4-9. (Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Prepare your way in me, Love, prepare your way in me. Prepare your way in me, Love, prepare your way in me, my Love.
1. Make my rough places smooth, the crooked make straight, my Love. 2. Lay your hand at my root, that I may bear fruit, my Love. 3. Come and empty my heart of all things but you, my Love. 4. Guide my feet in your way; fill me with your peace, my Love.
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Prodigal Grace
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Prodigal Grace
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Amazing Grace
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
As once a wandering son, disgraced, was welcomed home anew, as Christ was raised, so by your grace, we have new life in you. In joy for one once dead, who lives, a banquet you prepare. We bring the gifts the Spirit gives, with all the world to share. Forgiven, reconciled as one, we answer to your call, to serve in love with Christ, your Son, to share your love with all.
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Promises of God
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Promises of God
Original song. Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use.
1 Peter 1.19 (Listen to it in the Product Description below.)
Pay attention my friends, to the promises of God, like a candle shining in a dark place, 'till the morning star rises brightly in your hearts, so that even in the darkness you may walk in the light of God.
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Ps. 23 with handbells
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Ps. 23 with handbells
A reading of Psalm 23 accompanied by handbells.
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Psalm 23
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Psalm 23
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Be Thou My Vision
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
God is my shepherd; I have all I need. God makes me lie down in green pastures to feed. By the still waters God gently will lead. Love, you're my shepherd. I have all I need. Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I fear not, for you are as close as my breath. For you are with me, your staff and your rod they are my comfort, my shepherd, my God. You set my table before all my foes. You pour out your blessing; my cup overflows. Goodness shall hold me wherever I roam, and I will live with you, my Heart, my Home.
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Psalm 23 – Nine paraphrases
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Psalm 23 – Nine paraphrases
Nine paraphrases and "versions" of Psalm 23.
Sample: Love, you shepherd me. You free me from the tug of desire. You rest me. In the green pasture of your grace I lie down.
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Psalm 25
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Psalm 25
Original lyrics paraphrasing Psalm 25.1-10, set to the tune of
What Child Is This.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
To you, O God, I lift my soul; in you, my trust abiding. O lead my feet with mercy sweet: my only path your guiding.
Love, make me know your ways, that I may follow all my days. You, you will save me, God. For you my heart is waiting. Be mindful of your mercy, God, your love, here from the beginning. Now set me free and deliver me from wayward fear and sinning. (
) How loving and how good you are: you teach the humble and feed them, and turn their face with steadfast grace toward life, and faithfully lead them. (
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Raise Up Your People
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Raise Up Your People
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Be Thou My Vision
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
God, you who raised up your Christ from the grave. Raise up your people and bless us and save! Help us be mindful our life is in you when we surrender you raise us up new. When all the powers of evil assail, not by our strength but your grace we prevail: when we are lowly and gentle in love power is not ours but flows from above. Give us the faith, God, to fearlessly live, love with our whole hearts and bless and forgive. Your Word is borne, God, in all that we do; in our forgiveness is Christ raised anew.
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Resurrection Light (Easter)
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Resurrection Light (Easter)
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Ode to Joy
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Multiple versions for sunrise service, regular worship and brief. Sample:
In your mercy you have shattered every tomb we cannot flee. From whatever binds and traps us you have set your children free: free to live in every moment life that is a gift from you, life unfettered, in your Spirit, life unbounded, always new. Help us to receive this life that rises up and soars above. Grant us courage for self-giving; grant us trusting, fearless love. Help us lose the lives we cling to; with compassion and delight give our lives, receiving new ones, bright with Resurrection light.
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Resurrection Light (Transfiguration)
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Resurrection Light (Transfiguration)
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Joyful, Joyful
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Wake us, Jesus from our dreams, to see you in a holy light: Law and prophet, loving promise God has sent to guide us right. As Elijah, call us Godward, speak the living truth to us. As our Moses, lead us in our liberating exodus. Wake us, Jesus, from our fear of pain and death, and from our sin. Grant that we may live illumined by the world you usher in. All things shine with light reflected from the dawn that fills our sight. All of life is thus transfigured by your resurrection's light. Wake us, Jesus from complacent dreaming on the mountain's height. Teach us humble service: your departure is our guiding light. Preach the gospel, feed the hungry, heal the broken, give them sight. Give your life, then find it, shining bright with Resurrection light.
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Return, My Soul
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Return, My Soul
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Return, my soul, from all your hungry wandering, your fearful search for comfort and control. Let go my grasp of things apart from God, for God alone can heal and hold my soul. Return to God, for God alone will love me, and give me life, and bless and make me whole. Return, my soul, from all the things that dull me, that soothe my sense, but leave my sin in place. My broken heart, return from tricks and bargains; turn to the One who meets me face to face. Return to God. Each moment turn again; receive unending love and life and grace. I turn, O God, to you who love with patience. You walk beside me, though I cannot see. You are my life in dry and weary deserts, my spring of life that flows eternally. I turn to you, from false desire and grasping, and letting go, I find that you hold me.
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Risen Bread
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Risen Bread
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Be Thou My Vision
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
You laid your life down like sowing a seed; once dead and buried, from death you are freed, rising like wheat in the warmth of the sun! Christ you are risen! New life has begun! Christ, you are risen, but not far above: you live among us in each act of love, in every deed of compassion you rise, living in flesh we can see with our eyes. Christ, we are blest as we gather to dine, strengthened for love by the bread and the wine. This is your Body, now entering ours, strong with your loving, miraculous powers. Gathered like wheat from the fields in the sun, once we were scattered but raised we are one. We are the body of your love and grace, your blest community, your real human face. Jesus, you feed us, then bid us to leave, sharing with others the love we receive. We are your Body, sent by your command, making love real as the bread in our hands.
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Sacred Place
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Sacred Place
A song about ministry, but also ideal for the dedication or blessing of a sanctuary, worship spaced or church building. Original lyrics set to the tune of
Ode to Joy.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
God, creator of the heavens, earth and everything that lives, this world is your home, and shines with glory that your presence gives. Christ, your living sanctuary, he in whom you lived in love, is for us our healing shelter and our home with you above. It is not the objects here that make this church a holy place, but your spirit and our worship, gifts no treasures can replace. May this place give sacred shelter, welcome all who seek your face, heal and strengthen hearts for service, be the home of light and grace. Send us from this sanctuary out into the world you bless; let this be the center of a growing ring of love and grace. Let this be the nest from which your Holy Spirit takes its flight. Make us all your sanctuary, bearing to the world your light.
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Original song.
(Hear an audio excerpt in the product description below.)
Arms of healing, hands of peace, be my sanctuary. Heal me, bless me with your grace, in your sanctuary. All are welcome, all are safe, in your sanctuary. All are given blessed life in your sanctuary. May we offer, by your grace, holy sanctuary, be your loving hands and face, be your sanctuary.
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Savior, in this Holy Darkness
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Savior, in this Holy Darkness
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Savior, in our longing darkness, waiting in our deepest night, come and grace our hunger and yearnings; for we live by hope, not sight. Christ, we long for you. Come bless us. Help us all to walk in the light.
Savior, in our lonely darkness come to us who inwardly mourn. Raise the love that lies a captive; mend the cloth that has been torn. Come to us, O God, with holy love: wake us with the light of morn.
Savior, in our wounded darkness, shadowed by our evil ways, fear and anger and injustice, violence that shutters our praise, come, O Christ, and heal our broken lives with love's gentle, dawning rays.
Savior, in this deepening darkness, how we long to see your face! Yet you move, unseen among us with your mercy and your grace. Give us eyes of faith to see you, hidden in each time and place.
Savior, in this holy darkness, no one sees the flight of the dove. No one hears the song of the angels. Yet there shines a lone star above. Grant this joy, to know your presence here. Come and fill our hearts with your love.
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Seeds of Light
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Seeds of Light
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Fairest Lord Jesus
Use as Communion hymn, or Eucharistic Prayer responses. Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
(Sanctus) Holy and Loving One, thank you for your love and grace from the beginning, throughout our days. With every living thing in grateful joy we sing, and lift to you our song of praise. (Memorial) Dying, Christ died with us. Rising, Christ has raised us up. Christ will come in love to reign. May we be seeds of light, shining with mercy bright, that death itself cannot contain. (Amen) Pour out your Spirit now on these gifts and us as well: make us the body of Christ again. Send us in love and grace, serving in joy and peace. All praise to you! Amen. Amen.
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Send Us In Love
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Send Us In Love
Original lyrics set to the tune of
Morning Has Broken.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
God in your mercy you are forgiving. Now in our living we give you praise, bearing your grace that blesses and frees us, following Jesus all of our days. Christ, your good news we share in thanksgiving, gratefully living as you have done. Make us your Body, faithfully sharing, loving and caring, serving as one. Send us in love now, Great Holy Spirit. All we inherit is ours to give. Set us to healing, humbly expressing your gracious blessing that makes us live.
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Send Us, Jesus
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Send Us, Jesus
Original lyrics set to the tune of
All Through the Night.
Free to copy and use. Or you can pay-what-you-like to donate.
Send us, Jesus, in your spirit, held in your love, to this torn and troubled world, still held in your love. When despair and pain have found us, still your mercy wraps around us, giving hope that may astound us, held in your love. Send us, Jesus, bearing witness, held in your love, present with the poor and broken, held in your love. Evil looms, so cruel, deceiving, leaving victims shorn and grieving; still we will not cease believing, held in your love. Send us with the power of healing, held in your love. Give us courage, strength and wisdom, held in your love. To the selfish powers, oppressing, may we stand, your love expressing, facing fear with grace and blessing, held in your love. Send us for the sake of living, held in your love. Give us grace to be forgiving, held in your love. Facing evil's vile rejection, fearless love is resurrection. May we be your best reflection, held in your love.
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Set Me Free (Red Sea)
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Set Me Free (Red Sea)
Original song.
Purchase includes digital download of lyrics and music and permission to use. (Hear an audio excerpt in the Product Description.)
1. Forgive me, God of mercy, set me free. (Repeat)
Refrain: From slavery to the past, through the deep Read Sea, lead me God of love. Set me free.
2. From anger and resentment, set me free…
3. From blaming and from judgment, set me free…
4. To be completely loving, set me free…
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Offering Songs