Flower and bee

In my morning prayers I ring
a little summoning bell that is the world.

The bird rises up into the air
and the breeze carries it.

The sea beckons the rivers,
who come, and the sea receives them.

Into the hunger of your lungs
the air comes happily.

The lovemakers offer their desire
and receive one another’s pleasure.

In the woods you breathe deeply
and the trees in the woods breathe deeply.

The incense lifts the question
to which you are an answer.

All of the world is a crying out.
All of the world is a responding.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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           God declares,
           “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.”

                           —Acts 2.17

The Holy Spirit is not a ghost,
neither Casper-friendly nor haunting.
God is Spirit; the Holy Spirit is God,
the movement of God, the movingness of God,
like how light isn’t a thing, and isn’t anywhere,
but moves, like the movement of love, which is
not a thing but a reaching-out, a connecting,
a movement, a breathing, in and out,
never held for long, but shared,
which is how Spirit connects us, the only one Spir-
it breathing in and out of us all the time, God’s re-
spiration, breathing in us, which is our in-
spiration (until it no longer moves in us and we ex-
pire) and so we all breathe together
because there’s only one breath, in which we con-
spire with God (which is why we sing,
because it invites us to breathe together),
moving with the movement of God,

all one, breathing together in the great con-
spiracy that is life.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Parthians, Medes, Elamites

On Pentecost the real miracle
was not the momentary wonder
of people speaking languages
they hadn’t been taught,
but the lasting miracle
of people making connections
despite all their separations,
discovering how they were alike
despite apparent differences,
knowing belonging
despite their being foreign.
They were one;
the boundaries did not exist.
They found a shared story,
tapped into the one Spirit
that breathed in them all.
Wonder at this: not that you could
speak some foreign language
but that you could love someone
who speaks a foreign language,
knowing by listening that
your hearts speak the same language,
you and they breathe the same Spirit,
one breath in all of us,
members of one body.
Something divine is going on,
partly in your heart and partly in theirs.
Only together will you behold the miracle.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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At the edge of the pond

At the edge of the pond you can
be forgiven for thinking you’re at the edge, not the
center of things. Demurely, a bit cool, the
ducks acknowledge you, but don’t
engage. Other birds sing distantly, or
fly overhead like songs. … But listen:
gathered here, at the center, in this nest, this
home, is everything. Tropical worms and polar
ice caps are all here, from farthest nebulae to your own
jawbone, here. There is only one thing.
Kneel in the grass. Let it all in. Expand.
Let the whole of it enter you, the night-sky-deep
mystery fill you till you become the world.
Nothing is missing. Nothing declines to attend.
Open yourself to the whole company of it. Let it
pour itself into you, the scent of the woods, the
quiet cry of far-off orphans, all of it. It
resounds in you, a chorus of a million voices, a
symphony of stars and sea grasses. Let it
tell you who you are, how you belong to everything,
undivided, present, susceptible to beauty,
vulnerable to light. Let this be your
wisdom. But don’t think it. Breathe it. Inhale and
exhale. Notice the supple arms of the beech tree, the
yellow dandelions and their bees, the glory hidden among the
zinnias. Look at your hands. The universe is there.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Listening in tongues

           “And how is it that…
          in our own languages we hear them
          speaking about God’s deeds of power?”

                           —Acts 2.8, 11

At Pentecost we’re pretty sure
we did the miraculous talking,
“speaking in tongues.”
But what if in fact the miracle was that
those people from every nation
heard in tongues?
What if they had the God-given gift
to listen deeply enough to know
the work of God when they heard it,
even in a foreign language?

We think we have so much to say.
Maybe we have something to hear.
Maybe the true Pentecostal gift
isn’t speaking at all, but listening:
listening in tongues,
letting the Spirit listen through us,
listening in new ways
for what we haven’t heard,
listening deeply enough to hear God,
even in the life of someone not like us.

What miracles emerge, when we listen deeply!

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


Grounding One,
O Divine Flourishing,

with the plow of your grace
till me, soften me, aerate me.

Uproot my prickly vines
of fear and want.

Let the seeds of you
be buried in me,


in me.
Sprout mightily,

little green fingers, so strong,
feel your way through me

toward light,
toward fruit.

Let the great flourishing

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


A girl in my high school that I never knew
but saw a lot used to go around every
corner in the hallway as if she’d never
been there before. She’d lean way out to the
side to look, almost on one foot,
the other stretched behind, as if to see it
for the first time, as if to check it out before
she committed to making the turn. But she
always made the turn. It wasn’t fearful, just
a pause, a moment of expectation. “Look,”
she told herself, “I’m turning a corner!” I loved
it. Whenever I saw her do it I’d walk into my
next classroom with a little bit of anticipation,
even under pretense, a little expectation that
I might be surprised. Or I might actually turn
a corner and actually do something
for the first time. And I often surprised
myself. I looked as if for the first time, and
often saw something for the first time. Or saw
somebody I’d seen a thousand times as if
for the first time. I still love her for it.

May the corner you turn next be an opening,
an adventure. Look! You’re turning a corner!
May even a thing you’ve done a thousand times
be the first time you’ve ever done it, a surprise.
And if it is truly a new thing, imagine Jesus
leaning out around the corner on one leg, looking,
and looking back at you, smiling, then disappearing
around the corner.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


           While he was blessing them,
           he withdrew from them
           and was carried up into heaven.

                           —Luke 24.51

So where exactly did Jesus go?
Up into which sky, beyond which clouds?
Where is the body now?

There is no where. That’s the point.
There is no where where he is
more or less than any other where.

As Jesus rose from his grave,
he rose from his body—the one
body—to all bodies, all places.

He ascended to “heaven,”
which is where God is, which is
not distant but at the heart of all things.

The body of the risen Christ
is here, surrounding you.
You are in it; it is here in you.

Yes, you want more. Something
more real. That is faith: the urge
to make love real in this world.

That hankering for something felt, that
absence that only love can fill, that
tension, that strength, so real: that is the body.

Let that body’s motion move you.
Take that urge out into a world
hungry for the touch of love.

Given or received,
wherever there is love—there!:
the Word made flesh.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


What if
the light of the Resurrection was so bright
it blinded Jesus
and you have to take him by the hand
and lead him into your life
and show him everything,
notice every detail for him
with the most loving attention;
and with something other
than his big, gentle closed eyes
he touches
your life, your wounds, your friends,
and blesses them,
feels your tears, your silences,
hears your heart, your hope,
becomes familiar with the little stones
beside the way, the blades of grass,
the flow of your breath
in and out?
What if he doesn’t have to see,
because you are his body?

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

Why don’t miracles happen?

Why don’t miracles happen any more?
Because we don’t need them.
Because we’re too smart for them.
We think we’re better than primitive people
who believed in spirits and unseen forces.
Because we have explanations now, and AI,
and there’s nothing we can’t do
so who needs miracles,
or one who performs them?
Anyway, if we really wanted miracles
how could we possibly go back now,
unlearn all we know,
unbelieve all our powers?

Our openness is too primitive,
our humility undeveloped.
We’d have to practice.
We’d have to live in wonder.
We’d have to pay attention.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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